Great advice from the same utter moron who looked directly at a solar eclipse without glasses

Great advice from the same utter moron who looked directly at a solar eclipse without glasses

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Other urls found in this thread:

>get your voterbase to commit self inflicted eugenics

>I'm a medical natural
>15 cases to zero
>oops 50k died
>HCQ somehow failed
>inject bleach
>I'm a very stable genius

There's probably a good reason why you can't get disinfectant to lungs, but why wouldn't it work? Vape alcohol for instance.

He's not blind so he does have a point

I watched a sunset when I was a kid, nothing bad happened.

the virus is inside cells, behind a fat layer

rather than poison it with harsh chemicals, isn't it better to ignore it until it becomes a REAL problem? Nobody under 70 has been significantly affected by this year's cold.

God I hate the media more and more each day

He's saying that disinfectant kills the virus on a surface instantly, it'd be nice if we could find an injectable that can kill the virus the way disinfectant does

Very based indeed!

yeah, inject chloroform into the heart. you'll never be sick again

This thread is blessed

do you people realize the corona hoax will be used as a justification to flood europe with millions upon millions of migrants?

>Earlier this month, more than a dozen non-governmental and religious organizations including Action Aid and Caritas Italiana made a similar call.

everyone is onboard to genocide the peoples of europe.

unions are ok with it too apparently.

>He's saying that disinfectant kills the virus on a surface instantly
no, m8. that's what his advisor said, he misunderstood and baffled something about injecting bleech and getting uv light inside the body

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>Nobody under 70 has been significantly affected
That's just false

or just stick uv light in your anus

Because unlike disinfecting surfaces where every bacteria can go die in a fire along with the virus you usually care about if your own cells are alive after the treatment.

Quick! Red pill me on injecting disinfectant, I need to own some libs on Twitter

corona can't kill you if the disinfectant does first

Read the bit in the quotation marks retard. It's a quote - hence the quotation marks - and the quote is being attributed to Trump

The bit within the quotation marks sounds exactly like how Trump talks.

What he is saying is a poorly worded version of what I pointed out


now all the news ALL AROUND THE WORLD are reporting this that trump wants disinfectant to be injected, ALL THE WORLD now thinks he is a fucking retard

i really hope there will be less MAGA tards after this ultra retard stunt, biden is way smarter than this.. fucking injecting disinfectant into blood, whole world is laughing to you you stupid abomination of president, WHOLE WORLD WANTS TRUMP REMOVED

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Trump is a fucking dumb dick

Everyone over 60 is senile. Get over it.

me too, I've known this guy since I was 6 he is a writer for the New York Post currently. their vitriol towards trump is all that occupies their minds, they literally can't do their jobs because they can't stand Trump and they will do anything to destroy him.

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>ALL THE WORLD now thinks he is a fucking retard
they always did user

Trump is as dumb as the South African priest who made people drink detox so corona won’t kill them. That nigga was right, they died but not from corona tho

you can always listen to the clip yourself instead of desperately playing damage control trying to interpret trump's words for him

so the question is, why is he so bad at wording? why does he have so many videos where he sperges autistically and gives libtards ammo to make fun of us? you'd assume a strong, alpha white male leader should at least sound smart if he can't look good. God i miss the days where men looked like reagan or JFK and could eloquently seduce all white people. now whites are separating from us because they feel like this retard embarrasses us.

Quick guys, someone show me the 4d chess explanation for this comment. Obviously he is not just horrifically retarded. That's a lib hoax.

Synagogue of satan cannibal nigger

No but God Emperor can never do anything wrong !1!1!1!1!1!!!!!

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Most people don't actually listen, they wait for their turn to speak. Most people are also shit speakers - Trump included

Trump talks as if people can read his mind and understand the parts he's omitting

A good speaker will talk to their audience like they're the fucking retards they are and keep it simple

Those disinfectants will kill your own human cells, not only bacteria, fungi, and viruses. You're supposed to use those disinfectants to clean surfaces, not inject them into your bloodstream. There is a reason the safety labels always indicate to not swallow and avoid contact with your eyes

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>is there a way
Man, it's almost like he asked a fucking question.

take your meds schizo

more desperate for a gotcha on trump than a cum begging alley slut w/o rent money in the middle of a pandemic. inject bleach into your weeping tranny hole, faggot.

Solar eclipse, you're afraid to look without glasses, it's because you are a bitch


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Trump talks down to people because they are dumb. It's not because that's all he is capable of.

It comes with age. I don't think he's ever been an exceptional speaker but he used to do a much better job. Fortunately for him he's going head-to-head with another senile.