Can someone post the video of Trump saying to inject disinfectant?

I need to hear it from the man's own mouth. Otherwise its just FAKE NEWS.

Attached: IvankaLaugh.webm (720x1080, 380.82K)

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It's fake news.

he said it.
just as he said the virus is the new democrat hoax

MAGAfags are pathetic losers.

>just as he said the virus is the new democrat hoax
So they're both deliberately taken out of context by lying liberal scumbags?

He didnt say that or anything close to. I watched it live.

Wow holy shit, that was taken out of context. Thanks again Libs. Now all my bluepilled family and co workers are going to be saying "gotcha explain THAT" for the next 2 days.

Show skin color

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I thought you guys were muh party of science. You retards can't even disprove Trump. No wonder you all hate him, he runs circles around you idiots.

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Sure thing tranny.

It comes from the same country that brought you the Tide Pod challenge, you better believe it’s true.

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I give trump a pretty wide birth, I love the guy and find him infitinely amusing, but this was utterly retarded ramble. It wasn't what they said it was, it never is, but why in the fuck say something like this at all. It's like my dad, he's not comfortable with silence so he will just inject whatever inane thing into that stream of consciousness. Still he didn't say inject disinfectant.

Google it you fucking moron.

>"I was a hard core Trump supporter until *insert one random thing* now I think he's retarded."
You Jews need new material.

He has no competence to talk about any medical matter so why has he the need to speak about that and not one of his counselors who can actually form coherent sentences about that matter. Just shows he's a peak narcissist which was always his weakness.


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Trump has been filmed on camera many times. There are hours of footage of him saying words in context. Do you only disbelieve what you hear about him without ever seeking the truth?

Question for libs and shills - if this pandemic is literally the worst thing in history and we are all going to die, why are so many people against trying alternative treatments that are already known? Wouldn't you care more about the potential to save lives instead of hating on Trump?
What justifies your moral high ground?

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Maybe its because his "experts" are like pic related?

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Why is here full of anti-Trump Germans lately? Don't mummy Merkel feed you enough with her shaggy tits?

Sorry I cannot hear you over the sound of nobody dying in the streets because of Corona. Maybe next time your country tries to develop an economy that’s not all about charging tourists 200€ for parking spots

based germanon. Fuck america

Jesus Christ THIS is the clueless fuck running the most powerful nation on Earth? LOL. Fuck me it's like giving a bazooka to a fucking 5 year old. He literally talks like a RETARD.

lmao how does the context improve that at all?

>not having 200€ for a parking spot
Being this poor.

I am pro Trump. I want him to win again but that doesn't mean i lick his orange asshole out.

just trumps words verbatim.
but magafags like you, refuse to see it.
cult of fuckheads.
cult of fuckheads.
cult of fuckheads
another Yas Forums magafag fuckhead

Someone whos sees the truth.

>Implying this is a first world country. Do you guys even lift??

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enjoy being the NewLeft magafags.

>>"I was a hard core Trump supporter until *insert one random thing* now I think he's retarded."
What is it with you nigger brained retards just making shit up in your head to have any sort of argument?

Not only does he suggest injecting it he also suggest getting it in the lungs of patients