Is anyone surprised? and is anyone surprised that the media isnt talking about this fact?
Truck driver who killed 4 Australian cops was pakistani muslim
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No they're too busy talking about the Porsche car guy bystander lmao
Based, for all their bluster Aussies are cucks. Suck more black cock, faggots. Happy ANZAC day
ironically this isn't some akbar moment, cunt was a methhead like the rest of them truckies
Would it have been better if the killing was done by a white r9k incel? Based tho. Fuck the government and all its enforcers
Not even phased by it is just like pottery
Have the cuckstrayans banned assault trucks yet?
just in time for ramadan.
Why does everyone kill Australians? We slaughtered a few last year too
Powerful....your move Australia
Remember folks, anti-Islam is pro-kike
OP is a Jew loving Zionist faggot
can i get a quick rundown?
i heard on the radio it was a mortgage broker in a porsche?
Cops are the boot on the people's neck, the goons of the zionists that control the world so nothing of value was lost. Who wants to be a cop? Psychopaths and people obsessed with getting medals. They're not here to help us.
Traffic accident. Kikes here are desperately trying to meme it into "Islamic terrorism".
Pretty sure its normal for truckies to be on ice right?
>coppers pull a speeding porsche cunt
>more coppers come
>SUDDENLY truck of meth & peace wipes them all out
>porsche guy bails after taking some happy snaps
>uploads to net and hands himself in next day
>everyone is grilling the shit out of porsche guy despite it being the truckie that actually killed them.
that dude was just the guy they were pulling over who drove off. This is the guy with the semi truck that rammed into police while they were pulling over the guy in the porsche
fuck oh hamhead we can hate both
Go home and drink your VB and bash your missus cos there isn't enough Vegemite in the house and your Centrelink payment won't cover the lay by at Kmart
his whole involvement has been memoryholed. Media is constantly flaming dick pussy, and normies on twatter and facerberg are screeching he (dick pussy) gets the death sentence or life in jail
They're trying hard to pin this on Dick Pussy, now alledging that he was taunting dying cops while he filmed them.
Watch them let this shitskin off without charges.
seems like they are combing his entire life so he could at the time of the accident be somehow in commission of a felony and therefore responsible for the coppers deaths.
wtf i want endless wars and even more restrictions on my personal freedom NOW!
is that cenk?
This, if only they were social distancing
When I heard the news report there was an awkward mention of a truck that didn't really fit into the rest of their piece.
Now it's clear, thank you.
Another lie by omission from the media.
Any details on how the collision actually took place?
I saw an highway patrol pull somebody over the other day on a 4 lane highway and the wheels of their car were well inside the left lane of traffic. Easy to see how some trucky on speed thats been up for 2 days comes past and takes them out when exiting their vehicle.
>in commission of a felony
wtf is this seppo shit you fake lawyer. We either have summary or indictable offences you dickhead. Stop watching american TV
The truck had to veer across several lanes to get into the emergency lane to hit the cops.
Also cops raided the truck drivers house afterwards and apparently found something that is 'the subject of an ongoing investigation'.
>Also cops raided the truck drivers house afterwards and apparently found something that is 'the subject of an ongoing investigation'.
If he was a terrorist he wouldn't fake a heart attack after wiping out those pigs, he would try to kill some more.
>killing cops bad