New Zealand /pol

NZG/ Kiwi pol for all New Zealand related topics

Police shutting down Maori Niggers roadblock’s.

Air New Zealand stopping most flights to North America.

Total Active Wu Flu cases below 400.

Australia open to reopening border with New Zealand.

Not Political but wondering if you Kiwi’s prefer Queen’s Town or Wanaka for a ski base?

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Australians fuck spiders


>Police shutting down Maori Niggers roadblock’s.
about fucking time, the useless cunts.

lmao so now Constable Dibble is going to be standing to the side while Mongrel Mob fucks shake down pensioners.

Apparently some will stay of they have a police officer present.

This situation had made be so mad, is this country so cucked to darkies they are afraid of the rule of law.

shameful race based policing policy, even woke faggots are noticing this shit

Yes insane that ever happened, this was supposed to be a society without conflict like that.

Alright Lads how is operation bleach going?

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hey kiwis, did you hear about singapore and china? they relaxed the lockdown and now they have the second wave. are you ready for the second wave? jacinda is, you can be sure of that.

That’s Wigger shit

based, hope it hits Auckland the most.

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Borders not opening for another year, we are just going to level 3:

>liking any of those shit hole tourist traps.

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Nah fuck that I’m about to move to Waihiki island, in Piha now. Government said I can’t leave Auckland region cause of level 3.

Where do you like?

I am a tourist, an American.

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hey kiwis, did you hear about how the virus never goes away. i bet jacinda and your media tells you this sort of thing all the time so you are informed.

based but you don't need to say hey kiwis everytime you post.

So 34.5 million sheep?

Gonna buy a house in middle earth once the lock downs lift, lads

South Island best Island

Fuck sheep shagging niggers

White women in NZ are either wiggers, bogans or Shitlibs

We are shedding cases quick now, Australia’s doing better and they don’t even have real lockdown.

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No he’s talking about impregnating Maori girls and dumping them to make the gene pool white. I say it’s wigger retard shit.

Yeah this lockdown is completely fucking pointless. The lockdown is only supposed to happen when hospitals reach 50% capacity, and stop when the number of people in hospitals decreases again. The idea is to reach heard immunity as fast as possible without overwhelming hospitals. This lockdown is way too early. The virus is gonna start spreading again when the lockdown ends.

>tell the oversease faggots the good spots
Fuck off.

I mean its not hard, there is less than a dozen skifields in nz.

Also, Fuck off. We are Full.

also, Twonukes, fuck off.

so 34.5 million sheep in total?

How did you know?

Idk sounds like cope over towns you can’t afford, their isn’t much housing near the major mountains.

I cant say this with out sounding like a fucking dick head. But, I'm actually really intelligent.

Be kind!!!!!

hey based kiwi.

>your just poor bro.
You think that one up all by your self?

Must have seen my comment on R/New Zealand, that’s pretty obscure.

Who here shops at /New world/

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Tell me these amazing hidden sky town I don’t know about if it’s true.

I say the flaxniggers can do what they want, and I should fucking off back to where I belong - not that there is anything of England left seeing as it is over run by mudslimes.
Our ancestors made a mistake coming here, fuck globalism.

I've got a good memory.

Re read my posts.

>Still think’s he’s English and wants to give land back to darkies

Doubled cuked

I mean it’s not like I’m going anywhere, you might as well accept me as one of your own.

Blood and soil.