Kikes of Israel? Why are you do you say never again but continue to massacre and genocide Palestinians...

Kikes of Israel? Why are you do you say never again but continue to massacre and genocide Palestinians. Can someone explain this massive case of cognitive dissonance to me. I just want to understand your logic shlomo

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>Can someone explain this massive case of cognitive dissonance to me.

It's beyond disgusting how Israel murders innocent Christians and Muslims in Gaza.

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Fuck mudslimes and fuck kikes if they want to kill eachother why the fuck should I care mahmoud?

Never again what, the holhoax never happened.... so obviously cognitive dissonance doesn't exist.

>Ruth won
Yes, but the her fellow Jewish inmates overwhelmingly did not. I can't stand these "exception to the rule = the rule" stories.

Roman empire fell, jews still here controlling Israel, Jews won.

>and then I jumped out of the train car, right before it was going to do the loop-da-loop and launch everyone into the giant oven, then crawled through the snake pits and escaped!

Ruth does not represent Jews, only herself.

>what are Romance languages?

Well we decided otherwise and we control the world... so your decision doesn't mean a thing.

More people talk shem languages than roman languages... we still won. Jews are winners.

Actually, we just let you think that. Only way you're willing to be cannon fodder for arabs.

You’d be the last one on the day of the rope but you’re a tourist so

Actually the christians left Gaza a long time ago after Hamas came into power. The christians tend to leave when Muzloids become a majority. samething happened in Ramallah. Muzloids are quite problematic

Obviously, Israel has been controlled by genocidal leaders and lunatic orthodox jews that will accept murder to further their goals.

Lambright 2020

I thought you people were supposed to be smart something

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>but continue to massacre and genocide Palestinians.
That’s not true but I wish it was.

Don’t care. I keep looking at ass.

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Hejazis are all Jews, fyi

Where's your temple kike?

It's ok when we do it

It's only massacre when they are the victims, and as they are the only victims in history their actions are justified on the basis of they are going to do what they want and you're antisemitic

Can't wait for Assad to ravage Israel after he's done with Turkey

But why shlomo? They're people too.

You won’t have my respect until you build the 3rd temple on Temple Mount.

The winners dont have to explain themselves. Just like that loser stormfaggot hitler didnt had to explain himself if he won the war.

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>quoting the fucking sopranos
>we're still here kike

I mean OK but drop all that muh six gorrillion and stop acting like victims. I was discussing the attitude. It's literally the cries in pain as he strikes you meme

We just need their blood for matsa, in a way nazi didn`t. I personally get a whole box for each Palestinian I throw into a gas chamber.

Theyre afraid to since when Julian the Neckbeard tried to the build the Third Temple as a fuck you to Christians the finger of God came down on their philistine asses.

That would mean doomsday for Israel.

This I could give a fuck about kikes in the middle east send them all there just let them shut the fuck up and stop meddling in our affairs and actively working for the Kalergi Plan.

>we're still here kike
Who dominates your banks,media,entertainment industry,academic institutions etc..?

You know you're here, mutt. You're our little bitch. Enjoy watching your hard working tax paying money coming to your overlords pockets. We dont need any of it. We'll probably spend it on beer and hookers.

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That’s what i wanted. God will down and strike the children of satan for good.

Of course. God will come down and strike entire children of satan for good.

You and I both know the cycle Jews getting exiled is at hand. You'll wish it was the Romans crucifying you this time around though.

>banks,media,entertainment industry,academic institutions
Literally a Yas Forums meme. Most of you have been fucked over pretty badly by industrialization and have been reduced to petty bourgeois fags. You're as overrepresented in institutions as chinks.

Even Indian Americans have more wealth per capita than you fags.

It's fits our interests to pump it up all the time. That way if anybody talks about jewish domination in different sectors he's being outcast by society for being an antisemite.

Excellent, you just confirmed that we are Right after all.

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The top 3 largest websites owned by jews. We control information.

People are catching on to your schemes. Even secular Jews in America are beginning to renounce Israel. It's only a matter of time. Arabs will outreproduce you and you'll get crushed by the sheer numbers. Tell me shlomo. If Israel is the promised land how come you have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world along with Australia.