I'm genuinely curious but what exactly is wrong with people dying to corona-chan...

i'm genuinely curious but what exactly is wrong with people dying to corona-chan? why are we treating corona like its a bad thing?

overpopulation is a huge issue worldwide and covid mainly targets the poor, the unhealthy, the dirty and the old. how is it a bad thing if thousands of chinks, pajeets, old annoying social security leeching boomers, starving africans and muzzies dying off? most white people who can breed, NEETS like you and I are perfectly content staying home. and those who do go out and mass gather are usually retarded so it's also killing stupid people.

we are getting a 3 in 1 victory package, an IQ purge, a population purge AND a exposing corporate jews during this time as everyone is bailing them out and the people are ANGRY

I genuinely see no reason why Yas Forums shouldn't meme and encourage more people who are stupid enough to go out, to go out.

Why is corona being treated like its a bad thing?

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>overpopulation is a huge issue worldwide
Stopped reading there.
Burger "education".

>1.4 bil chinks and barely slowly declining
>1.4 bil pajeets and rising
>predicted 1bil afronigs by 2050
>counting all of south america and mestizo mutts, 1bil spics and climbing massively as they interbreed with whites

? there's too much fucking people lol

it’s the flu, bro

Overpopulation is NOT a problem because of plant factories and thorium reactors on the horizon. Humans have always advanced and there are scientific solutions to these "problems." Anyone who pushes the "overpopulation" narrative is a genocidal psychopath and a danger to humanity.

Viruses are indiscriminate. It's not like they only infect people who make bad decisions. My whole life I've always been careful about germs and had excellent sanitation, I'm young, healthy, and fit, and I've always been very solitary and not very social, yet I can't remember ever going a full year without catching a cold, and this is way more contagious than a cold.

You forgot all the muslims in deserts shitting out 10 kids

We should use cutting edge nuclear and quantum physics to feed 4 billion retarded third worlders, nah fuck it, let's push those numbers, 10 billion! It's all part of the spic-nig cycle after all

asians are pretty much immune

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>and this is way more contagious than a cold

source: your fucking ass


Why are you acting like you own all the technology and the entire world? If companies in countries want to develop that technology and use it and it helps their population, let them. How does that concern you, you control freak?

You're a special kind of naive Do me a favor, draw your political journey on here and repost

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Last time I landed in the Nationalist Populist square. It's naive to think you can control the world. Population isn't hurting anyone. There's plenty of space in the world and technology will find new ways to make energy and food. Every human has the right to life, and there are no "animals in human form." We are all human.

As an ecofascist i'm having the time of my life

we fear death, we are very attached to life, we don't want people who are 90 to die.

threescore and ten was the expectation not so long ago.

Ok rabbi lol

>population isnt hurting anyone
Objectively false
>there is enough space
There is not
>right to life
The concept of human rights is also false and is an idea less than 300 years old
>we are all human
Also false. Some people are worth far more than others

Truth bomb for ya. First: this virus is most dangerous to old people, and old people make all the decisions. Second: everyone with money is making a shitload more money because of the crisis.

Manufactured or not, what this crisis is doing is making the rich way richer and dooming the poor to lives of servitude. Hope you’re on the right side bud.

I specifically argued against people who say there are animals in human form, idiot. Someone has some reading to do. I support strong borders. As long as we're allowed to have borders, 3rd world population shouldn't bother you.

This guy should have replied to you! Everything you said couldn't possibly be more wrong. See


>you actually believe overpopulation isnt a problem
You're either an accelerationist towards chaos or an actual idiot

Wrong because the current flu has not been caused by organic reasons but eith artificial tech between two countries currently having a bitch fight for whom has the biggest dick meanwhile everyone has to take it up the ass shaking the worlds order

>overpopulation is a huge issue worldwide

No. Stop believing jewish pseudo-environmentalist propaganda

>solving problems with more problems isnt going to fuck up the world

>what are plant farms, thorium reactors, and desalination plants.


Too much fucking shitskins because of all the gibs we give them. Whites should have at least 7 children

shut up stupid bitch
based and checked!

Imagine being this retarded.

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Mutts are so fucking stupid

Quarantine is fine. Lots of animals roaming towns now, it's cute to see.
Less people in the streets, most trapped in the cities. It's a huge relief for the rural world.
Working from home enforced, also a good thing.
The deaths of civilians... It's not like I care too much, people die from many things. There's lots of people dying for smoking and morbid obesity, smoking, diabetes, etc. Those are things we could put an end to and we let them piss their health away slowly. Now we're going to pretend we care about people's lifes?
Surely, the loss of specific individuals can be sad. But as numbers go I don't see a problem with it.

The real problem is the people that are profiting from it. Both financially and politically. And this profit is going to crush everybody else (the common folk). That's worrying. We will lose freedom and leverage unless here's a massive riot.

overpopulation isnt a problem, that was nazi propaganda. We've gone from 2 billion to 7 billion since then and it's still not a problem. The world can handle a disorganized 100 billion. Organized it could hold over a trillion (sahara desert alone can hold 1 trillion, the rest of the world can be left to nature). Thats assuming no technology breakthroughs.

if i catch you, do i get to keep your pot of gold?

I was really hoping it would be worse too.

>Hispanics being listed as "caucasian" most likely

yeah it's so cute having whole towns overrun with rats. I didnt even know we had rat problems like this in the UK. Literally never seen one in my life, just the odd field mouse.