Who did it?

Back when Pol was Pol, you guys that did this would come clean when called out!

Who did it?

Attached: wuhan_plague.jpg (344x340, 52.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Keep crying murica

fuck off nu-faggot

This place is anonymous dude.


No racists here anymore?

Just meme-flagging 10 year olds?

It was me =) I confess

Attached: diabolical.jpg (1536x1690, 319.45K)

>back then
You were on reddit back then faggot

Attached: gook toiletpaper masks.jpg (725x788, 438.09K)

>reddit spacing
all fields

Go ahead user,

Spill the beans...

(Then Vice can write the follow up article, "Yas Forums racists take credit for insensitive Wuhan Plague images")

I saw Stacey Abrams do it.

There we go, user.

Tell us, are you a racist, user?

How exactly do you punish Chinese with this sign?

Attached: boss_hog.jpg (524x556, 68.78K)


what's the metal and purity?

Yes of course I believe in differences among the races like all healthy individuals.

Winnie The Pooh just a symbol for China in general now?

How many did you put up user? Is it an ongoing campaign?

Attached: nazi grandma pic.jpg (451x600, 75.33K)

Attached: 1501652064343.gif (488x291, 3.7M)

How do we prove it?

Attached: 1518010460470.jpg (1024x1024, 65.84K)


9 Gag

>If you don't see how these plaques are racist and harming people and the importance of freedom of speech, keep it on your personal page.
>harming...freedom of speech

Yes you dumb bitch that's exactly what you're doing harming freedom of speech.

>Georgia does not have a hate crime statute of any kind, so local police will likely have to hand over the case to the federal government in order to prosecute the unlawful act under federal hate crime laws following an arrest.

And Vice, just pushes more people to Yas Forums

hey OP you going to be a faggit or you going to give us your source

Attached: fag sensor.webm (616x360, 775.34K)

It was probably some Taiwan or fulan gong chinkese-American

Uhhhh, See the second postd, user.

no faggit i want to ebay link for the .9995 troy oz silver version

Yeah I'd love a round of this, good way to commemorate. Maybe the reverse could have Corona-chan.

>Lieutenant Wilson, apparently he is assigned specifically to this issue. His email is [email protected]

you know what to do pol

Attached: 3d shitposting.gif (212x240, 3.79M)

Not exactly, but still...

Attached: bat quarter breitbart.jpg (707x867, 183.01K)

I want big tiddy chinese bat lady.

>And Vice, just pushes more people to Yas Forums
This. Not too long ago I was a normie-con, but then all the tech platforms started banning even mainstream conservative voices for “violating their community standards” so I finally came here to read opposing viewpoints and actual free speech and now I’m ready to vote for the next Hitler.


Also, fb snowflake linked in report.

You know what to do...

Attached: wuhan_plague_snowflake.jpg (714x680, 171.01K)

Welcome home fren

Attached: EVHm9u8U0AEo1bD.jpg (554x496, 82.19K)