>50% of white liberal women under 30 diagnosed with a mental disorder (Vdare)

>One of the most iconic images of the last decade is the youngish, female Social Justice Warrior collapsing to the ground and emitting what has been described as “a visceral, primal scream” [Protester who screamed at Trump’s inauguration: ‘This is not America,’ By Martin Geissler, ITV News, January 20. 2017] at the precise moment that Donald Trump was officially inaugurated as President of the United States. The protestor seemed to embody every stereotype about the young, liberal, Snowflake female: childish, attention-seeking, and, most obviously of all, mentally unstable; unable to cope with life’s disappointments and setbacks. A body of research of by psychologist Lee Jussim [Tweet him] has found most stereotypes are empirically accurate [Social Perception and Social Reality, by Lee Jussim, 2012]. And new research, so far only tweeted by the researcher in question, has shown that this stereotype to be more accurate than most. If you meet a liberal female under the age of 30, there is a more than 50% chance that she will have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

was just listening to this on the latest Fash the Nation and Jazz & Allsup are saying that (because the guy who did the study is Jewish) that this article is part of a "wine-nat" jewish conspiracy to slander white women and Karens and is anti-family
what do you guys think?

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FTN got drunk on trying to constantly have the hottest takes. why do you listen to that retarded show?

It's pretty trendy to have a disorder on the left, victim points you know.

Also a lot of people are genuinely fucked up. No tribe, no religion, broken families...oh...oh god I'm gonna consoooooooom!

You don't need to go far to learn this for yourself. Look on almost any social media platform, and the profiles of these females. They will be covered with a laundry list of their problems. All of them seem to be at some level or other; depressed, autistic, have PTSD, manic-depression, one or several eating disorders, BPD, ADD, ADHD, Munchausen's, Munchausen's By Proxy, at least 5 phobias, Oppositional Authority Defiance Disorder, a couple gender disorders, a sexual disorder or two, you name it. Almost all of it "self-diagnosed" so they can claim it just enough to get into some sort of support group or suffering circlejerk, then they battle it out in the Oppression Olympics to amuse themselves.

imagine not knowing modern psychology is the biggest scam of all time. people are weaker today than any point in history. they go to the shrink and tell a son story feeling sorry for themselves. it's all anecdotal unobserved unverified self pity. anyone can have a mental disorder if they want

dr. goldbergstein: oyyyyy veyyyy that sounds terrrrrible! here take some prescription happy pills that nuke your brain chemicals. good! now go back to your empty life with no children 2 cats and the cock carousel until you lose your looks and commit suicide

Half the mental disorders are just used to explain away problems society as a whole has. ADD and ADHD are used by teachers as a scapegoat for how children don't want to sit in a classroom all day to memorize dates of wars (seems kinda obvious). Autism is to explain away why a good portion of smart people don't want to socialize with retards and don't build the skills to do so from it. Etc.

these. psychology is literally 100 years of yids making shit up on the spot then preaching it as matter of fact. IIRC wasnt one of the very first psych publications from a jew about how negroes are non-human?

I see what you're saying, but at the same time a lot of it is insurance scamming. In the US, health insurance only covers psychiatrist consultations if you walk out with a diagnosis. So your option is: get a fake diagnosis for talking to a therapist, or go bankrupt

t. Technically have a "mood disorder not otherwise specified" for going to see a psychiatrist once when I was 16 for about 30 minutes

awesome infograph, anybody with a brain knew this had to be true, it feels so good to see its true over and over again

That's it...? I bet the other 50% are undiagnosed.

Thankfully, jews have invented cures for all of those maladies you've been having, white women

Self-serving bias probably

i dont know. i used to listen to them during the Trump era cause they at least had some political predictions and inside baseball stuff . now it seems like they've gone off the deep end with the muh jews shit. dont get me wrong i know about jews, but every single 'take' is how something is actually jewish or a jewish conspiracy. i think they're just reading content off some specific site. Unz? russia insider?
speaking of "hot takes", i remember in this episode
when corona was still mostly limited to China, they seriously said that coronavirus was started by the Jews in order to crash the economy, by citing the jewish well poisoning meme from the middle ages. rofl . very hard hitting commentary, good for semi-woke normies. and now they're taking credit for taking corona 'seriously'. any fucking retard knew back in jan/feb that this would spread way outside of china ffs and to the US eventually

*in order to crash the _chinese_ economy. yeah . lol

Pretty accurate.

