Can anyone confirm this indictment list ?

Loretta Lynch
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 2 counts of obstruction of justice
• 3 counts of lying to Congress

Sally Yates
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 3 counts of obstruction of justice

John Brennan…
. 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 3 counts of obstruction of justice
• 2 counts of lying to investigators
• 1 count of conspiracy to commit TREASON
• 3 counts of lying to Congress

James Clapper
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 2 counts of lying to Congress
(4) CIA operatives indicted
• no charges listed

James Comey
. 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 4 counts of obstruction of justice
• 6 counts of perjury
• 4 counts of falsifying government documents

Andrew McCabe
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 2 counts of perjury
• 3 counts of lying to Congress
• 1 count of falsifying government documents

Bruce Ohr
• 3 counts conspiracy (unknown)
• 1 count falsifying government documents

James Baker
-charges n/a

Peter Strzok
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 4 counts of perjury
• 3 counts falsifying government documents

Lisa Page
• 3 counts of conspiracy to overthrow the government
• 1 count of obstruction of justice
• 3 counts of perjury

Rod Rosenstein
• 5 various charges (unknown at this time)

Susan Rice
• illegal use of government systems
. 3 counts of perjury
• 1 count of obstruction of justice

Attached: Praise_Allah.jpg (600x392, 36.24K)

Offtopic, reported

So you just made stuff up?

hah, this OP implies there is justice in this world, what a faggot

Gotta earn that 50 cents, shill.
You're not allowed to report a report, shill.
>but thirty spamthreads on disinfectant are okay
Obvious shilling is self-defeating shilling, shill.

James 8 Corny falsified way more than 4 documents

Bump. This ought to be what's happening but there's no evidence I have seen that it is.


The Senate Intel committee collapsed on Sunday and endorsed the technologically impossible, fundamentally illogical "Russian hackers" story.

Confirmed, numericals say so

Lol at this faggot, Thinking trump was going to drain the swamp.

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>Trust the plan goy
>muh sealed indictments
4 years later
>trust the plan, goy
>stay inside
>muh sealed indictments
Is there anything more pathetic than deluded qniggers?

Attached: kether.png (200x200, 61.38K)

>conspiracy to overthrow the government

Fake as fuck. That's a LARPy fantasy. No; those people are not going to be charged with "conspiracy to overthrow the government."

Attached: Earjack 2.png (1008x839, 92.28K)

Cant confirm your list. However things are coming to a head. What happened with that SEC investigation on the politicians who profited off the market crash?

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-054713_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 287.04K)

Attached: dianne-feinstein-jim-inhofe.jpg (3000x2000, 1.18M)

This shit came from a literal satire account on Twitter

Attached: 1587119011897.jpg (700x700, 708.79K)

wow this is huge

This nigger looks like a jew took a shit in his mouth as an initiation into being top level shabbos goy and he has never changed since.


I'll believe it when I see it.

The insane amount of slide threads since this came out makes me wonder if this might be true

Hey man don't go posting things and then not give source. If my dick gets hard I need to masturbate.

Yeah, I can confirm that this is a LARP.

What did they mean by this?

Attached: EWXCq3VWAAIosRh.jpg (480x853, 32.63K)

True? Please!

Attached: Boe Jiden .png (1080x720, 773.27K)

Jesus Christ people just go look at the source of this shit

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-025855_Adblock Browser.jpg (1440x1434, 687.04K)

Attached: Treasonous John O Brennan.png (630x430, 391.99K)


fake and gay.
> Politicians have one purpose and that is to die.
We need to hang the bastards, every single one of them they are all complicit in treason against the people.
Our political system has no representation it is all just theatre.
These politicians are just guardians of the game, the game that is used to keep slaves, can we get this revolution started already.
I vote for hung drawn and quartering of every member of government and make the senior politicians watch as their counterparts are executed first to give them a real taste of what they have been doing.

Those in favour of adopting this revolution say aye

FUCK, my eyes! Don't do this, I'm in a dark room.