Yep, I'm thinking the future is bright.
Generation Z
Hunger games? Harry Putter?
I would say we are fucked up.
Isn't Geneneration Z more like just Fortnite dudes? I'd call these late Millenials if anything.
>I'd rather carry a wand
>a wand that comes with an instant death spell
>an instant death spell without any limits
>a wand that you get to wear with you at all times from age 11
those are milenials retard
God this is fucking cringe i hate people who quote fictional characters
>gen z
Shit nigga they at least 30
>Animal Farm
There's no way anyone is that stupid
Those aren't Gen Z, you moron. Those are millennials, the worst generation in the entire history of Western Civilization. Even worse than the boomers.
t. a Gen Xer
I only see intellectually proficient children who love literature. What's the problem?
Is there a difference?
Zoomers are just millennials with even less financial responsibility.
>The Hunger Games
>1984, Animal Farm
>Harry Potter
>The Giver
Digits say those and The Great Gatsby are the only books this person has ever read
I'm gen Z and openly hate Jews but people still like me, must be cause I'm attractive and also funny.
>T-Those are Millennials, not b-based Gen Z!
I'm thinking you're a faggot.
filthy mudbloods
It's that sad 50 year old gen Xr trying to force a sooner + old guy who talks about mtv and is totally irrelevant alliance
You wasted your life dude.
If you took your dick out of what ever small mammal your fucking, you'd realize that most Gen Z. men are more right wing than any generation since the Silent Generation; While being consoooomers to a given extent, they utterly despise millennial faggots and the rest of their ilk.
>inb4 "Have to be 18 to post here!"
t. Zoomer (2000)
Ordinary girls of gen Z will grow straight in the world where hordes of betas will pay just for their bikini pics and unlimited positive attention and validation from men is always just few clicks away.
It'll be twisted yet interesting to see how much more fucked up the gender relations will get within the next decade.
What's interesting is that there is actually a sexual polarization emerging among Gen Z and younger millennials. This can be seen in the growing standard deviation of reported sexual partners among young people when compared to generations past. At one end people are becoming increasingly hypersexual and promiscuous whereas at the other end people aren't even attempting to date or lose their virginity. While Yas Forums (maybe Yas Forums is more appropriate) would be right that this divergence is more pronounced in men, what's really interesting is that it is developing among women as well - albeit at a slower pace. Essentially, a significant subsection of young women are also beginning to give up on romance just as many young men have been doing. This is part of an emerging secular trend we're seeing in Gen Z towards polarization across many dimensions of life.
>the worst
How about all the fucks that just willingly went along with the draft and went overseas to die for no reason?
The only thing wrong with this pic is that she could have easily made the same informed decision to do this much younger. Cam whoring is pretty safe all things considered. I wonder if she could sue the government by proving that it had cost her a large amount of lost income?
Right wing means nothing other than you believe in liberal democracy slightly less and want to give more money to Israel.
Nah mate. I think acceptance rates of fags have actually fallen with zoomers.
Burn harry potter the warlock to death already
Gen Z is probably the most polarized generation ever. Perhaps it's because of the internet, but many studies have drawn the conclusion that there is far less consensus among Gen Z than in other generations. For instance, in politics Gen Z is far less moderate than past generations reported at their age. Gen Z is more prone to adopting ideologies at the extremes with more reporting far left and far right politics than older generations at the same age. Of course, Gen Z may be the most liberal generation currently (There's conflicting data on this, but even if millennials beat them out they're a close #2), but every generation has seen drift to conservatism with age and it's looking like Gen Z will shape up to be more conservative than millennials. Still, there isn't a lot of good data out there on this topic, so it will be interesting to see what trends emerge from these young voters in the 2020 House election.
I like how they are brainwashed into disarming themselfs and think the propaganda brainwash movies are what makes them rebellious when infact it makes them willingly give up their arms LMFAO.
The jews are fucking geniuses honestly