I see he didn’t poll for the far right, go figure. However, it’s most probably conflated into the conservatives due to bias.

The reason for this phenomenon is rooted into identitarianism. Being certain of who you are, with your psyche firmly anchored to fundamental constants (biological essentialism of race, nationalistic identity, religious tendencies that express an inner and outer form of order) turns out as being a net positive for groups and individuals.

Whereas the other side(s) are the very first victims of their own ideological and anti-identitarian weapon of choice: deconstructionism and the resulting manipulative tendencies born from the cluster B disorders that this constant anti-identitarian trauma causes (misery demands company)

What’s worse is that political polarization (the American-exported two-party dichotomy) makes so that confrontation is often impossible with these people. So they live in shit mental conditions, making it worse for others around them, and going as far as to declare mental conditions as normal(ized).


I'd believe this. Also, a lot of women are on the pill too which (in case you forgot) tricks their body into thinking it's in 'always pregnant' mode. That's certainly not natural and can't be healthy for their mind or body. Imagine those hormonal effects added on to all this? Disaster waiting to happen.

Only 50?


“wein-nat”, referring to people who defend Weinstein

It’s annoying hearing them talk about Weinstein

Yeah he’s a Jew, yeah he probably sexually assaulted some women, and yeah he used his power to have sex with them

But unless you think prostitution is rape it’s hard to say he raped all the women he fucked. Many if not most of these women were awarded literal fame and fortune for engaging in sex acts with this kike. If you believe they were all raped then you believe literally any woman who ever took money for sex is a victim of rape

Absurd. These faggots are simps who can never admit women have any degree of agency or be held accountable for any of their actions.

Mike Enoch and the rest all just sound like idiots to me now. Some of them are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to history and politics but they struggle to articulate even basic thoughts which aren’t very complex or accurate

I’m not going to pretend like I’m a simp and women have no responsibility for their actions just to argue that a Jew should be put in jail. It makes no difference what any of us believe on this subject anyway. God how fucking boring it is to hear these faggots drone on about how women dindu nuffin ever. It’s just a constant reminder how brainlets are obsessed with women and sex and how they’re keeping the white race afloat only by the dysgenic effect they have on us by being the ones who breed the most.

I was getting sick of these retards before this shit and now it’s getting ridiculous. They’re so slow to catch on to what’s going on now too, because they’re always focusing on stupid bullshit like this or some pop culture media like tiger king or Star Trek

I could make a better fucking nazi talk show than these idiots with a friend I knew in highschool and talk about more interesting shit like cosmology and physics too. Fucking niggers. To think I almost became a pay cuck

This, also. Mikes kinda becoming paranoid as shit. But he’s also partially right. Jews aren’t all 100% on the same page and a lot of what we see is them fighting each other for money or power. Not so much so they have “all the bases covered”, really it’s often just that they’re fighting each other over their power over us

I literally cannot find the original data set for this. All the links provided in the article, and the tweet that the article sites don't show the numbers presented on the graph.

>suffering circlejerk

their whole ideology IS mental illness. the number is 100%

It should feel bad man.

Mental disorders are not real. They are diagnosed by (((psychologists))) just so they can charge a fortune for treatment.

If you had the heads up you could contain it and just lie about the numbers to make it seem like you did not know.

call me jidf but i dont believe in their historical revisionism (obviously nazis killed jews) and this is really the end result of their hyper autism about jews, where 4d chess is employed to find a jew to blame in every situation and no one else has any agency, and this eventually becomes the only way to debate even people on your side. i dont read anglins site but to seriously argue that 'the jews' would take personal interest in him and pay him shekels to defend weinstein in some little echo chamber on the internet after the court case is already over . its just as stupid as calling trs feds or controlled oppo but i guess they dont get the irony, or its revenge

Mental pressure of ignoring being genocided is immense.

