What happened to chivalry?

what happened to chivalry?

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Modern woman killed it by wanting to be equal.

women didn't deserve it then and they definitely don't deserve it now, it's one of the few positive changes our civilization has made

Knights grew fat, balding and have decided to play WoW instead of work on themselves.

what a FAGGOT fucking image holy fucking shit
my balls recoiled back inside my own body at how fuckin gay this faggot shit is
can you imagine the absolute neckbeard fedora fucking simp fuck that sat there and drew this?
holy shit

Not even wrong

Can't show your virtue when your lane is stolen by someone who already has theirs

it was a meme
really chivalry was shit like, you couldn't take a woman if she was alone, but if she had a man with her and you beat the fuck out of him it was okay to take her then

It's not the old ages anymore grandpapa.


Literally donated to a girlgamer streamer 5 minutes ago on twitch faggot.

that sounds like the modern piece of shit retards idea of masculinity so I assume it's false

Women became feminist whores; therefore, not worth chivalry.

A gay guy or female wrote this

The picture is exaggeration but that's how you usually treat your loved ones, user. You've never been in relationships, have you?
Have sex.

I hope she read this bro
you're totally getting in after that post bro

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that's the historical origin of it

there are a lot of women who can be a real pain the the ass. Thats what happened.

hope your loved ones get raped

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A fit guy who has never invested enough time to be good at WoW and has realised how much of a time waste mmorpgs are in time wrote this.


Why so bitter? You got hurt?

kikes killed it

I don't think alot of people play it anymore since mordhau was released

Is defending whores and used goods chivalry?

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>chivalry was about being a tryhard for some woman
That part is symbolic


Imagine not being nice to girls
No wonder youre virgins who can't get laid

Women stopped being worth it.

that picture broke my brain

>being a nice guy

>women bad men good
>feminism bad

No one wants to be a competent subservient to a group. If men are expected to protect women, then they must receive something in return or else they are subservient. Feminism eliminated the thing that men were getting in return. So chivalry died with that. It’s that’s simple.

it's considered rape now

this but unironically

The story is some teen girl got knocked up and her boyfriend dumped her ass, then she met the orc looking guy who is into preggos and he was willing to give her shelter in exchange for sex, happy ending(?) since the guy married the ho.
The artist's other works are more brutal towards women.


Men have ears so women are shitty.

It never really existed. Knights did a lot of raping, like all military men before them

Feminism happened.

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that is a very unusual story for a doujin

It still exists.

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Jews happened.