Its genuinely hilarious that men think that robots will replace WOMEN and wait for it.... make them OBSOLETE hahaha lmao fucking little pathetic insufferable bitches. You are adorable.
Let me remind you stinky cumstains again...
ALL MEN ARE MUTATIONS. XY hybrids. The Y is a broken X chromosome. .
FEMALE is the BASE/ORIGINAL biological sex.
All males start as FEMALE in the womb until the SRY gene is activated to produce testosterone. The penis is an elongated CLITORIS. The scrotum is intact LABIA majora. (Hence the seam on the ballsack.) Males have NONFUNCTIONING nipples. The prostate was coined as "The Male Vagina" up until the 20th century. Even HERMAPHRODITES are more female than male almost never having testosterone and almost always having ovaries. Women will never become obsolete the only sex that will is males. The Y chromosome is shrinking and is 1000x smaller than the X Chromosome. In ancient times the woman produced ASEXUALLY through PARTHENOGENESIS like alot of creatures in nature do. This was what the allegorical "GARDEN OF EDEN" was. Adam was androgynous and was split into eve. They produced through partheongenesis and fell because sex. The original sin. Males were introduced because parthenogenesis was only creating clones of the woman. So the Y chromosome introduced variation. But nature always will simplify after it diversifies. Expansion and contraction.
The first line in the bible is "in the beginning there was darkness" this means the void/womb/waters. Aka the "FEMININE principle" in nature. It was the infinite potential. Just like the womb which has malleable potential. Formlessness. Creation was an egg/single cell existence. It split from itself to mirror and become aware of itself.. creating DUALITY. The feminine/Mother asexually produced the Masculine principle of herself. Meaning she is the masculine also. The passive becomes the active.
Men will become obsolete before women do
The reason you fucks hate feminism and think it doesnt make sense is because it doesn't even make sense to WOMEN. The collective unconscious of the female knows SHE is superior but in this modern time she cannot outright express this or say this. It is not "politically correct" we are not EQUAL there is no such thing as equal that is a lie to lower women down to size of jealous men. The patriarchy destroyed the womans psyche into hating herself which manifested in overcompensation and narcissism and neurosis.
Here's something I find absolutely entertaining. I have been banned on this site multiple times just for saying this because paper skin mods and entitled crybaby men that cant take the truth. I have seen far worse said on this image board and they always ban me... hmmm. That's because there is a fucking agenda and women like me get tortured and raped and killed for speaking this truth. Most women dont even know the beginning of what has really been stolen from us.
All your mumbo jumbo doesn't matter.
To a man, you either offer him some benefit or you do not. Men are rational creatures.
Benefits can be companionship, sex, kids, help with housework, cooking etc. If women cannot provide these things, they offer no benefit to men..and worse yet, because of legalities, women become high risk.
Under these circumstances, as far as men are concerned, women are "obsolete". Men move on to other self validating tasks in their lives besides pairing with women and having families with them. So all your biological nonsense means jack shit.
kinda agree with you op
feminism is nagging
the biggest shit test of our time
nagged men have a shorter lifespan
so be it famalan, see ya in hell roasties
At least you aren't using a meme flag
Based and schizopilled
Then go make an all woman society. Why is it men have built and invented everything? Why is it men run society? You can't scream patriarchy because no one is stopping you from getting up and leaving. You are too comfortable and lazy to get up and start your own society. Even if you and several other women did, while I can't find the image, women have been found to be completely inept at these things.
You are also most likely a tranny. That means, not a woman.
This is also a slide thread.
>Eve was born through parthenogenesis
What about
"Male and female created He them"?
You sound like you eat dicks for a living, user.
Men are squares. Women are circles. Women's societies would be more like how nature is run. Chaotic. Men thrive in society because it was literally built to cater to their energy. Masculine energy is active which means it rules the physical. Women work behind the scenes. Which mean their energy is what keeps a man motivated to even operate a society. The muse. The potential is the woman. The woman molds things from afar where it is not inherently noticed or manifested in a physical sense. The woman has done far more than you can conceive. This is why the HOLY SPIRIT is the MOTHER. she works in silence and is the aether. The unseeable unmovable unknowable force.
