What does Yas Forums think of tarot?

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It's for roasties

And boasties

>posting the basic bitch tarot


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Heretical. Tarotfags get the stake.

fucking die in hell you cum gurgling faggot

It's retarded shit for retarded roasties.


Powerful insights.
The People fear it.

Your birthday is related to 1 card.

I think it works, because I used mine today and it suggested that you will die by choking on cock. kys

tarot is based, you'll note the only criticism of it comes from seething christfags which is stupid since the imagery is christian anyways

Violation of the first commandment.

The only reason it is based is because jews have been able to sell squares of paper for a shit ton of cash with the promise of predicting the future. I call it a retard filter

Does this count as political?

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The only scientific form of divination.

black satanic witch magic

tarot is just a knock off of a traditional catholic deck of cards.

The game we play with the card is actually fun

Its actually using Hermetic, Gnostic, and corrupted Zoastrian imagery, patterns, and geometry. It is purely the occult of the material.

Death to anyone that believes into this kind of shit.

wow you sound smart

the mythos behind it is interesting, but i don't believe that cards can divine anything.

>theres a better game than tarot that exists user
have you played it yet?

Attached: illuminati-the-game-of-conspiracy.jpg (566x822, 68.75K)

I'm suprised nobody still made a Jojo reference

bro but what if i said some really vague stuff and i pulled a neat looking card out

Strong esoteric and mystical significance. Lots of elements of the Tarot can be traced to European mythology.

As someone interested in European mysticism I'm interested by it.

Hanged Man is meant to depict Odin hanging from Yggdrasil to obtain the secrets of the runes, right? That's not necessarily materialist occultism.

Attached: RWS_Tarot_12_Hanged_Man.jpg (300x527, 25.16K)

All spiritual shit is for retards and females, if you own one of these decks, be embarrassed.

You aren't approaching it in a masculine way.

some of my spic family uses this shit, its real and satanic

wannabe witchcraft and heretical

Maybe I'm a schizo, but I've had some luck with getting readings with my personal deck.

The weirdest part is the cards seem to act differently when I try and channel different energies through it.
A.K.A. if I try to call a good diety vs a chaotic one the insights will hit differently, but the material that it's trying to convey will be the same.
Almost like it's coming from different viewpoints.

Hail Eris Kallisti Discordia

Politically incorrect truth: At some point in history, an uncaught stalker has used Tarot to hide knowledge they gained through being an uncaught stalker despite discussing that knowledge directly with the person from whom they extracted it.

Necessary cautionary: the assertion that the event has at some point occurred is not an assertion that it occurred in any particular instance.

What does that mean

Schizos turn Yas Forums into /x/.

Who has the photo of Ellen hanging upside down on the couch with this pic?

They r not idols