Expect to see more and more of this as our numbers shrink and the total hatred others have for us, programmed by the (((media))), comes pouring out.

Mao's cultural revolution had causes. Specific causes. So will the 'American Holodomor', which surely is what is brewing.

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who? what? again, they said in the first half of Feb that corona was made by jews, in order to weaken China and force them to bend the knee to the IMF or some shit. their evience was mainstream press whining about online antisemites bringing up tropes about jews spreading the plague in the middle ages, and that this was "damage control" . think about that logic here. then a week later htey're talking about how the media is covering up corona to avoid a wallstreet crash in the US lol

I think it's WHInat, women hating incel nationalism, but I maybe wrong. Yeah, FTN isn't wrong, this is being promulgated by the same group that promotes anti-white antagonisms that target women (white women fuck dogs). Anyone in the world can be diagnosed with a mental health disorder, that's just how the system works these days. Kid acts like a kid in schoold? ADHD. Feel sad after the death of a loved one? Adjustment disorder. Feel blue sometimes and anxious? Moderate Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Instead of seeing this as commentary on the system, the "WHInats" interpreted it in the least charitable way to white women because they unironically hate them. They will probably straight up tell you they see jewish men in a higher regard than white women.

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Real mental disorders only affect at most 1% of the population, those people used to be kept in sanitariums. This kind of bullshit is just that, bullshit.

There is zero science behind psychology. Its easy enough to prove even to people who have zero understanding of the subject. "Using the scientific method, explain why Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental disorder". Good luck with that faggots.

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Certainly a lot of psychology is permeated by jews, but some of the most prominent psychologists are white. Jung and Rogers have had a massive impact and their approaches improve people's lives empirically.

yeah. im chalking it up to 1st world problems. people in Africa dont have depression because they're happy just to find something to eat every day

No, the gas chambers are clearly fantasy and most of the stories are clearly made up. It’s gratuitous fantasies of violence and it’s typical of Jews to come up with hysterical delusions about their own persecution. I was forced to study the holocaust for hundreds of hours and I’m surrounded by Jews. They’re insane narcissists

You want to talk about historical revisionism?

A group of people who have dual allegiance with a Apartheid enabled ethnostate with race based laws on who can marry who, and a DNA testing system for citizenship have created

>Jew dominated media environment in which mocking and insulting white people is encouraged, while doing so to any other group, even huge groups with billions of people, is 'racist'.

> Openly nepotistic practices in all levels of jew domianted academia, with numbers impossible due to any level of merit due to their tiny population size. Their IQ, even if its much higher than even they claim, cannot explain their over-representation in what are supposed to be merit based positions.

> Insisting 'white pride' or 'white nationalism' is any different from Asian, Latino, Jewish, or any other form of pride, and designating anything white people do as 'bigoted'.

> Insisting white people are somehow the 'majority', when in fact only 8-10% of the world is white people.

> Formulating and promoting 'critical theory' and intersectional theory as a direct and blind attack solely on western history and peoples.

I can go on and on like this. There is lots more to say. The only way you can justify your specific opinion is if you refuse to admitt to yourself what the statistical and visible reality is showing you. This tiny group (0.20% of world pop) is far over-represented in power, they have their own VERY vocal biases and in-group preferences, they hate us! loxists!)

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Saying a tendency is not a problem does not make the tendency disappear, and it still has effect on the macro-scale because the focus here is groups, not individuals.

nah its as said i spelled it wrong. its referring to that court case & anglin +/- maybe groypers arguing that its was a 'bad precedent' for consent laws whereas the trs crowd thought it was a big win for them and would cause normies and women to suddenly become anti semites

I thought the accusatuon was: the Joos put China up to it.
China is the scapegoat but they contained it, meanwhile the US/world economy crashes, everybody goes to war, Joos win.

thats not revisionism i meant lol

this is an issue with TRS as an organization, I think it was decided by Mike that every take would call out jewish power, whether it was relevant or not. They see their job as making it relevant to whatever the topic is at hand, unfortunately this weakens the overall argument. They're coming off as more and more unhinged.

>they seriously said that coronavirus was started by the Jews in order to crash the economy,
That's still a valid hypothesis.

