Why do people have children when being alive is so fucking awful?
Why do people have children when being alive is so fucking awful?
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try not being alive
It's not awful for most. You and I just got really unlucky.
britcucks are so fucking pathetic. dude grow a pair you faggot OP
Most humans feel a biological compulsion to procreate. Having kids is fucking awesome. I don't care that my son woke me up @ 2:30am, nothing better to do really.
Because the world needs more White peope.
>Why do people have children when being alive is so fucking awful?
Hasn't been awful for me. Then again, I don't live with my parents anymore.
If being alive is awful for you, you're doing it wrong.
being bluepilled does wonders for the average normie brain being with a woman makes you stupid and illogical sobyour convinced having a baby with a foid is a good idea
Women have desperate instincts to procreate and the state has become daddy so it's a free ride for women. Men are disposable sperm banks to them. They don't care about the lives they shit their children out into, all that matters is feeling good themselves.
I wonder how would be if we invade that shit island again
I have to share an island with people like this.
Because it's only awful to virgins like you.
having a child is the only immortality available to the common man
OP is a spiteful mutant.
You would be vaporised.
lol dude. the Falklands war was a major embarrassment for UK.
If you given choice to drive over either a white baby or a niggerino baby, which one will you choose and why?
It was not an embarrassment, Sanchez. It was a decisive victory against a surprise invasion, fought thousands of miles from home.
Vietnam was an embarrassment.
Someone has gotta pay taxes, OP.
The US would’ve easily won if it conducted a ground invasion. However, this would be an act of war against the Soviets and China and BAM, WW3. The US lost but it was better for everyone including you that it did.
You're too basic and faggotty to appreciate how awesome life is in infinite ways. Even when it's shit.
What part of life do you find so awful OP?
they got pregnant before gayvid 19
Maybe you shouldn't of cut your balls off jannie
lol you got clapped and bombed by literal spics
I agree. What was the point of all this horseshit?
>emo faggot
>not plebbit
Just because he mans up, doesn't make life less shitty.
Americans shouldn't have children in the first place, considering what they do to them...
Of course it's pointless and you shouldn't do it. Now be a good goy and get your vasecotomy while your neighbours Jamal and Tyrone have 2137 children.
Like that gets people motivated to continue living...
If your white and have less than 3 children your a jewish puppet.
Probably some hogwash about the human spirit, who knows...
Oy vey!
>Why do people have children when being alive is so fucking awful?
Maybe you are just speaking for yourself, loser.
I see what you mean...
That doesn't make life better, you still have to deal with stupid shit you would not want to waste time with.
Pretty much...
>Maybe you are just speaking for yourself, loser.