Explain to me how red states aren't the niggers of states? Stop hogging all the gibs!
Explain to me how red states aren't the niggers of states? Stop hogging all the gibs!
They literally are, but only because that's where all the niggers are!
It wasn't regular residents of Kentucky that got the money it was a few (((corporations))) who received federal subsidies. However in NY it was the individual residents that receive the federal money because no corporation is based in NY for tax reasons
In conclusion, long live the National Socialist Revolution
Huh, how are they red then if niggers vote blue?
4 of the 5 worse fiscal states are blue. Kentucky is on that list and you can say they are also blue because the Governor is Democrat so 5 out of 5 worst states are blue. Next worst states like California and New York are all blue. Cuomo has been the most retarded Governor in this crisis
Red states are full of niggers and or farms, both of which are heavily subsidized.
Let's talk about poverty rates and why you have the highest. You as a progressive faggot have no right whining about fairness, as you believe in progressive income tax. So pay up and shut up piggy.
You lose your voting rights when you go to prison and 1 out of 3 black males end up in prison.
Also, I've seen their gerrymandering and it's fucking magic. The Republicans there will draw districts that look like giraffes to scoop up just a handful of whites in the district up in the corner somewhere and turn it red. It is inspirational.
There are still more white people there. There are just more niggers there by percentage than anywhere else and most of them absorb welfare and cannot be bothered to vote.
maybe fiscally by the state level but they pump more money to the feds than they take out. Southern states are welfare queens
I thought Democrats were about helping the poor? Why is he picking on the poor people in Kentucky? They need help more than the people in new York
Which is good. The blue states are all about helping the poor and underprivileged right?
You mean like how Democrats in Virginia changed the voting districts you dumb fuck
Yes they do because all the niggers. Look at California. They being the biggest economy is the US and they are broke from over spending and corruption. All they do is raise taxes and dumb fucks still vote for these kikes
Virginia has pretty competent and aggressive democratic leadership at the moment, in case you haven't noticed they've been in the news a lot lately.
>It is inspirational.
It truly is.
Some of the reddest states are also the most nigger-infested states.
LA, MS, AL, SC, all of them are strongly GOP despite being ~35-40% nigger bc the Whites there possess racial identity.
>NYS puts $116 billion in
>Kentucky takes $146 billion out
>4x the population, 25% larger land mass and ocean access as well as wall street and a border with Canuckistan
>Why do we make more money than a landlocked state that is surrounded by more land locked states?
Geography is the primary reason. Plus the whole fact that New York has always been a trade heavy city since the British landed it.
Please eat shit and die. OP is a nigger.
Yeah great leadership when their testing has stalled and their cases are rising with their draconian stay at home policies
Blue states have been living off of red states for decades. The providers should get the gibs, not the users.
because they send a ton of money to the feds
absolutely wrong
Imagine not draining money from ZOG. Work harder and pay more taxes goy.
Imagine being this retarded. They raised the gas tax to fund the high speed rail train and that money went missing. Its corruption. You obviously dont know what your talking about
see this you red state nigger.
>NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out.
I'm sure this is accounting for EVERYTHING put towards maintaining new york city. Something tells me they are leaving a ton of the welfare programs, "free" lunch program for school nigger kids, housing vouchers, etc. out of that calculation especially sense there is no source on these numbers.
>Ignores all the niggers taking everything from the state and federal budget in Mississippi when the state has more niggers than NYC where most of the niggers are located in the state.
its federal taxes put in vs federal aid received. Look at the population of each state and realize that kentucky is a welfare state
>blue states are tech producers
>tech generally requires vast input from other sources
>red states provide that to them
>Blue states vote for laws that force red states to provide their resources to blue states instead of largest bidder
>blue states get cheaper goods and then sell tech for higher profits while red has to deal with selling their shit for low prices to blue with no chance of selling to a higher bidder
>blue states then begin to buy from abroad because they get a net income from trade and stop buying domestic because its cheaper to import than buy from red now
>red loses it's economy and has to rely on shekels from gubmint who takes them from taxes of blue
That's why the Pyramid economy system is the greatest truth and fallacy with globalism. All that happens is that once the upper tiers find a cheaper alternative, it moves to that option and leaves the supports in the shit. The supports then struggle for decades while the uppers get richer and richer until a global calamity or plague, like now.
It's why for everything that happens, NatSoc is the fairest to all tiers of society. Communism/collectivism drives everyone to destitution and Capitalism moves the money away from the lower tiers of the economy until the top tier has the power to buy elsewhere, leaving the lower tiers fucked by immigration or lack of trade. NatSoc enforces fair trade and nationalism within a nation to the point it's culturally engrained after a couple of generations.
I know what he's comparing but who knows how he got to these numbers since there is zero source and also who knows if everything is factored into the calculation. The different populations is proving my point. Comparing a state where niggers are mainly located in one city to a state where niggers are all through out the state makes no sense. It is literally one segment of the population making it a welfare state and this isn't even comparing the size of the economies of the two states, one is landlocked the other isn't, etc.
You don't get money until it is 100000 dead democrats.
That's true.
20m population vs 5m population and yet they still collect more gibs
Stop posting this shit over and over faggot
They don't collect MORE gibs. They just produce less financial value. Given that Wall Street alone accounts for that difference, I'd say it's more likely NYS is less productive per capita despite Kentucky being a landlocked flyover state.
I also imagine ALOT of that federal "aid" is due to corn/onions bean production which New York State doesn't have much of.
I live in alabama, most of the whites here are bigger niggers than the niggers.