Why are store shelves still empty?
It's been almost two months since the panic buying began. Why can't stores keep their shelves stocked? Are people still buying more than normal or is the problem farther up the supply chain? Are there genuine shortages? Why hasn't production of things like bleach and lysol ramped up to meet increased demand?
Why are store shelves still empty?
Other urls found in this thread:
broken chain of supply
>common sense
Niggers stole em all
Shelves are fine here in Florida. Publix has had several billion dollar weeks in a row and it’s just now slowing a little. Logistics are tough now, but there’s plenty of food being shipped all over
Can you buy lysol spray or bleach at your stores?
There was a big shipment of bleach last time I went to my grocery store and the stockboy also had lysol wipes on his cart.
You guys are still producing up there? Our government still does but it's a pain in then nuts to transport that to the cities.
this Shit's fucked frens. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Venezuela type shit in other, western countries.
We've got UNiggers warning of "biblical famines", locust plagues, pandemic, supply chain breakdowns, closure of food processing plants, central banks globally trying to print a cure, oil going negative for the first time in history (the fallout from which I couldn't even begin to guess)
It's a shitstorm inside a shitstorm. All I know is we haven't seen shit yet.
>inb4 famines only affect third world shitholes
yes but it will create upward pressure on food prices everywhere - right as we're staring at mass unemployment and massive inflation
tldr: bad
that's the real happening (economic collapse and global food shortage). The pandemic is a distraction. Good luck!
that picture is from the commie soviet union circa 1987, you are a fucking shill fuck you
real talk: food, booze, medicine, certain ppe are all stocked and fine. the bad news: widgets are not being restocked and truckers are losing miles. if you walk down a kitchen aisle and dont see any spatulas, they wont be coming back for a bit.
>The pandemic is a distraction
More of a side dish on the shit buffet imo
My store's shelves aren't empty. I was able to buy normal amount of groceries over the past 2 weeks. I live in KY, where our numbers continue to grow, because stupids keep going out in mass.
There's no shortages of anything?
its very dissapointing here as well, for like 2 weeks there was a tiny shortage on wheat and rice but havent been a problem since sadly
Only antiseptic. As of yesterday, I can still find pasta, plentiful meat, dry meals, even TP. I live in Lex, KY though. But just a few weeks ago, I couldn't find any of this shit, mostly when it was being blown up in the news. Nothing's changed even, over the day our infection rate has gone up over 100, and a few more deaths.
there is supply shut downs
>Why are store shelves still empty?
>It's been almost two months since the panic buying began. Why can't stores keep their shelves stocked? Are people still buying more than normal or is the problem farther up the supply chain? Are there genuine shortages? Why hasn't production of things like bleach and lysol ramped up to meet increased demand?
ban op as a cia larp
I bought a 25lb bag of flour and just make bread myself.
I only need to look at your flag and I already know the answer is "Niggers" even without reading the question.
Haven't been to the store in weeks, but I was thinking of making a supply run while I still can.. who's been to the store lately?
Where are you at op? And what’s out of stock?
because we now live in a socialist country
Fucking lockdown dumbass.
Do people not know how an economy works?
Shut shit down, supply chains dwindle. Only a matter of time before you see more and more shortages.
Not OP, north TX reporting in, large club stores are still out of TP and PPE in afternoons as of last week.
I went to the grocery store yesterday and everything was stocked. Place was basically empty but a ton of signage everywhere to stay 6ft, only walk down aisles one way, etc. Havent seen anywhere like your pic.
I have out in Cali. Still no tp, canned goods almost gone, no dried beans, bread finally got back in stock, meat getting slimmer, produce still abundant, bottled water returned too.
The only shelves that Ive seen empty since the panic buying is the disinfectant and toilet paper shelves. Everything is stocked.
the walmart is still half empty and now one of the grocery stores is closed from the entire staff catching it.
Here stores have been properly stocked since the ~week after initial panic buying that. That being said, Finnish normies also stopped hoarding quite quickly.
the only shelves empy where i live is toilet paper isle, cleaning supplies and flour/yeast section. Everything else is fine but hard to find chicken thighs in club size reeeee.
I’m in South Mississippi. Can’t buy flour.
We all agreed last year to prep and I did to my best, with the notion of supplementing. There ain’t much supplementing.