Red pill me on Obama, I thought he was a really good pres but I was in middle/highschool during his presidency

Red pill me on Obama, I thought he was a really good pres but I was in middle/highschool during his presidency

I hear he's expanded government spying and data collection, is this true? I'd like sauce too please so I can have some assurance that I'm not getting larped

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>I hear he's expanded government spying and data collection, is this true? I'd like sauce too please so I can have some assurance that I'm not getting larped

197. Obama Secretary of State Hillary Clinton worked with Sergey Lavrov and Dmitri Medvedev to create Skolkovo, Russia’s military-civilian version of Silicon Valley; in return, the Russians paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a single speech in Moscow, where he met oligarch Viktor Vekselberg—the man spearheading Skolkovo—and Arkady Dvorkovich, a senior official of Rosatom, the Russian nuclear giant seeking the State Department’s permission to buy Uranium One.

198. The Obama Department of Justice illegally steered Bank of America settlements to leftist activist groups and nonprofits instead of the aggrieved parties; this was done by classifying the settlements as donations.

199. The Obama Justice and Treasury Departments crippled Project Cassandra, the DEA investigation into drug trafficking by Hezbollah; DEA agents said that Obama did it in order to curry favor with Iran.

200. Obama FBI Director James Comey said that Obama “jeopardized” the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails by absolving her publicly, and Loretta Lynch interfered by telling Comey to align himself semantically with the Clinton election campaign.


2R Cain
>Curse of Ham
>Repatriated Kikes
>Sickle Cell (Matt. 15:22)
>Inbred Mosquitoes (Gen. 1:24, Matt. 15:26-7)

XX Cunt
>Submissive Sex (1 Cor. 14:34-5, 1 Tim. 2:11-4)
>Daddy Issues (Gen. 19:8)
>Stupid Bitch (Num. 30:3-16)
>Lustful Whores (Lev. 21:14-5, Tob. 4:12-3, Gal. 5:16-9, Eph. 5:3, 1 Thess. 4:3-5, Heb. 12:16; 13:4)

degenerate, demented, demonic, demoralizing, depressing, detestable, diabolical, discouraging, disgusting, dumb public suicide cuck faggot nigger
niggered fuckee traitor trash burns petrified sage in hell

discriminate the nappy niggers
>Ex. 23:29, Matt. 7:6
boycott the destitute niggers
>Lev. 26:22

enforce the anti-nigger laws
>Lev. 19:19, Deut. 7:1-4; 22:9-11, 2 Chr. 22, Ezek. 44:22, Matt. 5:17-9, Rom. 13:12-4
niggers, jail them all
>Ex. 21:20-1, Luke 12:42-8, 2 Cor. 6:14-7

deport the diseased niggers back to rapebolaidsfrika
>1 Kgs. 8:53, Neh. 13:3, Matt. 25:32, Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 21:24; 22:2
reinstitute apartheid for the hideous nigger sub-sahara
>Gen. 16; 24:3-8; 26:34-5; 27:46; 28:1-2; 28:6-9, Ex. 11:7; 33:16; 34:10-6, Lev. 20:22-6, Josh. 23:5-16, Judg. 3:5-8, Ezra 9; 10:2-19, Neh. 9:2; 10:28-31, Mal. 2:10-2, Matt. 10:34, 1 Cor. 5:9-13

re-enslave the lazy niggers
>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20; 28:1-2; 34, Ex. 21:2-8, Lev. 25:44-6, Eph. 6:5-8, Col. 3:22
penectomize and neuter the retarded niggers
>Deut. 15:17

bomb and shoot up blacked niggers
>Ex. 22:19, Num. 25, Deut. 22:20-1; 23:17-8, Ps. 106:26-43, Prov. 6:24-35, Rom. 1:21-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-20
Lollicost 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA edition
>Gen. 7:21-3; 19:24-9, Num. 12, Deut. 23:2-8, 1 Kgs. 11:1-13, 31-9; 16:30-3; 21:17-29, Neh. 13:23-31, Jer. 2:5-37; 13:15-27, Ezek. 16, Dan. 2:43-4, Hos. 5:3-7; 6:7-10; 7; 10:2-12, Jonah 3:7-9, 1 Cor. 10:5-12, 2 Pet. 2:4-19, Jude 1:4-18, Rev. 2:14, 20-3
>Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, Adulterers (film), The President's Keepers, District 9, The Route, Stories of Our Lives

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Obama authorized a 4-6 million dollar """"relief package"""" to the Iranian government back in 2014 fast foward 6 years Iran bombs our military installations with fancy state-of-the-art russian made surface-to-air missiles, hmmmmmmm now I wonder where a shithole country such as Iran could have gotten the money to afford such things hmmm I guess the world may never know...

13. The Obama IRS illegally provided tax credits and subsidies through federal health exchanges set up by the Department of Health and Human Services; because the law made no provision for IRS involvement, the IRS illegally granted itself the authority to spend $800 billion over 10 years on benefits not authorized by Congress.

14. The Obama IRS illegally granted retroactive tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, an ostensible charity run by Obama’s half-brother Malik; IRS Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner signed the paperwork in one month, which legalized the foundation’s previous three years of illegal fundraising.

15. The Obama Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) allowed straw buyers to illegally import rifles into Mexico in Operation Fast and Furious; several hundred murders—including those of two Americans—resulted.

16. Obama illegally offered positions in the Executive Branch to Democratic senatorial candidate Joe Sestak to keep him from running against Arlen Specter.

17. The Obama administration thwarted Inspector General (IG) investigations into Amtrak, the EPA, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Obama Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch ignored the findings of dozens of IGs.

