You cunts better be up and ready to pay your respects at 6:00AM sharp. I don't give a fuck about a virus, you don't let our lads be forgotten.

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Fuck off cunt, they died for my right to sleep in

To late mate. Waking up at 6am wont help them be remembered we need to take this country back and teach the youth about there sacrifice.

Jokes on you cunt, my 2yr old has me up at 6am every fucking day anyway

The diggers died so I could sleep in and watch trap porn on my phone in bed

Takes such a miniscule amount of your time cunt

>ID is d0G
ya dog cunt

Beers ready.

I will go the war memorial with a boombox and blast some K-pop to honour them.

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what lads, may I respect them too
what's the proper way





>die meaninglessly
At least pay your respects for that one cunt, they literally defended our country.
Of course you can, just take a moment to pour out a beer in honour of our brave young Anzacs

Anzac Day is the gayest shit on earth. It’s a day for normies to talk about some “sacrifice” some dude made by fighting the ottomans 100 years ago. Meanwhile, every person in this country politely ignores the fact that there’s literally hundreds of thousands of veterans under the age of 35 in this country, plenty of whom can’t get a job and many others are topping themselves.

Fuck Anzac Day, it’s fake and gay.

t. Returned Serviceman (op slipper)

They died for nothing, Churchill fucked your boys up.

How should I pay respects?

They died for Australia end of story

Nah fuck Anzac day, it's not even a public holiday

press F

Fair enough, I'll eat some vegimite and have some VB to that.

how about you go ahead and make me cunt.

what's it like being a bogan?

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Driveway service.
And it's a shame it's not in the public eye, I'm with you there, it needs to be acknowledged. But while it commemorates WW1 primarily it's used for pretty much all Anzac conflicts, including WW2, which surely you can respect if you know what lengths were went to.
Iraq and Afghan were shit, I agree, literally no reason to be fucking around in the sand for Israel.
As for you, go be a fucking waste with no respect for your fellow countrymen.

t. achmed

I do not celebrate contract killings of foreigners on foreign soil. Darwin bombing doesn't count as "own land" because it's a boong territory and I am a white Australian.

The real heroes are the chink killers like Daniel Joseph Williams and Stavros Papadopoulos.

I don't need to be respectful nigger. My ancestors were literally the ones who gassed your grandfathers

What a fuckin retard, if your against shit like vietnam and the middle east be my guest. But when the japs were at the door, the ANZAC's stood up.

Every year without fail, till i die. I am constant as the northern star.

>My ancestors

meanwhile the "ancestors" of those Turks in Galipoli are eating dinner with their families.

You got played like a stupid bootlicking drone is supposed to get played.

>Darwin bombing doesn't count as "own land" because it's a boong territory and I am a white Australian.
Look at this retard who thinks giving the japs a beachhead is a good idea.

Yanks love niggers they were well-protected :P

But I'm down here in Tasmania. I have no pity for your asian lovers.

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White Australians died. Besides, as the other dude said, letting the Japs land isn't ideal.

ANZAC day literally is just a free fucking holiday for australians to do nothing, under the pretense of patriotism. Services are literally an hour of boomers barely speaking between their hacking smokers cough and wheeze as they drone on about

>"muh japs in the trenches"
>"muh I fought and died to protect this country show me respect zoomer".

I think not faggot, respect is earned not freely given, I don't give a shit about these boomers as I have no reason to give a shit in the first place.

learn how to play two up
get blind drunk by 11am

Stop being ausfags

Australians congratulate you for your patriotism civilian. kek

stop being niggers

I don't want a free holiday. I want a country.

Clearly ours has been bought and sold by foreigners. All of history's wars are useless when we are now a chink colony.

Then go off yourself, go wank in your bedroom to fucking trap porn, just know at the back of your mind you're scum that does not belong here.
Sacrifices and contributions were made to ensure you would actually live to do that. But you can't even manage lighting a candle and standing in your driveway.

Prime Anglo stock and they all died for jews. What a waste

>pay your respects at 6:00AM sharp
>posts this at 8 am

>Look at this retard who thinks giving the japs a beachhead is a good idea
Yet we willingly gave control of Darwin port to Chinese Communist government for 99 years

why the fuck would I? As I said, i have no reason to give a fuck. I did not fight nor was I even fucking born. Imagine if every fucking country had a free day because of a war. As for watching trap porn...keep projecting bruce.

based toothpaste

Do you know how timezones work you stoner? I mean tomorrow, AEST.
They died so that Japan wouldn't be 2cm away.
Do you exist in a bubble? If these contributions were not made you may not have been here. It is a reason to give a slight fuck.