Men will make themselves obsolete until they learn their place of worshipping the feminine again. They should be the ones offering women something. Women should also love and comfort men but never cater to them. That is not true feminity. Nature(mother) controls man and always will. Just like man is fashioned of her(earth) he will die and go back to her. Until he learns to cultivate his feminine and succumb to her power. He will live in misery and be forever lost and jaded.
The bible was wrongly translated on purpose. In Hebrew "adamah" means humanity and there are gender specific pronouns for all words. Adamah has bo gender specific pronoun.
And I'm schizo yet you think I'm a shill lol! I'm literally a 26 year old female that actually has comprehension and awareness of how shit actually is. You wish and hope I was a shill but sorry I'm just speaking truths that are too hard to swallow.
Metaphorically maybe.
Making ourselves obsolete as a species is a monumentally retarded use of our capabilities, yet liberals came along and here we are...
God created MAN First NOT WO-MAN or SUB MAN
Femcel, or just pissed from reading pol threads? Who is the most attractive male to you that you can think of? Would you prefer a robot version of them, or scissor some woman until you are full blown Asari?
>gets raped and tortured
clocks ticking girl
men useful into their 80s
women useless at 40
>This is why the HOLY SPIRIT is the MOTHER.
God is without gender, nice try Ishtarian
Men and Women need each other there's no inferior or superior.
>The first line in the bible is "in the beginning there was darkness"
You couldn't even get this right. It's the first line, it's not that hard to look up.
>In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
>Which mean their energy is what keeps a man motivated to even operate a society. The muse. The potential is the woman. The woman molds things from afar where it is not inherently noticed or manifested in a physical sense.
your only a muse if you haven't sucked 20 dicks and been in countless gang bangs men are idealists thats why we fight losing battles when a woman just spreads her legs and accepts it you want to know why men don't go out of their way for women anymore because your no longer worth the struggle and FEMININE society encourages whoredom backbitting bitching(like your doing now) and deception in women these things make you ugly and unappealing. you are not a prize anymore your not something worth winning worth conquering you are net negative a parasite that gives nothing back
Imagine actually typing all that out.
>I have been banned on this site multiple times just for saying this
You were probably banned because your rambling doesn't make any kind of sense.
Women are not worthy of worship. Look how easy and pathetic you have become. You're hopelessly naive and far too easy to manipulate. I dont think you can be superior. You're closer to children than men.
You easily get tricked into vice like ponography. You get used as toys by men. Fucked, humiliated and discarded on camera for the world to see forever as it's on the internet. Tricked into thinking abortion is womens rights. Tricked into working 9-5 as being empowering. Tricked into thinking kids are a burden. You're fucking dumb and buy into whatever "media" and "education" tell you.
Mental Gymnastics: The Post
Please tell me this is bait
UHHH I DONT THINK SO. GET OVER IT ROASTE. You're being replaced!
Women are inferior because they are like children and naive? So with pure hearts that's long for connection, love, and lightheartedness? Women are superior because they are martyrs they sacrifice their bodies their minds their egos and dignity for man. Her son. They are the passive principle and the active through him. She works through him to achieve her goal. You come from her you will go back to her. Women are tricked into pornography because they are forced to survive in a world that exploits them for acceptance and survival. Her body and her sexual pleasure has been demonized to appeal to men. Because he wants her to be his. To gratify his ego. Her pleasure belongs to him and if it belongs to many others she becomes worthless. Because he loses his self importance. Women should abort children but the point is is that it's not his choice its hers. You say woman is the child but look at you. Just a sad and angry child that hates his own mother because she wasn't warm enough. Didnt coddle you enough. Didnt love you enough. So you blame all women because they dont fit into your ideal.
I dont think so ugly skin head. Wait til women can reproduce asexually again lmfao. Wont be long. And all of you men digress back into nothing. And they will produce children with souls while you npcs fuck metal and get controlled by android "women" and descend back deeped into lower dimensions.
Pseudo science with religion, sounds like a Christian scientist.
You would be perfect on twitter where you could share your vapid ideas and insult people unless you are a white male, then you will be ip perma banned.
Shouldnt* abort children
For the record
You're wrong. Kids with a cucked father have a chance of deranging 6 times harder. It's biology. A lot of self-hate gets injected through having the parents switch roles.
look whos talking about looks roastie. i'm not even bald. that shit is gay af,