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He unilaterally murdered american citizens overseas with a drone strike without a trial because he thought he was kang and not a peep from liberal cocksuckers.

On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.

The breadth of the NDAA’s worldwide detention authority violates the Constitution and international law because it is not limited to people captured in an actual armed conflict, as required by the laws of war. Under the Bush administration, similar claims of worldwide detention authority were used to hold even a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil in military custody, and many in Congress assert that the NDAA should be used in the same way. The ACLU does not believe that the NDAA authorizes military detention of American citizens or anyone else in the United States. Any president’s claim of domestic military detention authority under the NDAA would be unconstitutional and illegal. Nevertheless, there is substantial public debate around whether the NDAA could be read even to repeal the Posse Comitatus Act and authorize indefinite military detention without charge or trial within the United States.

He never said drink bleach Lmfao

>I hear he's expanded government spying and data collection, is this true?
Here you go faggot.

Are you still here OP?

Attached: Deep State Ministry of Truth Law.png (1724x1668, 1.43M)

Have you take the Michael Obama pill yet?

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Of course it's true; do your own research. It's not like it's a secret he was wiping his arse with the Constitution. But that's been going on for a long time anyway and Trump does the same. Besides, he's a nigger. Do you really think they created, much less RAN a nation to a first world standard? No? Well, on the surface, that should answer everything you need to know.

I'm here yeah, just a lot to read is all.
This is all damming but doesn't every pres do a lot of fuckery like this? Don't get me wrong, this is all fucked I've got a lot of research to do.

Yes, every president does stuff like this. That should make you begin to really question who's running your country because it isn't the commander in chief.

he was a total faggot honestly
I love that he won the nobel peace prize and killed like 50 civilians by drone in the same month

>The Holyland Foundation has connections to The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Hamas.
>On Dec. 4, 2008 The Holy Land Foundation was found guilty of funding terrorist groups in the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. In 2009, founders of the organization were given sentences of between 15 and 65 years in prison for "funneling $12 million to Hamas. Later in 2009 Obama commuted those sentences.

>Phil Haney - a DHS whistleblower during the Obama Admin was apparently killed yesterday in Southern California," Carter wrote. "Pray for his family and pray they find the person who murdered him. Still trying to get confirmation on details."
>Haney, a former DHS agent, was also the author of "See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad."

>In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him to delete hundreds of files about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. Haney made the case that several attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if some of the files had not been deleted, the Examiner reported.

>Writing in The Hill in February 2016, Haney claimed Obama had thrown the U.S. intelligence community "under the bus" for failing to "connect the dots" after a Nigerian Muslim terror suspect was linked to a failed terror plot on Christmas Day in 2009.

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>This is all damming but doesn't every pres do a lot of fuckery like this? Don't get me wrong,
>but doesn't every pres do a lot of fuckery like this?
What's the point of this Statement?

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He's a nigger

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He was the god damned anti christ and i might be understating that. The dude was pure calculating evil.

1. Nigger in the office

2. Nigger in the office

3. Nigger in the office

PS. he destroyed what it means to be an American in this country.

65K worth of hotdogs btw

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Bobamba just always seemed targeted to me for doing this shit Ig. But shouldn't we be pissed at every pres?

>But shouldn't we be pissed at every pres?
>shouldn't we
Who is We?

Forget about emotional circlejerks, as you have already done, they are irrelevant. But Sentiments always gather more attention than careful deliberation.

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There was so much stuff never reported on about him because he was the presses ideal president, liberals worshiped him, he could do no wrong in their eyes.

Are you serious? The mainstream media actually tried to force the meme of him having a "scandal free presidency", lol.

Huh, I've never thought about it like that.
I don't think I like Yas Forums, but why is this the last place I know of that you can learn this shit? I tried reddit and I got told it was all.conspiracy but didn't really provide any proof which that's every fucking topic on reddit. There's really no other place. I guess Yas Forums has a purpose.

No no, I meant here on Yas Forums and right wing circles. Sorry, I wasn't clear at all. I'm a bit baked.

>no drama Obama


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Mutt's Law

>but why is this the last place I know of that you can learn this shit?
>No no, I meant here on Yas Forums and right wing circles.
> I tried reddit and I got told it was all.conspiracy but didn't really provide any proof which that's every fucking topic on reddit. There's really no other place. I guess Yas Forums has a purpose.
>Pic very related
Did you save screencaps of those faggots back in plebbit?

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Also, I don't think any Anons have mentioned Operation Fast and Furious yet, so I guess I will.

Why a gunrunning scandal codenamed "Fast and Furious," a program run secretly by the U.S. government that sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals, hasn't been pursued by an army of reporters all trying to be the next Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein is a story in itself.

But the state of modern journalism aside, this scandal is so inflammatory few realize that official records show the current director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), B. Todd Jones -- yes the individual the Obama administration brought in to replace ATF Director Kenneth Melson Aug. 30 in an effort to deflect congressional criticism -- also has questions to answer about his involvement in this gunrunning scandal.

Fast and Furious was an operation so cloak-and-dagger Mexican authorities weren't even notified that thousands of semi-automatic firearms were being sold to people in Arizona thought to have links to Mexican drug cartels. According to ATF whistleblowers, in 2009 the U.S. government began instructing gun storeowners to break the law by selling firearms to suspected criminals. ATF agents then, again according to testimony by ATF agents turned whistleblowers, were ordered not to intercept the smugglers but rather to let the guns "walk" across the U.S.-Mexican border and into the hands of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.