Attached: gulp.png (600x600, 84.51K)

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lmao drumpf supporters

Now what retards? How are you going to spin this shit?



Good. So then do it faggot.
Drink the fucking bleach bigot.

Nobody cares except Twitter tards.


Attached: 1587702417744.png (1420x1534, 354.64K)


12.6 pH based

I just stuck 10mL of sodium hypochlorite into my leg with mom's insulin needle. I feel amazing, it fucking burned like hell but my feet stopped tingling and my cough has all but cleared up. I

Fish tank cleaner fiasco redux - How many will die this time around?

Attached: EWVe3MsXYAEZenh.jpg (933x622, 112.91K)

No I seriously think OP should fucking khs by drinking straight bleach. He's a faggot and he will not be missed.

Haaaaa... Chemical BURN!

The left can't meme because every one of their critiques is based on falsehood.
It's Trump's fault they completely reinterpreted what they thought DRUMPF! meant. Wait a week it will be some other stupid made up bullshit as they constantly accuse others of what they're doing.

w/o context this meme says to me that trump is saying that if you want a quick end to coron you should kys. thats pretty hardcore rightwing and based. so it fails as a lefty meme.

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Zzzzzzzz...when will you shill faggots understand Shitblue is too stupid to post here

Attached: TheLeftStillCantMeme.jpg (2172x3862, 1.08M)

trumps smart. trumptards follow your leaders advice

Shut the fuck up,you're probably 10


But Trump told you to drink bleach, not him. I mean, it WILL kill the virus.

can i get some actualy source its telling how you lefty shits just spam news sites and shit memes assuming people know what the fuck youre talking about

You sure he wasn't just telling the (((media))) to drink bleach?

It's so pathetic I've laughed my ass off several times today watching them try to flip this.

What did Trump say? I want to hear it from you.

>see if doctors can find a good treatment
Hmm your right, I think I can follow that advise.

injected 5 cc of light, suck it liberals

What do you think the average persons reaction to your shite will be? When critiqued the average human defends. So that’s... 60 million at least. If you keep up with your mocking you’ll dig your own grave. I already cringe half the time I see some dumbass try to flout Biden as the guy who will beat Trump.

inhaling ethanol vapor is a fun way to treat Coronavirus!