Trump: America's LAST Republican President:
It's over, prepare accordingly
>America's LAST Republican President
thank g-d.
Whites in America openly celebrated their own destruction
we did we voted for trump. thanks for the virus chink.
Hopefully this covid shit wipes out all the Democraps from NYC.
Just like how Yas Forums celebrates it by forcing the retarded 'bleached' meme and saying it over and over like a bunch of aspie kids with tourettes.
There is no 'bleached'. Only white decline.
I hate most of the people that have ever used this board, past and present.
The new age of colonialism is upon us. Where do we next conquer brothers and sisters?
Nah, he won't be the last Republican President. What will happen instead is the Democratic party will go full commie and the Republicans will become Democrats. They can't get rid of the left-right paradigm, they'll just create fake opposition like they always have.
there is no such thing as a republican or democrat president. Only ZOG puppet or ZOG puppet.
Yah, because having Dems push for mass immigration from third world countries over all lowering the nations IQ and promising more and more social benefits, sounds like a great way to run a country.
lefty whites deserve the genocide they voted for but there are still some based bros that don't. you sound like the later
Why didn't Republicans do more to prevent this when it mattered? Why should we reward Republicans now for failing?
This is now happening in most White western countries.
Look at London, the most popular boys name is now Muhammad....
Why do Jews see the need to censor the word "God"?
Yeah the vaginal destruction of white girls and the personality deconstruction of white men.
Everything according to plan.
Nah, death rate is really low. Something like 1% or less.
God I love katya
yes, only good thing about this virus.
American's era as a republic is nearing its end, The American Empire is about to rise up just as Rome once did.
Meanwhile, republicans push for mass immigration through labor loopholes and illegal hiring, distribution of american jobs overseas, and promising more and more bailouts to corporations. sounds like a great way to run a country.
Death to America.
First and foremost let me encourage you to KYS and your family. "Bleached" is a response to the non-stop spammed "blacked". Mutts are roundly hated everywhere on this board
literally what republicucks do.
its already begun republicans are considered the working class party now
das rite
settle down faggot covid19 is bleach, when she passes we'll be back to 80% white and most jews will have fled back to israel or europe. keep your pants on.
when will this mulattos being good looking meme die
This is extremely hateful and homophobic. You racist white people should learn about biases and stop being bigots.
Stop being bodyphobic racist xenophobic sexist transphobic and last but not least homophobic and learn to accept people for who they really are.
Everybody here on this site should feel ashamed of themselves.
This thread is unfunny and cringe.
Jews are our friends and we should treat them with dignity and respect.
White devils like all of you should get destroyed.
White people are the problem.
Whites do about 99-100% of all the world’s crime anyways.
It would be better off if every single cracker on here killed themselves.
Trump is a facist racist sexist ageist transphobic homophobic bigot that should die.
Communism is the only answer to survive
No it isn't. It was made to encourage race mixing from white males but the people who push it are too retarded to realize that it produces the same end result just perpetuated by different entities.
Inject bleach into your asshole and die, you fucking bastard.
Yup, I hate republicans almost as much as Democrats.
At least they aren't pushing the identity politics bullshit.
They are motivated by greed, Democrats willing want to replace white people.
One's slightly better than the other.
The US was fucked after 1965.
The photo is the absolute sad truth. fuck me, it's sad.
no its made to trigger chinkoids and blacks posting bbc threads