Britpol: Ramadan Mubarak Edition

This is an incredibly difficult time of year for our brave Muslim community here in Britain. Attacked on all sides by racists, bigots, xenophobes, islamophobes, the corona virus and genetic disorders still they put on a brave face, a smile and keep that Blitz Spirit - that bit of Britishness that every one has. Though even though they are hurting, they still find time to donate meals and volunteer for our NHS.

Let us have a clap for all our Muslim allies, friends, brothers and sisters. With the Mosques and Masjids all shut they have no place to practice their rich tradition and community They are having the hardest time of all us right now yet have given the most back of all of us. We must show solidarity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i am muslim now. kill the infidels (pube)

I cri
The whites oppress us daily with their child whores and bacon rolls
Alla be raised!

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>Let us have a clap for all our Muslim allies, friends, brothers and sisters. With the Mosques and Masjids all shut they have no place to practice their rich tradition and community They are having the hardest time of all us right now yet have given the most back of all of us. We must show solidarity.

You meme but this is inevitable

Absolute fucking cringe. Handjob is a disgrace.

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Injecting ultraviolet light to cure Corona

I've hooked myself up to the fibre optic mate, be damned if those 5g masts turn me into a mutant

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>Ramadan Mubarak

30 years ago barely anybody in Britain knew what it meant.
Now we know what it means quite well.

Shaa Allah mofos! Time to rape some 11yo white bitches.

Gotta love the British humor

Ok paki inbred.

>Joy of this month
Ramadan is a joy? Starving yourself for your God is a joy?

Happy St George’s Day!

Today we celebrate:

our modern diversity and values

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This couldn't have happened at a better time, thanks for making my day. Now fuck off.

>St George's day

I am forgotten

Short term no, long term yes. Prayer and fasting are like excercise, you don't see the results straight away.

whens the current lockdown lasting until


June next year mate.

yeah but the lockdown in its current form

That give them enough time to go door to door and round up everyone they want purging?

That day means beastly English people who refuse to celebrate diversity and our wonderful rainbow multicultural society.

>loads of mosques are open against the law
media is memory holing this, BBC deleted an article I saw earlier

We should flood the hotline for snitches with reports of open mosques.

Post posh/tory Norf memes

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It was the headline on the BBC live page this morning and it has been removed, but it was in reference to mosques in Pakistan, Indonesia, etc etc. Not heard anything yet on UK mosques.

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In fact, a seething paki academic picked it up too.
To be fair she is correct.

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Only do this if you want a visit from the police.

Ah yes. The Islamic pedo protection racket at its finest.

Let them gather, their gods will protect them.

Don't really care for the thick cunt but it's hardly suggesting to people to inject disinfectant.

>"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

Thankfully I don't live anywhere near such places but I can imagine they are still packed every Friday.

these mongs are so cringey though the guy isn't a journalist he's larping as a journalist so he's not a key worker. i don't give a fuck either way but he's the one trying to enforce the 'rules', while breaking them. silly twat.

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Sadly they mingle amongst us spreading their shit.