>He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
Why do people still think this man is a genius?
He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute...
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Jannies do you job
An aerosolized contact killing antiviral/antibacterial would be amazing if it didn't kill everything else it touched.
Disinfectants like alcohol or diluted quaternary ammonia don't really hurt you because your skin is already dead.
He is old and overworked. Sometimes he says really dumb shit but most of the time he is honestly trying to help and most of the time he is right.
Biden is a pedo who doesn't even know where he is (but at least he knows about the roaches)
>Sometimes he says really dumb shit
>Only sometimes
Holy fuck man have you not been paying attention? He's been a complete retard the entire presidency.
>Biden is a pedo and doesn't know where he is
Why is he suddenly old and overworked
Why does he talk like this? Everything is tremendous and beautiful and incredible. Why can't he talk like a normal person for once?
Hes saying hydroxychloriquine and zinc works but you morons are waiting for people to get ventilated before using it
He knew what he meant, it's up to the slow ones like yourself to catch up.
Everyone was talikng shit when he mentioned HCQ but its in our fomulary now so .. he obviously knows more than he lets on.
>Why is he suddenly old
I never said "suddenly"
well there is a virus and he has to do anything to look good to win the reelection. He probably works 14/7 (unlike Obama. When there was a virus in his presidency the media came up with a list of excuses why he was golfing all the time.)
Must suck to be drumpf when the entire MSM has nothing better to do than thinking about how to frame you in a bad way
Any glowniggers here available to test out this method? I hear waterboarding is a great way to get fluid inside the lungs. Why not just use bleach instead?
>someone killed her husband using fish tank cleaner and blamed Trump
>Trump ups the ante
>Thousands of faggots, trannies, and shit libs will kill themselves so that it can be blamed on Trump
I don’t see the problem
Inn b don’t see the problem
No, Americans are told that chloroquine is poison and will kill entire villages of mutts by one side while the other describes it as the the cure sent by Jesus to deliver the US midwest from Satan. Meanwhile in the real world it's used as a treatment, not much is said about it, the outcomes speak for themselves.
How do you reach that conclusion? Fish tank guy listened to what Trump said, making him a Trumptard. I think Trumptards are more likely to die from ingesting bleach.
wow trump is a genius for independently thinking of precision targeting of critical amounts of a harmful mutually harmful treatment
this has been studied for everything from parasites and cancer to autoimmune diseases
did anyone even watch the video? he was talking about a form of uv light therapy. disinfectant clearly refers to light.
his entire statement was also proposed as a question to his advisors.
did you all forget your reading comprehension skills from primary school?
It doesn't matter if you understand it. Normies have been conditioned to listen only to "experts" who "debunk" things so they won't actually listen to Trump themselves.
Kill everyone over 70. This is the best they have to offer
>current year
>still making BLUMPH SAID A THING threads
LMFAO at your life faggot
so how do you inject someone with light?
You know what else kills germs? Fire, acid, radiation, mechanical action, and you know... all the things that would kill us.
Yall are duuuumb mother fuckers.
OP is brainlet
Already being used for COVID
Isn't he rich since birth? Shouldn't have the best education money can afford?
What was that list of excuses? You’re the resident historian here.
This is going to be so fucked when he's proven correct again. He's been some sort of idiot savant thus far.
Inject the lysol you pussy.
Drink bleach
UBI look it up
See what I mean? Covvofofe strikes again!
You CAN'T be Irish
90% of this material is in the /cvg/ pastebin and has been since February. He probably just asks Barron to keep him updated.
Trump has had more sexual assault allegations against him than Harvey fucking Weinstein including ones from a 12 and a 13 year old lmfao
And in the past 4 years, what exactly has he improved? Health, education, accommodation, standards of living? Or did he just give his billionaire friends tax cuts, golf all day every day and cut funding for emergencies like hurricanes and pandemics resulting in countless deaths? What about free speech, what exactly did he do about net neutrality? Oh yeah, he got ajit fucking pai to be chairman of the FCC so he could suck telecom companies off by removing net neutrality regulations.
If it wasn't for sheer outrage marketing and "owning the libs" that rapist reality TV car salesman would have completely faded into obscurity.
>Trump has had more sexual assault allegations against him than Harvey fucking Weinstein including ones from a 12 and a 13 year old lmfao
Trump raped me too
rest of your post could be from CNN and I don't even bother to address it
Why would you think a antiviral inhaler is such an impossibility?
We use topical antibacterial agents to stop infections in cuts and scrapes on the skin, while we use antibacterial agents to treat systemic infections at the same time, so why are you opposed to this line of research?
If the virus could be eradicated from the lungs efficiently enough, with routine applications, then even while you're still infected you might be able to avoid the scarring on the lungs that some people seem prone to.
This guy is way ahead of you, genius.
Think outside the box. Novel problems sometimes require novel solutions.
Are you talking for yourself with the "cope" ?
Because Trump get the job done, while the other senile mongoloid is genuinely retarded.
That I can believe. Eh, if it works it works.
A little more scientific in approach, the bioweapon boffins concluded their two week trial of cov stating that it hangs around for 18 hours on surfaces, dropping to 6 hours in humidity 80%+, and is in fact destroyed entirely by direct sunlight in 2 minutes!
So, basically, the sunbathers were right, and the cops can fuck off. We shouldn't have been inside these last four weeks, we should have been ordered out into the parks and beaches.
not politics
This virus is nothing but politics.
Muricans are sleeping, bruh.
With that many ALLEGATIONS you would think one of them has actual evidence. But no
I assumed he meant vaping. Something about the juice disinfects?
He has successfully fought globalist ambitions on every front.
And if you don't realize by now that globalism is the very mechanism by which all those richfags you hate so much plan on taking over and divvying up the world and its people, making you their property, then you either haven't been paying attention, or your too slow to analyze the bills and international compacts that have been pushed, such as the TPP (which Trump wrecked).