How come the ENTIRE American military (millions of soldiers) was utterly decimated by a handful of rice farmers with...

How come the ENTIRE American military (millions of soldiers) was utterly decimated by a handful of rice farmers with 1700's muskets?

Attached: Vietnam_War_collection_image_2800x1575-resize-1200x0-50.jpg (1200x675, 111.59K)

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i dont know

Because the rules of engagement were fucked iirc


>Fucking muskets

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What do you mean? It was 6 gorillion power armor space marines defeated by 10 stone age tribals with flint and bone tools.

Its totally not because they were under-trained poorly trained teenagers versus battle hardened guerilla warfare veterans, who know the terrain and, didn't follow the geneva convention

for every american that died, like 14 vietnamese died. fuck off leafn.

in order to determine win or lose you first have to have clear cut objective lines demarcating such. there were none.

Yeah, 14 civilians were killed for every American troop that died. Rarely did the US kill enemy troops. Plus the war cost your country billions of dollars, the Vietnamese paid pocket change and still kicked your asses.

It wasn’t.
Decimation is a Roman practice of killing one in ten soldiers in rebellious units to enforce Roman Rule of Law.

What you suggest by default is that perhaps one in ten Americans in Vietnam were killed by Vietnamese forces. Approximately 58,220 American soldiers died were killed in Vietnam, 2,709,918 soldiers served in Vietnam.

Coronavirus is as likely to kill you as a an American Soldier was likely to die in Vietnam.

My Dad is a vet from that war Sargent First Class
Jumped out of a copter crushed two discs in his back
The Fucker just had surgery
I lived with similar issues but worse, Back Hoe hit me hard
I live now without treatment or pain medication
all of it true
lets see those man bun ass holes do it, live with it.

why are people faggots about this particular word and not words like century, which is literally a unit of 80-100 legionnaires not 100 years

Up yours Chinksect

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Honestly the misuse of the word literal bothers me more


The war ended with peace talks and agreements to withdraw. Then the Democrats canceled the promised supplies and equipment to the South leaving them without material to defend themselves. Literally the whole war and the effort to keep those people free was for nothing because the Democrats didn't want to spend the tiny amount of money to supply them with weapons.

Fuck all Democrats forever.

Now I understand why everyone on this board hates Canadians.

Because you posted on here and speak zoomed English faggot

Here You Go Leaf
Join our military

it wasn't a war. had charlie officially declared war on the united states that place would have been obliterated before the ink was dry. you can call it a quagmire or conflict or an occupation or whatever but it wasn't a war.

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In terms of attrition, the United States was victorious. The "allied" forces in this war lost less people and killed more people.

In terms of the conquering of the land, the United States lost because of how important the east coast of Asia was to Communist Russia and China in the cold war. China and Russia would do anything and everything to prevent America from getting a foothold in the region which could've potentiated a full blown mainland invasion and provided a ripe nuclear weapon launch site

China and the Soviet Union provided a gigantic intelligence network for the farmers to utilize and thats how they ended up coordinating all of their efforts.

Lets be honest, if the vietnamese were truly on their own back then they most likely wouldnt have won.

The point of going there was to gain control of it. Nuking it would mean you'd lose, and neither could you, because you'd get nuked back by Russia.
You got your ass handed there as you did in Afghanistan, and now you're going to die like every empire that touched Afghanistan.

Because jews

It’s always the kikes

because protestors at home didn't want the U.S to fight, even the vietnamese acknowledge this.

Hence the absurdly favorable U.S kill ratio of the Vietkong. They weren't losing militarily, just politically.

>all civilians
cope or bait, sage

The only regrettable thing the US did was not raping enough Vietnamese kids to keep up with the Chinese rape squads that have cucked chinada 1000 times over

>The Rules of Engagement were shit.
>LBJ and Nixon didn't invade the North.
>The media aided anti-war sentiment.

Because the US has never been able to fight against guerrillas without going full genocide/torture/burn it all mode(because the US public does not have the stomach for it). See CIA's Phoenix Program for what would have to be done for actual victory to be achieved. Hell, I wouldn't want it, but if they want to win that's what they'd have to employ on a theater-wide scale.

>getting your ass handed to you by killing so many of the enemy that the people back home call you back to stop the bloodshed
sounds like a proper beating eh

After the Paris Peace talks Democrats cut all the promised military aid, leaving millions to suffer under communist opression ever more.

Ok boomer

War is for destroying healthy goyim DNA and maintaining Jewish hegemony.

The Vietnam war went exactly as intended.

Same reason the Chinks were.

You can't occupy a land where the people don't want to be occupied.