>> Formulating and promoting 'critical theory' and intersectional theory as a direct and blind attack solely on western history and peoples.

White men free slaves and demand equal rights for working poor. Almost every other culture on earth continues slavery and has authoritarian systems setup to victimize the poor. Get rid of white men and slavery will come roaring back to the west. For jews, slaving is a god-given right, guarnateed to them in their religion. For brown people, slavery is a natural extension of the god-given prosperity of the wealthy over the meagre.

Can you kindly point out the white european countries currently taking part in slavery?

1. An estimated 29.8 million people live in modern slavery today

2. Slavery generates $32 billion for traffickers globally each year

3. Approximately 78% of victims are enslaved for labor, 22% of victims are enslaved for sex

4. 55% of slavery victims are women and girls

5. 26% of slaves today are children under the age of 18

6. The country with the highest percentage of of its population in slavery is Mauritania with approximately 4% of the total population enslaved. This amounts to roughly 140,000 to 160,000 people enslaved — Mauritania’s total population is only a mere 3.8 million.

7. India has the largest number of slavery victims at a horrifying 14 million.

There has been a systematic effort to transfer every single one of the very current and very real sins of the developing world on to westerners. From salvery to racism, the developing world is a complete nightmare from the SJW worldview, yet they are nearly completely silent on this. Up to the 90s issues like female genital mutilation and 3rd world slavery were well known, and western governments used tarrifs, sanctions, travel bans, visas and every other possible method to attempt to convince the foreign governments to stop allowing what the west considers abusive practices, or in may cases practices that are abhorent.

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no. that would imply jews or the establishment want instability, which is exactly what they're arguing against *now* , as they call the coronahoax conspiracy theorists retards
they seriously said that the jews created corona to hurt the Chinese so they would be forced to take IMF loans and open up to the west etc . which is just insanely retarded, anyone with 2 brain cells could see that if htey were locking down cities with millions of people the cat was out of the bag and it would be in New York within a month. their constant retconning pisses me off

White liberals are severely mentally ill. Only demographic on Earth that hate themselves.

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When you're starving you have more pressing concerns that "look at me". Have you seen the hamplanets the "first world" is letting out of their college campuses lately? Clearly not starving, so they double down on anything that gets them the "look at me" brain chemical they need.

i agree
the chinese economy specifically, see my correction
you're basically proving yourself wrong. if you hate them, the Nazis hated them even more, and they had an army

This >
Is an example of a rebutal to the jew dominated, frankfurt school derived 'critical theory' arguments.

The entire SJW system as led by the apartheid state having, ethnocentric and proudly nepotistic people is a paradox. It cannot continue to exist with it's current dialectics and it's current practictioners.

It is only a matter of time before the SJWs come for you, like all golum come for their creators.

Milquetoast european nationalism is not 'white supremacy' you fucking dramaqueens.

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yes. maslows hiearchy of needs and all that shit. self actualization is something only advanced societies and the elite get to worry about

OK I see. But if Joos caused WW 1 and 2 why not 3?

And now they are putting this swill in our text books.

Even as 3-5 million child sex slaves are currently waking up in India, here in the west, all our university level SJW groups have time for is lambasting european identity over colonialism and slavery that not only ended hundreds of years ago, but was financed by the same people financing and benefiting from SJW rhetoric - globalist banker class status quo rich elite.

For shame 'progressives'. You truly are feeding the beast your energy.

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coom to the light user...

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>Whereas the other side(s) are the very first victims of their own ideological and anti-identitarian weapon of choice: deconstructionism and the resulting manipulative tendencies born from the cluster B disorders that this constant anti-identitarian trauma causes (misery demands company)

I wouldn't classify it as their "own" belief system, but as the state sanctioned belief system. Ryan Faulk once laid it out perfectly by saying something to the effect that before the age of 10 the average American has been repeatedly exposed to exaggerated and decontextualized atrocity propaganda in the form of slavery, the holocaust, and segregation. He showed the teaching plans side by side with the percentage each age cohort was likely to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy to really drive the point home. These "leftists" are just people who internalized the propaganda the way it was meant to be internalized, they were successfully cratered by the antiwhite foundation myth.