The First Seal

The first broken seal of Revelations says the release of the Antichrist onto earth, and its rise to power through peace and diplomacy, it is written it will come riding on a white horse.

W-what if the Antichrist isn't embodied in a single person, but what if the Antichrist is the United States? It rose to global power, on the backs of white men in military in the world wars, ans those prior (white horse).

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It is written that the Antichrist will will break the reception and show the world it's true evil nature when the horse turns from white to red.

American demographics are turning toward a majority of Chicano Mexicans, and mixes thereof (same basic geanology of native Americans, "Redskins").

At the same time in the last decade or two, the common accepted attitude toward America is that it's no longer the good guy, some would say we're bad.

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Makes no sense.
The US was built on the backs of black slaves and Jews and is growing to be mostly non-white.

>The US was built on the backs of black slaves and Jews

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Blacks were tools used by white people for manual labor lol, give me a break

seals are the chakras, when the first seal is broken (through sodomy) the white rider appears (death)

That's. Fucking. Stupid.

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the apple indicates the forbidden knowledge. up to you what you do with this information.

>everything is made of cotton

>2000+ year old novel still gets fanfics

The third seal breaking , it is written the horse turned from red to black, and with the change, brought disease, famine, and economic misfortune.

Third world immigration is a bigger threat than we know. Billions of Africans may soon be headed here on makeshift rafts due to their own famines and disease, how can we stop them all?

With them comes disease, famine (too many mouths to feed) and economic misfortune (crime, and even cheaper labor)

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Evil? Or rather necessary evil?

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>how can we stop them all?
Border wall with mounted guns to shoot then down and lace the coasts with mines.

But that’ll never happen sadly.

Tbe fourth seal, event(s) that cause a mass casualties will take place killing 1/4 the earth population, as the Antichrist's horse turns pale again. The mass extinction event IS ORCHESTRATED by the Antichrist (America) and it's horse (population of fighting age people) once again turns pale. Hinting that entities that control America may soon be genociding non-whites

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>people will be killed in one of those four ways
>one of those ways is "death"
>people die when they are killed

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All will fear my name

The fifth seal will come after people beg for a higher power to intervene and stop the evil, but are told to wait, even though the Antichrist is weakened after it's previous evil mass murdering strike.

America in a weakened state (majority white again would be very small population, so the genocide likely had help from biologically targeted weapons, to make it happen in the first place).

The world will call for the end of America, they will pray for our destruction. They will give up, and just as they do a higher power will act. What/who is that higher power?

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>satan fetish
>jesus fetish
Americas "christianity" is more a heathen cult at this point

The sixth seal with God reigning fire and fury down into earth. The elites will hide away in bunkers and caves hoping to survive, it is written

The question is, if the Antichrist is a personafied entity (a "country", many would argue America is not a country in a traditional sense but just a sleeve of power, controlled by whoever weasels their way into the center), could "God" also be something non-occult? Perhaps it refers something here on Earth. Or perhaps not?

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No the Bible is what it is. It's a person.

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Revelation was actually predicting the Jewish-Roman War of 70 AD, see

There's a reason it keeps saying how soon the events were: they actually were going to take place soon. The destruction of the Temple in a war started by a ruler whose name added up to 666 and fiercely persecuted Christians was all fulfilled in Nero.

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quit reading. Any dumbfuck that calls it this is on par with the faggots that refer to jesus as yeshua

im surprised more people dont get this

To be fair, unless you're familiar with the Jewish-Roman War then you couldn't know it. But you would think that "this generation won't pass until these things happen" or "you won't go through all the towns of Israel before this happens" would tip more people off that it really means what it says when it says "soon".

So if revelation has already been fulfilled, what are we waiting around for? When can we expect our Lord's return?

there is no waiting, we are all dead, this is hell


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That's not what it says, the 4 beasts of the earth on the horses can't all be anti-christ when the anti-christ is two beasts, one a man representing government and the other the adversary giving him magical powers.

1. Pestilence wearing a corona
2. War, man vs. man
3. Famine, the only beast that talks, says grain will be fuck expensive when Chairman Mao starves the world
4. Total body count, Death


you're not white, and the bible doesn't unfortunately revolve around you. you're like a woman attention whore who believes the universe revolves around her vagina. it's cringeworthy

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We aren't waiting around for anything. We have a job to do: we need to fulfill the Kingdom prophecies about an age of Church dominance, long lifespans, no war, etc. that the Bible talks about.

Jesus was going to come to three places: to Earth as a man, then to Heaven to be enthroned, and then to Earth once more when the final resurrection comes. People sometimes get these mixed up, take a look at

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Don't rush the eschaton, fools. Focus on the mortal kind of undooming people, and have the faith needed to do your best.

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.


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what if you're retarded?

The united states is "one nation UNDER GOD"
definitely not the antichrist.

one nation under the G.A.O.T.U.