What say you burgers and leefs?

what say you burgers and leefs?

Attached: newNAbalk.png (1200x1200, 273.59K)

just make the rest of canada red for the resources, no need to waste that unsettled ice lands

Newfoundland and Labrador should be with the Maritimes and New England. Also remove Downstate New York and New Jersey.

i say you use colors different enough that colorblind people can fucking see if you want people to reply to your thread, considering such a large swathe of the male population is colorblind


The cultural divisions are accurate, but It gives retardlicans too much power.

no. this is such an NPC response.
NFL isn't a maritime province. It's its own thing, but it also brings nothing to the table that would make it worth fighting for.
Also, Canada would not be willing to completely lose access to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (Nunavut is basically on the Arctic).

Meanwhile, NJ and Eastern NY and way more in touch with southern New England than anybody wants to give them credit for.
Long Island is racist as hell doesn't identify with NYC.
Non-metro NJ is a run-of-the mill Northeastern state that's very similar to Connecticut for example.
The only problem is New York City. And that can easily be solved by having a Senate.

Sure. As long as we don’t get invaded or nuked by the Chinese when they go to war with you

I have a feeling that the addition of the left-libertarian Canadian west and the getting rid of the sjw hives of California and NYC will allow a more populist, white liberal party to emerge that will be far more appealing than the Dems are.


Why would I surrender one inch of land when genocide is an available option?

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Nice mspaint edit of a map. In your dreams, baconator

Why don't you just paint the whole map a British Red?

Fuck that Long Island wants nothing to do with Jew York Shitty.
t. Suffolk County

Not too bad. It’s hard to predict these things, but it’s logical at least.

Alaska might go with Cascadia. Newfoundland certainly wouldn’t stay withOntario. Those places are very different and diverging even more, rapidly.

Maybe Texas will want out, if things start to break up. They seem to have the strongest state identity, with the size/resources to become become an independent nation.

i (OP) am from suffolk county too.
it's unbelievable how autistic Yas Forumslacks are about new york city.
yea, it sucks, but it's also an economic engine and it's one fucking piece of the country.
if you have a senate that gives representation to each of those states/provinces and then breaks up NJ and Eastern NY into a total of like 5 Senate districts, it's problem solved.

stop letting nyc live rent free in your head. it makes us all look bad.

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what do you think would happen with NFL?
nobody is gonna want them on their own merit bc they suck and bring nothing to the table.
my reasoning for keeping them with Canada was that they are also very different from the Maritimes, and Ottawa wouldn't want to lose access to both the Pacific AND Atlantic Oceans.
I was even thinking of putting them Quebec until i found out that they are somehow the least French speaking province.

I agree with Alaska/Cascadia tho. Def a possibility.
Same for Texas, but I think they would reconsider once it was obvious they would be the head nigga in charge of America with only Florida as any competition.

How about USA just takes direct control of the entire Western hemisphere.

Newfoundland has always been a lonely outpost. In a way it’s worked to thier adavantage because it keeps outsiders away... somebody might ally with them to have a base in the North Atlantic, or they might ally with the maritimes, who are closest geographically and culturally to them.

They might even go it alone... they have closed up many of the smaller outports, so they have a more cost effective, centralized situation today than in the past.

Why would anyone want to join the most corrupt, dying and irrelevant states in America?

Where the fuck did I say it was a Maritime province? I'm from the Maritimes.


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scratch newfoundland off the canada part it should be an island nation by itself

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I was going to post this. Plus Yukon and NWT would join BC.

Typical Quebec pretentiousness the post.

>t. faggot ontarian garbage
this is truly gods country you prole

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are you even the same poster i replied to? the other had an american flag.
and if you're maritimes, then you don't get to dictate the terms of the Plymouth country. You'd just be along for the ride. 0 percent chance anybody other than the most desolate parts of Maine and NH would want the Maritimes over the NYC metro. Let alone NFL.

honestly good.

i am from NJ and live in oregon. family in NJ/NY/oregon. map makes sense.

maybe cascadia should extend to eugene, and boise.

i like cali being their own thing. anyone who's been there knows its different.

but Cascadia would be dominated by Seattle, Portland and Vancouver. Would the far north still be cool with that?

any chance that Newfoundland and Labrador would split in any capacity? Or are they a package deal?