What can be done to bring peace to the middle east?
What can be done to bring peace to the middle east?
Glass it out including Israel.
unironically destroy Israel and kill the Jews who control America.
The USA could leave them the fuck alone.
Who the fuck cares about the middle east just fucking deport everyone in the west of an ethnicity from that region and stop them from coming.
Leave it the fuck alone and let them all kill each other.
Crusade and conversion. Muslims and Jews have been and still are the problem.
By leaving them alone and focus on the cuckoldry thats happening in white countries being flooded by brown people and niggers
pull out our (lol) military and let them (israel and MENA) mutually destroy each other
that's in a perfect world
we do not live in a perfect world
Collect all the good people and put them on boats in the Mediterranean Sea; and carpet-bomb the whole Middle East.
Then sink the boats
>leave them the fuck alone.
religion of peace never did anything to nobody.
just let them be
Some type of cheap and effective means of private and discreet in home sex selection for pregnancy. Have them select for more girls.
The problem with polygamy is that it creates a subclass of violent incels. The middle east has to get rid of its fighting aged incels as they are a threat to leadership, governance and peace. This is why they have eternal tribal battles.
If they instead had enough women for all of them to have multiple wives, and the value of pussy plummeted, the men would be busy trying to provide for their wives.
Bonus if you can not only select for more girls, but somehow make them sterile at birth.
Make it a state of Plastine.
RUB it in radioactive ash and only one state should survive and that is Israel
>What can be done to bring peace to the middle east?
Transition to 100% renewable energy sources sinking oil/gas prices to such levels that countries in middle east would have to stop putting all their eggs in to one basket. There would be very little incentive for fight over for bunch of desert.
what will these sandnegroes do when the oil is like 10$ per barrel, even breeding camels is more profitable now
Make it Christian
Get rid of the middle easterners
>renewable energy sources
very expensive meme
Destroy pissreal, in minecraft.
Dismantle Saudi Arabia, and end the export of dangerous Wahhabism.
Redraw borders along ethnic lines.
That will more or less sort things out.
Yeah but the population would explode exponentially after a generation.
Glass 'em.
When oil is $10 american refineries get shut down and job loss happens as they can't compete like it's happening right now, and we once again go back to 35-50 level.Saudi Arabia wins no matter what.
all good except the 3rd point
the border lines are fake made by some kike frenchman and british lord
we need to reunite the levant and make a maghreb union (wonder why these retards havent made one yet)
as for the gulf make an islamic hejaz state just like the vatican and remove the emirates mindset of having a prince for every district and have them run actual elections before their oil money runs out and they get raped by their citizens
Literally leave and turn a blind eye. Let Iran sort it all out.
Based. Fucking A. I said the same thing before even entering this thread. Use dirty nukes too so the Holy Land is radioactive for a few thousand years so no one resettles there. Since no one can play nice there no one gets to play.
you dont know what a crusade is then you dumb donkey
the whole point was to build a 3rd temple for the messiah
waa waa muh jews
Unironically yes, nuke "the holy land" and mecca off of existence. When Evangelitards, Kikes, and Muslims all realize they're going to hell they'll hopefully kill themselves too.
based and fpbppilled
The main point was to stop muslim agression against Europe.
who is she?