Capitalism is going great, bros

Capitalism is going great, bros.

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inb4 trumpniggers complaining about memeflags

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No way! People don't work when no one is allowed to work. Who would've thought. Fuck off commie.


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>many people unemployed during a global calamity, a few months in still no famine atleast
Meanwhile in gobbunism
>starving people raiding the garbage truck for food in global prosperity times

>disingenuous trash
>same one post self shielding follow up
inb4 you kill yourself

this. work is pretty gay ngl.

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Meanwhile communism forces people into stupid redundant jobs with little to no pay and then claim that there's no unemployment. Nazis did the same thing.

I'd rather have people being unemployed for a few months and otherwise be rich.

>use government to create a problem
>demand more power for government in order to solve said problem
like clockwork. Capitalism had nothing to do with this case, it's all on government intervention.

Death to America.
Death to Capitalism.
Death to Israel.

I really need to move to Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela, they're all successful Communist countries or close enough to the ideology.

>only 16% unemployment
Its closer to 25%
We depression now

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Holy shit this is some real hollow skulled commie shit

>Government closes most businesses and keeps people in their homes
>Blame capitalism for unemployment

Holy fuck this is so retarded. Capitalism isn’t the problem intervention by government is. Please genuinely purge yourself you commie retard. You cunts act like any economic issue is the fault of capitalism and want a complete overhaul of the entire economy. I long for the day where each and every communist and communist sympathizer meets the rope.

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Yeah but if it didn't and this pandemic turned out to be something serious you'd be screeching and reeeeeing that they didn't close them down.
Not the real issue though, the real issue is the US is willing to spend trillions on military, and how much on healthcare?
Even shithole countries manage to have free healthcare
>Uh bruh it's not free, the taxpayers have to pay for it
Yes, and I would say that's an infinitely better use for the money than overspending on military.
The current pandemic wouldn't have hit the US as hard if it spent more on healthcare. Your economy wouldn't be as hard hit, because maybe you wouldn't need (as much) restrictive measures.
That's why your particular form of capitalism is absolutely retarded.

Closures for a couple weeks while we figured shit out may have made sense but we’re far beyond that. I wouldn’t have even supported that. The US is far more regulated than it ever should have been. Hospitals greatly overestimated how bad the influx of patients would be. Most field hospitals were never touched. You can advise people as a government but forcing closures is stupid. I would never have wanted more government intervention because I’m not a moron who needs daddy government to keep me safe.
You sound like a massive retard bringing up healthcare spending by the government. If healthcare was more of a free market prescription drugs would be infinitely cheaper. Fuck off with your childish and spoon-fed talking points.

>government shuts down economy
>blames capitalism
Why are commies so retarded?

>Government shuts down the economy
That's the opposite of capitalism.

>Yeah but if it didn't and this pandemic turned out to be something serious you'd be screeching and reeeeeing that they didn't close them down.
Nope. Most businesses here were already taking precautions before the lockdown.

Is every 1 in 6 people a fucking waiter? Who the fuck are all these people that actually got laid off? And I'm not talking about "oh I lost my 10 hour a week part time jerb at Best Buy" faggots. I mean actual people with a minimum 40 hour a week jobs that they use to support themselves and possibly kids. Literally everyone I know is either working from home or still going in.

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Exactly, Thank you.
Not everyone is so dependent on being told what to do by government that they can’t make basic decisions on their own.

No idiot, some business are bankrupting. I too have a small business and the shit went awry. Now I filled a bankruptcy and life is hard, bastard bogan

either way.
16% of people are doing non jobs and being subsidized in so way shape or form

>government forcibly shuts down most places of work
>government forces citizens to remain at home all day; only permitted to leave for government approved activities

Not real capitalism. :^)

get working wagie, i need my dollars

I see this as an absolute good thing. I want massive revolutions. They dont happen in fat and happy times. Slaughter the oligarchs.

America has been a corporate welfare state since WW2. The worst kind of system. Bad business are bailed out while the working class foots the bill with no benefit.

This. Lets just get it over with already. It's obvious that's the direction we're headed anyway.

Did you ever answer the fucking question? I had to leave my machine

capitalism is evil

i voted for trump in 2016

never again. Socialism and communism is the only true solution to the problems of this modern society. Capitalism is pure evil and the boomers are dying off so it won't last much longer

What does this have to capitalism. You're saying in a communist people would be forced to work sick?

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>government shuts down economy
>big companies instantly fire most of their workforce

We can find some new suckers to work here after the virus is done, we are not parting with a single coin.

>it won't last much longer

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>people are being forced to stay home because of a pandemic
>"Wow, politicians suck so much because of unemployment right now."
If your retarded ass has to have a global pandemic to realize that politicians are on the take, you need to remove yourself from the gene pool.


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It's probably to create a consumer class
There are people that want to do such things as work, grow, gain dominion, and create and then there are the eaters.

>government intervention
Capitalism created the condition of crisis where the state is created by control and as a necessity to defuse working class struggle.

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btw israel is a capitalist nation

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>commie iq
>government shuts down the economy
>hurr capitalism sucks
I hope you take a helicopter trip soon, you stupid faggot.

Well I can give you an example. I work for a major food manufacturer (global) and we have laid off/furloughed without pay (i.e., in theory, they are guaranteed their job back once we resume full operations) ~25% of our workforce. Let me explain why; one of our bigger customers, not biggest, but big, is what we call 'Food service' which is restaurants. Restaurants of all sorts, high end low end, all different cuisines are seeing a *drastic* drop in sales, not 0, but DRASTIC. As such, demand for our goods (for those venues) has gone done. What happens when demand goes down? Supply goes down. That means half my lines are shut down or running at half capacity. Which means we don't need 3 shifts a day, 6 days a week. So about 25% of those workers have been relieved. And these are not minimum wage workers, these are Unionized Factory workers, pulling from a minimum of $11 and hour up to and including $65 and hour. These are the 'real' workers everyone is always talking about, making a genuine *necessity*. But due to many factors, we've relieved about 25%.

And they will *not* always be coming back. Because, as is often the case in a situation like this, we are pushing to increase automation and relieve more workers, which means even when this crisis is over, we will not hire *all* of them back, some, but not all.

You people who have no actual experience in the manufacturing world have no idea how fucked many people are.

how is a total economic shutdown enforced by the government considered capitalism?