The Isle Of Man - Home for the Alternative Right In Britain?

The Isle of Man is an island in the Irish Sea; located between the UK and Ireland. Its a relatively small island with a population of just over 90,000. Its also 96.5% white and widely rural. The Isle of Man is whats known as a crown dependency; meaning its a self governing nation unto itself while still being property of the crown (I.E The Queen). It also has its own democratic and parliamentary system called Tynwald.

I'm proposing that those Europeans who revile the current direction of their countries and cultures (particularly English Men and Women) immigrate to the Isle of Man for the good of their families and their race. I'm also arguing for a passive movement of demographic take over. If race conscious Europeans were to flock towards The Isle of Man it no doubt would have an impact on the political landscape of the Island. Due in no small part to its population. This process ideally wouldn't involve explicit and overt demonstrations like marches, political rally's or speeches but simple demographic takeover and voting.

The commonly repeated adage "Demographics Are Destiny" is often used as a succinct and simple form of blackpill. And it is a blackpill; make no mistake. But it doesn't have to be. Its a whitepill for the same reasons. Demographics. Are. Destiny.

I advise anyone who's curious about the Isle of Man to do their research. The Isle is very much what England would look like today if it weren't for the influence of mass immigration. In fact its been virtually untouched. If we got serious about this; those of us who value White Identity could make a home here. We could raise beautiful white families here.

"demographics is a game; Its only a blackpill if we lose".

Come home white man.

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Here is a list of resources for anyone interested in knowing more about the Island:

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You are basically proposing to destroy them.

No not at all. We simply immigrate and take our politics with us. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody is being destroyed.

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Its only destruction if its niggers that are migrating

That's just escaping. You're literally suggesting giving up all your lan your ancestors fought for to the invaders!

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I'm moving to there soon, The Isle of Man does not have any capital gains tax

if anyone touches the (lack of) speed limits on the country roads there, I'm going to personally come over there and genocide every single fucking one of you

The Manx authorities will not like that and will try to stop you. You fail to recognise that Mann is Britain's greatest tax haven and where our elites store much of their wealth.

People from that Island would beg to differ.