I'm scared trump bros...

I'm scared trump bros. everybody is making fun of him for the drink bleach comment and I don't know how to respond other then deflect and shitpost

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November is going to be tough and everyone needs to get out and vote. If we don't Biden's going to try to finish us off once and for all.
There's a reason shills are running "MIGA" demoralization campaigns (watch some bot reply to this on cue) .

why dont you stop playing politics and focus on your own lives.

Suck a black cock, you shareblue faggot

The magic is gone. Nobody's buying the 4D chess shit ever again. Remember when everyone read that Dilbert Faggot talking about how he was a genius manipulator? Nigger couldn't even build a wall. He's a retarded useless fraud. Always has been. Always will be.

it's just bots and shills, dude. USA has already turned the policy corner on Chyna. No chance that sleepy Joe or any other dim wins in 2020

>goes on the politics board
>"stop playing politics"

Yas Forums memed Trump into the White House as a joke.
He was chosen specifically because he would make a fool of himself, cause chaos, and fuck things up.
I guess you are the last person to find out it was all a big joke.

I would seriously kek if boomers started to do dumb shit again after his comment

Ugh Blackpilled again

They should drink bleach.
Do it faggot.

It was a JOKE?!

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i'm not homo, but whos dick would you guys want to suck but still be able to get a kick out of it because the fun aspect outweighs the gross aspect.

8.33 Shekels have been deposited in your account

Imagine worshiping a retard who cucked his daughter out to Kushner and takes orders directly from bibi

Imagine believing America is anything other than a Jewish stronghold

Imagine living in bangladesh. Thats like a shittier India.

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He never said to drink bleach. Liberal jurnalists said that. Stop misquoting him.

Okay I'll agree to that
Thank god I was born better than most Street shitters


Trump had his time.
He chose his path.

Did he help the blue collar base that voted him in? Not really.

He gave himself and his rich buddies a huge tax cut and then decided to try and inflate an asset bubble with an unwarrantedly low interest.

They also got rid of michell Obama’s school lunch program so that the profiteers could profit off poisoning children.

Did he undo Obama’s common core debacle? No.

I dont think hes a bad guy, but, he had to many disperate groups to please. He chose to please his rich buddies and i guess wealthy white evangelicals and jewish people.

Thats fine. I get it. Its politics.

The truth is Obama got Trump elected by trying to perform his communist coup. Trump was nothing more than the antithesis to that dialectic.

Instead of protecting that. He allowed his vocal support to be delisted, demonitized, deplatformed, silenced.

Even if you wanted memes there is no one to do the heavy lifting.

The magic's gone but the enemy inside the gates is still here. Biden wants to flood us with an enormous amount of illegals, and if Trump loses re-election the GOP is going to see nationalism as a failure and revert to being neocons. It's not about his 4d chess, we can hope for a wall at best. It's about making inroads for nationalists at the congressional level

I'm not an american, visited the place a few times, liked the people. What would you say the face of american politics will look like when the zoomers finally have their way ?

Shills gonna shill bro
Welcome to Yas Forums
They will all be proven wrong tommorrow and move on to the next stupid pivot

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Oh it’s the:
>le me le pretending I’m le not a le faggot leftist le nigger

Well then user i would advise you stop being a racist.

>Did he help the blue collar base that voted him in? Not really.
I swear to God, if the GOP just gave up all it's (((libertarian))) bullshit and stopped sucking rich jewish cock every chance it got and actually tried to help workers they'd win every election for 100 years. But they just cannot stop with the deregulate (((wall street))), cut (((billionaires))) taxes, MIGA foreign policy bullshit.

Its called divide and rule for a reason

he says stupid shit all the time its part of his charm

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Just typical neoliberal bullshit but worse. Degenerate culture ruled by multinational oligarchies. Future is bleak.

I dont get it.

Trump isnt a nationalist and he isnt a populist.

He's a regan republican. He saw everyone liked raegan and tried to copy him.
Tax cut, low interest rate, cold
War agaisnt china.

Except the world isnt the world from 1980.

That shit worked that time out of luck because technology allowed for the expansion of pricing and risk assessment radically expanding middle class wealth by inflating home values via the bond market also drugs.

In the new world its a recipe for disaster. But what the fuck do I know. Im a loser at a computer and hes the president.

In a few years they'll cure it using some tech that amounts to shining sunlight inside the body

The docos will feature scientists saying "it sounds crazy, but we actually inject sunlight inside the body"

>everybody is making fun of him
Trump makes it so easy.

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