Gypsy holocaust in Romania

A day doesnt pass without these crows getting beaten and making it in the news.
Every gypsy that posts a live video of him violating the quarantine gets beaten up by the police.

Here's a video of police officers beating some gypsies that insulted them on facebook:

What's going to happen next fellas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hopefully they send them back to India, fucking gypsums are scum



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That beating pretty much canceled the 7 Days Race War. Good guys won.

>Every gypsy that posts a live video of him violating the quarantine gets beaten up by the police
Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that Romania would become so based.
Construction of the Bucharest - Danube channel with forced labor when?

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BASED. We start with the gypsies and slowly work our way up.

It won't take long until the EU comes in slamming the authorities with "you wuz racist, you must pay"

The same EU that sold out Italy and the rest to fucking China and Russia? Let that Judeo-German fiction die out

isn't getting arrested and beaten by the police like a picnic afternoon for gypsies? just some shit they do to pass the time?

No, that's beating kids up for going to school because these places are banned for Roma children with their nomadic caravan heritage, not even joking

shitskins vs. shitskins

Says the shitskin. Ironic.

The EU currently doesn't give a shit because it doesn't have time to do so.
Once this whole ordeal with corona ends Italy will leave the EU. Probably Spain and France as well. The EU will implode and disappear.

I thought Salvini got kicked out though.

Also police are now using drones and helicopters to spot gypsoids.

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This reminds me of old Yas Forums we actually get to see something escalate from 5 days ago.

we are the single most based NATION on earth

Another video.

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They don't merit expensive Hellfire missiles but there's some cheap Russian unguided rockets they could fire in clusters at them.

Attached: Mil_Mi-24,_armamento,_Museo_Nacional_de_Bulgaria,_marzo_de_2011.jpg (3072x2304, 3.19M)

Good, fuck those weirdos.

Looks promising...

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Why bulgarians though? I always thought they're nice.

Stop sending them over here! We're full!

pre WW1, WW1 and they stole our land n shieet

After this, probably all of them will leave as refugees. Be prepared.

I still don't understand out of all the genocides in WW2 nobody thought to finally get rid of the gypsy and turk problem. Sometimes I think we're a race of fucktards who have no problem genociding each other, but foreigners? Oh noz not our based brown person.

WW2 = a gigantic fucking waste with nothing achieved on all sides

Everything is a holocaust these days, huh?


These screams...


Beat all these parasites, please.

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See this be the problem. Europe fighting over scraps when they should be shifting populations outward and take back mother fucking Anatolia. What the hell is wrong with everyone in Europe?

Russia might as well give Siberia away if they aren't going to shift that way. Make fun of America all you want but we kept expanding and would've swallowed Canada too if not for the British Empire. Our YOLO moment.

>them special police with ski masks on
I've heard from my Romanian coworker that these fellas don't fuck around, how are they called ?

You cant solve gypsy problem without socialist government. All adult females must be shot and all adult males must be sentenced for life in gulag and children must be sent to be reeducated in normal orphanages.
Deemoncratic Romanian can't do this shit so it is fucked

mass deportation of all crows when

Jandarmi kinda similar with the italian carabinieri

Where? To the hell?

You mean the police special forces? They used to be called S.I.A.S, now they're just S.A.S I guess.
I think they're the ones with the aks standing and watching.
The other masked ones wearing black are regular gendarmerie.

Do you do this with your caucasus niggers?

In Scotland people refer to Gypsies as Romanians or Slovaks. I feel sorry for the real people of these countries.

Ahh yeah that's the word, colleague told a story how some cigans were causing trouble in a night club so two vans of jandars rolled up to fix that. Said literally everyone in the club got hit, man, woman doesn't matter.

We hame democratic libshit regime. Stalin did it.

same here. Romanians or Bulgarians.

Stalin moved people around only to kill nationalism. Look at what piece of garbage is Moldova at this point.

How about changing the EU into a less leftist/faggot union?