Trump didnt actually say to inject anything! UV Treatment is real!

>Trump didnt actually say to inject anything! UV Treatment is real!

If Donnie was half the leader you thought he was, you wouldn't need to speak for him after every mistake.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Go fuck a pig Muhammad.

and Hillary would be in prison

To be fair if people didn't constantly lie about what he says then nobody would have to correct retards parroting the propaganda
ok magafag.

Attached: Shill vs Shill.jpg (1600x1131, 206.39K)

Them why do you cry any time he does anything? From europe?

This is total bullshit. People have been quoting his words, there is videos/tweets of him saying stupid shit and you all defend him or say it’s fake news.

Just admit you made a mistake in voting this retard in and stop doubling down on his bullshit.

If the headlines weren't "Trump tells people to inject disinfectant" and instead were "Trump asks a stupid question" which is the truth I wouldn't need to defend him.

>Admit you made a Mistake voting for him.

He was vindicated by this virus and subsequently anybody who didnt vote for him should admit they were wrong to oppose him.

Attached: tight all alonge.jpg (1027x1026, 416.67K)

I got the vid of him saying it roght here

timestamp is at 1:48 for anyone wondering

he didn't here's the exact quote, which is a question

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

You're asking me to vote for a women retard. I had to vote for Trump. A cunt should never sit in the Oval office.

He literally just says that they were testing wether or not ultraviolet or "powerful" light will work through the body. That is literally all he says in this 1:11 minute video. How in gods name can they turn it into
>President Trump Suggests ‘Injecting’ Disinfectant as Coronavirus Cure

Woah another Trump stream of consciousness while talking to a reporter.

Ive been watching this guy speak for 4 years. He's trying to recall some medical theory somebody had told him earlier. Big fucking deal. Go back to Twitter you fucking chinks.

Heres the video of trump.

I think you might be literally retarded, nigger

This is true. The tuberculosis wards in Louisville KY had one whole side of the building that faced towards the sun so they could roll the patients out.

at about 2:05 he says "and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in about 1 minute......" and goes on to suggest injecting it.


>UV Treatment is real!
get fucked, moron

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Fake news

What's with foreign flags being niggers and just outright lying?

This is total bullshit. People have been editing, and misrepresenting his words, there is videos/tweet of him saying shit, and you attack him or say it's "Orange Man Bad".

Just admit you made a mistake pushing your failed commie agenda, and stop doubling down on your kike bullshit.

what are VPNs?

most of these niggers are American kool-aid haired twitter cunts parroting shit they heard in their echo chambers

Faggot, you sure do make a leap from admitting he says stupid things sometimes to saying we regret voting for him and made a mistake? Lol. You’re so desperate.

Twitter has every hysterical idiot thinking their takes are important... and of course we largely have Trump to blame for legitimizing Twitter.



Shut the fuck up kike.

no shit its real
besides being obvious to non retarded individuals who at least some basic sense of physics,
a president of the united states would not actually make such statement, with rationality, no matter how much of a meme president he is