This Man

What is your opinion of this man Yas Forums?

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That's not even a human, it's a fucking insectoid.

He's a commie.

Should be shot in the head like all other commies.


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that's my childhood friend winnie the pooh

Ant. He is a fucking ant insect

What's wrong with China?


He'll be remembered more than any current politician a 1000 years from now.

He's a tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff

Apples scream when you bite them

The most powerful man in the world.

Any new lewds of his daughter?

Based. Incredibly based. Wish he was the leader of Australia.

He's btfoing the US in AI and 5g, he's the new king

He looks like Winnie the pooh

he's a smart man but cruel and power crazed

he basically is

Best, most competent contemporary world leader without a doubt

Should be hunted and shot in the neck like the animal he is

based giga chad

Winnie the Who??

One of the most powerful and intelligent person in the world, also probably the one who create the chance to put everyone of us in a dystopian future

just another despot trying to play the pharaoh game. time has caught up to the chinese cheats to the top. this kung flu crap will give them at most 3 years before the great decline resumes.

His interests may sometimes collide with mine, that's all.
Amerimutts however treat their politics like religion. One retarded ideology after another, demanding everyone else dismantle their culture/race so their Jew masters can make a profit from it.

ping gua

>all those salty cuck anwer
>buys anyway cheap shit chink stuff

china did literally nothing wrong

I hope he gets a new 3 foot long species of tape worm infestation up his ass.

Tell ya what Japan. How about you guys finish the job you started in 1937.

This time we'll stay out of it & keep anyone else from interfering.
>jews get jack shit
>japan restored to superpower
>alliance between east-asian & germanic rebuilt
The last time these 2 allied it took the rest of the world together to beat them

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>having to fake videos to show how tough chinese are

Who is that?