
Was he based or cucked? I don't know much about him.

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when college students quote him i cringe. but he’s based at the core

then you need to get off this faggot internet shit and go read something

the fuck?

lazy faggot

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God is dead, based and redpilled.

He was based with one caveat. His writing was incorrectly interpreted by 20th century (((academics))) as moral relativism which snowballed into the SJW/diversity/multiculturalism onslaught that we're suffering today.

Based, but hard to read. Teenagers think he was edgy and shit up everything with TSZ quotes from the first chapter. No one bothers to read it to the end.

like most Philosophers at the time, he was a useful tool in some rich fag's hands.

wish there was more misogyny in his writings, desu...

He was right about women and how society will create a religion in the absence of one (i.e. modern idpol proves this) but wrong about God's existence.

Neighbour desu. Nietzsche was the child of Schopenhaeur the god of misoginy. most people read Nietzsche without reading SChopenhaeur that's a red flag for not counting his opinion because he prob doesn't even understand nietzsche (the self proclaimed second coming of schopenhaeur

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based and ahead of his time.

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Nietzsche is most definitely not hard to read.
He had a pretty good writing style compared to other philosophers, but I'm not sure about the English version tho. I have only read the original version.

No, I have no mind of my own. I need Yas Forums's approval to like things.

No fuckface, In all serious I couldn't figure his opinion on (((intellectuals))). Many conflicting statements on the net. Probably all out of context. Miguel Serrano loved him so I figured he was based.

He would probably look down on you for asking other people about the meaning

If by (((intellectuals))) you mean jews then you're going to be disappointed. He admired jews and his writing inspired the German jewish intelligentsia in early 20th century...

He based too much cocaine

He was antisemitic and antiorientalistic, no idea how common it was during his time tho.

"Too Jewish. - If God had wanted to become an object of love, he would first of all have had to forgo judging and justice : a judge, and even a gracious judge, is no object of love. The founder of Christianity showed too little of the finer feeling in this respect - being a Jew."

"Too Oriental. - What? A God who loves men! Provided they believe in him, and casts an evil eye and threats upon anyone who does believe in his love! What? A conditional love as the feeling of an almighty God! A love which has not even become master of the sentiments of honour and vengeance? How Oriental is all that! "If I love you, what concern is it to you? is a sufficient criticism of the whole of Christianity."

He had a controversial view on women and depression.

He basically said we're fucked because we gave up the moral function of God.

"Good luck without a higher power to appeal, you fags," said Nietzsche. "You'll come up with some bullshit, fight wars over it, and then accomplish nothing. And then all these postmodernist faggots will try to destroy the last metanarrative: language. Then you'll be raped because nothing is True."

New Dark Ages predicted.

Based. Because we're here.

Observes racial differences =/= antisemitic

He was a true right-winger so he was constantly pointing out hierarchical differences.

He observed that jews practiced slave morality, but it was not intended to be an antisemitic. He makes other comments indicating he admired the shrewdness of jews

Rousseau 2.0
>Society bad, we should worship nature and go back to the old time before G*ds.
>also, of course, what is exotic to me is obviously better than our civilization.

Women create children. They are oN A different plane than men.

in Beyond Good and Evil, he admire jews tho.
He keep changing his mind.

He was just trolling in that one. He just wanted some poontang from that bitch, but he got cucked.

Nietzsche was responsible for this conspiracy.

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I mean he was probably not anti-semitic for the standards back then.
He was even pretty progressive compared to others.
Was opposed to simple-minded decisions like "Close the borders"

I always interpreted it, as to him just giving compliments while still believing Germans are superior. But he was at least more progressive than others and opposed expulsion and the closing of the border.

What is slave morality?

This guy is his great, great, great Nephew. Derek Sloan.

He has a bunch of Nietzsche memorabilia in his house, including some journals. Museum wants them because they resolve some major issues, but the bastards in Germany won't pay.

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A legend in formulating his hatred of normies and all that they do.
Completely based.

But the books gay science and beyond good and evil are 4 years apart. It could be that he changed his views during that time.

He also has journals about Nietzsche's affair with Wagner's wife. Gritty details about her pussy.

bullshit but 'll believe it

Can you link it? I always thought he died a virgin.

Derek Sloan also has a fuck ton about The Gay Science" and the Will To Power. Interpretation notes etc.

Are you trolling? Nothing comes up when I google Derek Sloan and Nietzsche.

Nietzsche and Wagner became close after Nietzsche began visiting Wagner, his wife Cosima (with whom he had a brief affair and later wrote about her in less than flattering terms due to hygiene), and their children at Tribschen, a beautiful house beside Lake Lucerne, about a two-hour train ride from Basle where Nietzsche was a professor of classical philology. In their outlook on life and music, they were both heavily influenced by Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer viewed life as essentially tragic, stressed the value of the arts in helping human beings cope with the miseries of existence, and accorded pride of place to music as the purest expression of the ceaselessly striving Will that underlay the world of appearances and constituted the inner essence of the world.

Civilizations throughout history naturally impose a class structure with a high class and a low class. High class has a master morality that they use to exert power over the low class, and low class creates a slave morality that they use to push back on the high class. Example of slave morality is Christianity

Concept spans all his books so this is grossly oversimplifying.

Sloan has a page about it. Lemme find it.

He has been on the news for being based lately. Give me a few.

Cucked AF, his stance and distrust of God comes from the fact he was unable to find his personal happiness due his own capability of love. He couldnt feel empathy, he was a narcissist cunt and probably also a psycopath that saw people as disposable beings.

He's an enjoyable read but you're better off with Heidegger. A more original thinker and would have fit right in on Yas Forums. He also never turned his back on the party, i.e., never "apologized" for his involvement.

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based af. no one strikes more fear in the christcucked Yas Forums user than Neeche

There is nothing written about an affair.