Targeted threats by anons, be careful

Something really scary is happening on this site, besides the dancing cat gif with bots replying to it and the "take your meds" shills, people have been receiving ominous threats by other unknown anons

I am usually a larper on this site but I will come off role for this one to talk to you about this
On my usual
> "okay pol redpill me on x"
Someone replied with "I know of a certain fjord, where Ms Buckley lives." something which is creepy and had nothing to do with my post at all.

What the fuck???? I live near a fjord! And does anyone have any info on who Ms Buckley is? Why am I getting threatened for pretending to be an 18 year old girl on a Greek squirrel catching forum?!?

They know something, be careful

By the way pic related is me, I'm even more scared for my wellbeing since I'm a girl

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe they were just pining for the fjords themselves.

I truthposted about the jews once and then suddenly got this message where you have to see the warning before you can continue posting, it said „VPN!“

In some other thread some 1post by this ID muttflag called me by my first name which isn‘t a very usual name, the chances he would get it right randomly are like 0.

But you know what? They cant scare me with this gestapo crap

Stop being retarded. You're Norwegian - the chances of you living near a fjord is pretty good. As for that statement, it's lyrics to a song:
>We know a remote farm in Lincolnshire, where Mrs. Buckley lives

Mystery solved, now stop being paranoid.

shut the fuck up you deranged kike

Jokes on them, I rarely ever post more than once in any thread that doesn't severely piss me off, so even if they do try their scare tactics I won't even notice.

Take your meds, schizofag

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I think anyone using this site is in danger of being doxxed. The only safe way to communicate is through Snapchat.
I just thought I'd warn you guys.

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I'm gonna rape you to death karren

We know about the mosque, knock it off.

>pic related is me

Look, if you want to avoid doxing, I'll give you a hint. Check your fucking spelling. There are a bunch of retards on here I've found simply because they spell shit incorrectly or have sayings unique to themselves. One google search and I've found them making the same incorrect spelling elsewhere.

So the kikes have a mod/jannie of theirs in and he steals our ip's. Fuck him, fuck jews. Tell it to the site through feedback.

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dancing cat gif is weird, "take your meds" shills are here to stop you finding a truth out. People taking random guesses at your id are edgefags.

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No mention of a fjord in that song. How did they know about the fjord I'm freaking out


They guessed based on your flag. Norway is famous for its fjords. You have almost 1200 of them - so the chance you're going to be in a populated region near one of them... it's not that hard to make an educated guess.

get the duckduckgo extension if you're worried about privacy.
also - stop schitzoposting if you don't know anything of importance nobody gives a crap who you are

Take your meds is a meme designed to draw attention to obvious glownigger plants designed to drive Anons into an incoherent, enervating derangement that stops them being useful to the cause and into mentally ill flat earth types obsessed with reptilians, vaccines and underground military bases filled with child sex trafficking rings. Take your meds.

the antipodean poofta is right. tell sheila not to burn the shrimps on the barberidoo this time, and grab me a fosters maaaaaate -o. cunt.

bob's ur uncle

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Those thighs were LITERALLY BUILT for BASWC (below average sized white cock).

Ms Buckley has it coming to be completely honest. Fuck that bitch.

or its a "bot of interest" that was made.
its a way to categorise posts.

show vagene

>stop schitzoposting if you don't know anything of importance nobody gives a crap who you are
many anons said yesterday they're hinted at that (((someone))) knows who they are in here .


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It's time to do some shopping again, we know how much you "like" that

Show flag, yeshivot

Is this another one of these threats??

It's glowies fucking with you. Check out gang stalking.

And no, that picture isn't you. It's bait.

You left out the word "incoherent"

come to my fucking house nigger

take your meds schizo

language straight out of the kike discord



it's the yeshiva jews , mane
they got careless and are about to be exposed on Yas Forums with nuclear consequences


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Stop asking for help or we WILL ramp up our targeting. Do not anger us. Rest assured you are watched and tracked.

Greta. Now you are going to be able to find people because they spell everything perfectly everywhere.

I would love someone to threaten me over a website
I usually larp as a white or asian
But im 5"11 athletic black guy I'd absolutely beat the fucking pulp out of anyone who threatens me and i will defend my fort, i was raised in the hood, but I've gotten out of the ghetto and live in a nice white part of town, im also a productive member of society, despite pol thinking we aren't im definitely a minority in that though

As always take your meds schizo
Probably a coincidence

I cant do it. I just cant bring myself to fuck with a fucking schizo. I love you user. EVERYONE shops, and even if you're a complete neet I hedged with the scare quotes. Here watch this retard

Incoherent's there. Your average schizofag flails around, lashing out incoherently at all those around him. He damages anything he associates with, and I don't mean in an optics manner, I mean actually fucks everything up around him. Just look at the state of the board over the past six months. The murder of infinitychan and ban waves on Plebbit have caused so many newfags, many of whom are crackers, to emigrate here. Half the catalog is full of absolute shit like this. Schizofags are the ultimate Jewish useful idiot. They need to take their meds, otherwise this board will sink into the abyss.

I have all your phone numbers, should I give them to the police ?

>As always take your meds schizo
>Probably a coincidence
damag control kike


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>doxxing jews
not going to happen

Thanks obama

Its done. No more talk of her. It will raise suspicion.

silence imbecile jew shill

>language straight out of the kike discord
imagine being this much of a newfag. lurk you literal kike nigger

Imagine being a nigger and admitting to it. Do you want a fucking banana, ape.

yes they are trying to intimidate
you are guarded by Praetorian Guard of God Himself
have no fear user ... we see everything

Unironically take your meds. All you have to go on is "I live by a fjord". You're fucking Norwegian dude come on now.

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I'm tapped by my neighbor and he spreads shit around the community about me
and people say things to me in real life, that I may have said or was goin on about some drunken night.....I don't know just little things

Can you spare a fellow some kneepads?

Actually believing this stupid post???

You realize this is just to scare you faggots
And its poorly written too you may be dumber than my fellow niggers

>doxxing jews
that' RIGHT motherfucker , we say glonigger in here not 'glowie' ' blowie' etc they're all from a single kike in the discord

fuck you kike

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Pic is who is cyber-stalking you.

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> besides the dancing cat gif with bots replying to it

Hey, bro, I’m a real dude that is legitimately blown away that a cat can possibly groove like that.

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Glowie/Freemason... or Criminal Gang watching my communications and stuff? What the hell, they're both criminal gangs and scum

You are why there's no more vikings anymore.

Ngl this scares me a lot

can anyone post the cat gif?

>Take your meds.
There are no meds given against
>the psychopathological opposite of paranoia (entonoia)
>extreme tendency to Type II errors.
>severe pattern recognition deficits when evaluating behaviour of the ruling class

fuck off Qtard

Fact. I had one guy here a couple of months ago I suspected was a Jew because he made a post where he insulted Yas Forums but he was such an arrogant retard he made the same unique misspelling of a word, so I found several matches on jewgle and they all went to other accounts on other forums. I eventually found out who it was. It was some Jew who runs a dog grooming business. He had some youtube videos, I commented
>greetings from Yas Forums
on it and he closed the comments section.


how you fucks explain this?

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Less make threads, more take meds.