Internet is the worst thing ever invented

This is a zoomer saying this who was born after it was invented. Everyone in my generation is severely fucked in the head has absolutely no social skills and would probably be classified as a retard if this was the 50s. Every person regardless of race male or female is depressed and just wants to not exist. We all hate ourselves and spend countless hours just mindlessly watching YouTube or tiktok. Sending pics of our faces on Snapchat our attention span is so low we can’t watch 5 minutes of a movie without checking our phone. I look at videos from the past and I see normal people. People who are happy. People excited to be alive and for their future.
If you were to send one of them into our schools they would think it was a horror movie People today have no soul. We don’t believe in anything. We all hate each other including ourselves. Are we in hell

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Other urls found in this thread:

Zoomers are going to bed fucked worst then millennials , we are likely going to start off our lives in the midsts of the greatest pandaemic or recession or depression in decades, maybe a century. We will take decades to recover from this, but socially it will be worse. I am 19, most people my age are ultra depressed, hate the world, have social skills of a snail, and see no future.

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Social media is not the internet

Hiroshimoot gets the rope

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Quit being a faggot and go outside. Theres plenty of normal zoomers that dont do this shit

quit being a bitch ass

Idealistic thinking. Kids in the 50s suffered brain damage from
leaded gasoline, lmao

And Do what? Get arrested for breaking quarantine?
This is your life, if you don't participate now. Fuck this whole planet.

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Dramatic ass nigger you know you won’t get arrested get some friends

You're not speaking for zoomers, you're speaking for doomers. There are plenty of functional, happy zoomers. What could possibly be more ignorant than decrying the existence of the internet for its supposed consequences when you admit you weren't even around before hand to know what life was like before it? The internet is THE greatest thing ever invented, the fact that some people don't know how to use it, or the fact that there are SOME negative consequences doesn't detract from how wonderful it really is. You have NO IDEA how much crappier life was without the internet. Install the leechblock addon on your PC (if you have one), set up or install anti time-wasting apps\addons to your phone, and start taking control of your time. Just because you're depressive, doesn't give you the right to attack something as great as the internet.

-t. Millennial

Listen to this to get a better sense of the optimism felt about computing and the internet as it emerged:

This. Current shit has barely been around for forty years. Society is still figuring out how to work with total information availability. Zoomers are the first generation to grow up with high-speed digital access 24/7 from birth. Of course plenty of people are going to get fucked. Norms take a while to develop. Omelettes and eggs, right?

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>You have NO IDEA how much crappier life was without the internet.
This is pure, unadulterated, bullshit. Earth was much better place before the internet.

Retard thinking across the board, Happiness levels for men and women have significantly dropped in the past 50 years. You are such a brainlet you assume that technology and gdp equate to happiness. It is not true

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I don't approve of that cover. It's emo as fuck. I could picture some blue haired idiot cutting themselves to that.

I just want the internet to disappear only to stop coming here and become a full blown Yas Forumsirgin, I want to go back to playing autistic bideogayms all day long and forget about the existence of everything else.
Haven't properly played dorf fort in years, ffs.

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Yeah, the video was the point. The music wasn't. Guess I should've said to mute it.

If the internet goes away, electricity is going with it. Explore hobbies outside of these things and find enjoyment in the little things in life.

take the TEDpill, user. every form of technology invented after the wheel has slowly chipped away at our humanity. the industrial revolution was a killing blow. if you dig even deeper, you'll learn that the true evil is currency itself

t. '99 zoomer

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Go camping faggot, somewhere far away, force yourself away from technology for three weeks, no less. See how you feel afterwareds

I did this, I won't go into details unless you request, but I basically went off the grid for a month, using all my vacation time. Changed my life

no, not the internet. it's the web you mean. the internet was a fucking beautiful place before www happened. usenet groups were interesting and it was actually fun to talk to people from around the world. it was all text-based and you had to be kind of a geek to be into it. once they put a shiny face on it (eg: the web), that's when it went to shit because every moron and his brother could now use it and, of course, the like dumb simple shit, so all the companies that make the low-hanging fruit that the masses consume all became trillion dollar companies that consume mindshare and resources. i wish we could go back to 1992.

Wrong. God made woman.

>Changed my life
Yes, changed so drastically that you came here. Again. Ironic, that.

you have started on the path of achieving enlightenment. ask yourself this: are you the pain or are you the thing experiencing the pain? could one exist without the other? does this make them the same?

Good deflection retard. Spend 16 hours of your life here a day I am sure.

