Did he really think he could change the world by publishing a book?

Did he really think he could change the world by publishing a book?

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No which is why he bombed a few computer store owners who had the fate of the world in their hands

If he never did that we wouldn't know about him let alone read his prophetic words

Yes. And no. All he wanted was to get the l9gging company to stop making so much noise. Thats why he wrote the manifesto in the first place. But he was right. And the public is catching on. Even of they're a few decades late to the party

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He was prob just bored from chillin in that cabin all day.

Do you really think you could change the world with a boring thread?

Read the book before you post

Uncle Ted was absolutely right about everything.
His insanity stems from the fact that he thought he could stop it.

Well in all fairness I think the mail bombs as well as scaring America so much that all the top newspapers published his manifesto had a little more to do with it than just books you fucking faggot

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This guy had more followers than him by speaking to a camera

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I need a cozy Ted shack in the country.

Marx did, even though he died before any countries turned Communist

He forgot, that nature always takes care of itself.
Sooner of later.
Humans are far too weak to change anything significantly in the long term.
That‘s why we got Coronachan.


Marx also had powerful connections (Bakunin, Engels)

I have this on a t shirt, someone took of a picture of me once wearing it but nothing happened

No, which is why he went on his campaign. Without the campaign nobody would have read his work.

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It worked for Jesus

Jesus never wrote a book. Did he even exist?

How did he do it bros...

>Did he really think he could change the world by starving in a bus?

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Dunno why people masturbate to his criticism of the left so much when he was just as critical of the right and equally correct on both accounts.

>Did he really think he could change the world by catching a fish?

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I'm thinking of disappearing from the city and trying to find some place far away from society to live, any good books you all know of about how to live off the land?

Was he wrong? Remember his brain was fried by mkultra

The problem is that Finland is still 90% of Forest. Quite literally. Go watch satellite pictures, there is nothing else than fores there.

I would have understood his bitterness in any other country, but we have more forest per land than any other country, even Russia.

No, he was absolutely right about everything. That's why to this day, he has people all over the world who read his work and admire him.

Why don’t you read the book so you don’t have to ask these selfexplanetory questions

What's wrong with living in the forest?

He did.

When you fly to Helsinki and look out the window, it's forrest, forrest, lakes, forrest, then you land.
>the environmetalists literally cry when a small park in Helsinki is turned to a parking space.

the bible changed the world and that is just a novel.

bitch nigga shouldve come out with a brand of shoes or some shit

right around the time where everyone called dope shit "the bomb."

he wouldve made str8 ca$$$h

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>Did he really think he could change the world by armouring a bulldozer?

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>Did he really think he could change the world by stabbing euronymous?

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>Did she really think he could change the world by pooping in a bucket?

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It wasn't the bible, it was violence and terror