'If we had followed Sweden, we would have higher immunity': Norway Prof


>One of Norway's most eminent epidemiologists has questioned Norway's decision to impose a heavy lockdown, arguing that the country might have been better adopting a strategy closer to that of Sweden.

Oh no no no Norwayfriends, you got too cocky...But it's not too late, we welcome you to the based chad strategy. You just have to post int his thread, "Thank you, based Stephan Löfven."

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From the BBC -

"Architect of Sweden's approach says it has worked"

>Anders Tegnell, Sweden's chief state epidemiologist, believes his country's decision not to impose strict lockdown measures has "worked in some aspects because our health system has been able to cope".

>But Dr Tegnell has told the BBC that at least half the deaths have been in nursing homes and "it's a bit unclear to us if a lockdown would have stopped this from happening or not". He also argued that the decision not to impose strict restrictions meant that there was an immunity level of up to 20% in the capital, Stockholm, "so we hope this will make it easier for us in the long run".

Oh no no no how could this be happening? Sweden were supposed to be unbased?

>Meanwhile in Denmark and Norway, after a mere month and thrashing their economy sideways, crashing GDP...They choose to slowly start reopening all services and schooling. Following big brother's leadership.

Norway has done the worst of the Nods economically, with GDP down massively and seeing the worst losses on the stock markets.

The Oslo Bors Index being down around 20% this year.

Swedes are strong because they drink niggers’ cum

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How the fuck did they get their degrees?

I minored in microbiology and I know this shit.

They're doing worst than your country for deaths.

People forget that Sweden is a small country, so 100 deaths to them in a day is 1000-10000 for bigger ones.

Sweden is on the green curve and doing JUST FINE, hospitals running smoothly and most deaths attributed to care homes, over half, which is a problem in all of Europe.

Cope and seethe.

that is because we're so relient on oil

I can't help but think that current Norway is the relative Baby-boomers of their generations. Coasting on their ancestors gibs and not paving the way for future generations.

You have 200 deaths per million
US is 150 or so

>Being this retarded

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Mass immunity shouldn't be the goal. Containing the epidemy should. There's a reason why a massive country like pajeetland has so few cases. Stopping the infected from contaminating others works

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>follow the plan goy! Maybe in 20 years we'll acheive 100% immunity!

>norway has 200 dead
>sweden has 2000 dead

Everything I have said is referenced in FACT.

Norway's top epidemiologist DID say that, Tegnell does keep dabbing, Denmark and Norway are sheepishly reopening now, Norway's stock's have tumbled the most.

And Sweden IS still on the green curve!

Everything is fact, open your eyes, Sweden is WINNING AGAIN.

>meanwhile SD leader Jimmie "big family, big values" Åkesson is getting DIVORCED. Löfven has been married faithfully for 16 years.

One walks the walk, one is a hypocrite.


Used aftonbladet but you can use any source you want.

Enjoy your thousands of deaths, Sven

Show flag, coward.

Half of died from old folks homes, something observed it almost all EU countries.

But that aside, IMAGINE being on this board and trying to argue that you should shut down the entire country for 1000 dead. Actually embarrassing.

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People die, as a Pole I thought you'd have some experience with the issue.

The rule of oil is slowly, slowly coming to an end.

Is that you Barbara?

We're civilized country. 1 death means people care. I know that Swedish lives aren't worth much, but having many thousands of deaths + people being murdered by ooga boogas every day is just too much for me.

because of oil crashing dumbfuck

PS. Enjoy the Swedish Space Program

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notway has bren lying out their ass since the beginning. kying to back propagate the desired behavior is standard practice. sweden is a clusterfuck and a disaster and you are an absolute idiot

>Everything you've been posting in this thread
I really hope you're trolling, someone can't be this fucking dumb.

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>POLITICAL APOINTEES deceive the public and destroy their reputation in order to tow the party line
(((safe goy hands))) - news at 11

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Don't be braindead. ~2k deaths is just the beginning. Why did the virus enter retirement homes in the first place? Because of the weak measures in place to handle the outbreak. Comparing the deaths per capita in Sweden to most other countries, it's looking appalling for Sweden. Everything is pointing towards their experiment being a massive failure. The people responsible should be punished for coming up with and defending this destructive approach.


Dr John A Lee, a recently retired professor of pathology and NHS consultant pathologist, has repeatedly called for a critical and
dispassionate examination of the evidence in relation to Covid-19, raising questions about the government and its advisers'
interpretation of the data. spiked caught up with him to find out more.

Making old and sick people die is not based at all...

Good for the economy! Now you can take more refug*cough*gees!

You know the Swedish government was OK with it because most of the victims will be white of course

Oh god, do you think that they’re going to actually use this to take in even more refugees? :|
They’re okay with it because they’re dumb.