Why can't you do this, though? As I said in my other comment, there is software and there are addons for this. I have literally every major news organisation added to my hosts file so I couldn't view them if I wanted to. Create a routine for yourself using Libreoffice Calc, map out your day, go outside for a while so that later on you have the contrast of temperature and climate to make you feel more comfy playing your autistic games; do some reading on a Kindle so you don't damage your eyes; make it a mission to talk to someone IRL if you can; then limit yourself to an hour or two of gaming every day, you'll appreciate it more when you're experiencing growth in general.

You're still posting. Go on and tell me more about your "changed" life, fuckface.

It's certainly not a way to live a good life that's for sure... But I think the internet was a gift and precisely because of that it has become corrupted. The internet was something very special for humankind it was a way of connecting the global consciousness of humanity.

That's okay I fixed it

So much coping, seething, wallowing. Bet it makes your life better huh?

I want a woman's company, but I don't want to deal with women.

Death constantly seems like sweet relief, but dying scares the shit out of me.

I have zero ambition and is perfectly content with my current living standards.

Fuck everything.

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Blocking chans won't do shit because I'll still unblock them. And the rest of the post about "bettering life" is falling on deaf ears, I don't care about having a better life because I gave up on it long ago.
My initial blurt doesn't matter in the slightest because we both know that the internet isn't going anywhere, only some truly apocalyptic event would take it down.
Bet your commie flag makes you feel better, "changed" guy that still posts on 4chins.

The internet is the antichrist and we are witnessing his rise to power.

I started drinking and doing drugs in the early 2000's in my early 20s, this site didn't do anything at all to me. I've already been around lowlifes and niggers before I even found this site. I just don't like the automated shilling over and over nonstop but the internet is dead now.

Yes bro shits over for my generation.
Men and women relationships are down the drain, economy is tanking, overpopulation, liberal hellholes you name it.
This globohomo nonsense needs to go

You boys serious about the depressed shit? I didn't think that many people our age have it but I haven't interacted with someone my own age in a non professional way in over a year.

>-t. Millennial

>Blocking chans won't do shit because I'll still unblock them.

Lock yourself out, and either lose the password, or make it a moderately difficult, time-consuming operation to get back in. Leechblock has a feature that blocks you from the options unless you type a long string of characters, which only takes about 2 minutes, but you can even disable that and set up many barriers to getting back in. You can also set it up to allow you to access Yas Forums for a certain amount of time, say 40 minutes before it blocks you, or during certain times, like from 4pm-5.30pm.

>And the rest of the post about "bettering life" is falling on deaf ears, I don't care about having a better life because I gave up on it long ago.

You haven't given up to the point of death, though, so may as well do your best to get comfy for now and enjoy your games. Don't worry, we're all in store for a long holiday shortly.

>My initial blurt doesn't matter in the slightest because we both know that the internet isn't going anywhere, only some truly apocalyptic event would take it down.

My concern is that I see more and more doomers like the OP blaming the internet rather than taking responsibility, and this culture of blaming the internet gives power to those who want to control and limit it. Although yes, I suppose you individually are just one drop in an ocean, I'd also say you should at least try to avoid speaking such things.

>Men and women relationships are down the drain
Dude I've seen girls doing sexual shit since I was in Elementary school, it got so bad they had to seriously enforce dress codes because the girls asses were hanging out. Women our age are fucking ruined in general never mind as wife/lifetime partner material. Shits fucking wild.

Jesus Christ, Bruce. Imagine doing all that pointless fucking garbage. You sound like you're trapped in a funhouse prison of utter madness yourself.

Probably dude but if YOU want to be happy then stop worrying about OTHERS because you'reeeeeeee such a fucking pusssy grow a pair and complain to your parents before they stop thinking of you XD

We're the first generation ofc we got fucked, is like you were in the 1950s after godzilla and genuinely believe japan has been destroyed

i was a tutor for 2 years for high school students. i got an inside look on many teenage girls' homes, and almost all of them seemed to grow up in seemingly normal white middle-class families. it's amazing how a girl can be brought up so normally and dress like a complete whore. the west is dead

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You idiots are depressed now??? Bro great depression 2.0 is here mellenials and zoomers are fucked

Got any experiences or crazy stories that really black pilled you? Please do share.

But don't you understand the culture is fucked up at its core? You had kids being given access to porn grown men would pass out thinking about years ago. That alone fucks their development. This happens because parents are failing at raising their kids, kids should have their internet access limited if not totally taken away. Yeah at the end of the day kids who are abused and become adults have to take responsibility for their actions and can't use their abuse as an excuse to do messed up shit but you have to address what made them that way to avoid creating more fucked up people.