What will the world do to China after Coronavirus?
What will the world do to China after Coronavirus?
Breeding Asian pussy with BWC
Kill their men and ugly women and sexually enslave all the rest.
not a damn thing unless theyre smart
I would love to be quarantined with 10 Koreans. They would all emerge pregnant afterwards.
Admire Chinese because they contained corona while the so called "first world" struggled to
Hoping moving industry out of China.
That girl is Japanese you absolute retard.
ship more chinkshit to massive corporations
ship less chinkshit to small and medium buisnesses
buy stuff.
Absolutely nothing. They own so many syndicated media outlets in the west all the lawsuits seeking reparations will be called racist and the public will cry to have them disbanded. Mark my words.
The same thing we did to Spain after the Spanish Flu. Nothing.
Every NEET will be allocated a qt chinese gril
Fucking hell the Yellow fever is back.
I'm afraid it never left
that's a Japanese not Chinese.
hiragana on that shop sign in the back
Step 1. Repatriate manufacturing or find alternative manufacturers. Ideally with automated robotics.
Step 2. Give Taiwan full international recognition.
Step 3. Western backed military intervention starting with Hong Kong and then moving on to pre-emptive strikes within the Mainland.
Step 4. Humiliation in the political sphere forcing the CCP and the Chinese people to feel guilt.
Step 5. Humiliation in the sexual sphere as all women are made available to foreigners in China.
Step 6. Humiliation in the cultural sphere as the Chinese people shift to English language and Western culture destroying all memory of primitive Chinese language and culture.
Step 7. Humiliation in the spiritual sphere as all Chinese women feel ashamed for being Chinese and allowing future generations of their half-Chinese and quarter-Chinese women to only breed with foreigners.
Pay them for their cheap shit made by slaves
We need to exterminate those motherfuckers from the planet.
Okay glownigger. We hate the Changs enough. You don't need to stir the pot.
just like in Roman times
Whats the difference? Oh, right. We nuked the wrong country. Shoulda bombed China instead. Thing is, back then it was the Republic of China, ruled by what is today Taiwan. Those Han dogs that are calling themselves China today were just a bunch of retarded rice farmers. They're still a bunch of retarded rice farmers, and we're going to glass their ass. Fucking Changs.
We will switch our cheap labour from China to India, at least until we get fully automated luxury communism.
India superpower 2021
Get rid of the CCP and liberate the qt's.
i love eimi so much
Nothing direct, we will just start to buy less from them and produce more on our own, meaning I will avoid chinese vendors and only buy from other fellow germans and europeans.
fuck chinks and kikes
judging by the hiragana in the background, I assume you are just as much of a japanophile as I am
God I hope so.
Nothing. Any action would be "racist".
you could actually already see it from her nose. She has this slight downwards curve at the ridge somehow I only ever see in japanese girls
China manufactured this virus so the CCP's bullshit about foreign hatred for China can finally be proven true.
back Tibetan, Taiwanese and Hong Kongian independence and watch the ccp be dismantled by their own citizens
they need white men to increase their fertility rate and boost their economic growth it's a win-win situation