What do we call Austrians!

Help pol this is serious shit!

Ok so we call germans “Hans” but what do we call Austrians? As you know we should insult them from time to time also but we can’t reuse Hans as it’s like calling and Indian a Paki and doesn’t have that same burn.

Please help pls I need to insult Austrians

Attached: 7BA9213B-DF34-4B63-9D3C-EE5FC2BE02DE.jpg (1079x2050, 210.85K)

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I thought we called them chinese

Arnold? Adolf? Only Austrians I can think of.

Yeah I need like an ethnic Austrian only name.

Attached: 3EF0EC4A-4928-4285-9146-BEC7C8D5C04E.jpg (1242x2208, 212.28K)

Australians are just nigger tier, they don't even deserve a special slur. Just ignore them and hopefully one day their country will get nuked into dust, along with nigger canada.

Oh wait I read that as australians.

Would adolf work though? Especially on this board? Seems more like a praise

austrian Otzi
japanese Hanzo


>American education

Attached: 1507420985887.jpg (264x239, 23.98K)

The term “Nazi” was a common nickname for Austrians before Nazism (which the Germans never called it)
>Common Austrian name was Ignatz; shortened as “Nazi”
>the Brits were “Tommies” for Thomas, and Germans “Jerries” for Jerald

Yes on day we will also rid the earth of the Australian menace my burger friend

the austrians and germans are basically the same


Agreed - Fritz would work

Fritz is a really good one but is it Austrian specific or is it German as well? Because when I insult them with Hans they says that’s German


Failed Germans

Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
I bin so schön, i bin so toll
I bin der Anton aus Tirol
Meine gigaschlanken Wadln
San a Wahnsinn für die Madln
Mei Figur a Wunder dar Natur
I bin so stoak und auch so wild
Ich treib es heiß und eisgekühlt
Wippe ich mit dem Gesäß, schreien die Hasen „SOS“
Und wollen den Anton aus Tirol
Blaue Pille, Sellerie, des braucht so a Anton nie
Koa Tattoo und koane Schmäh
A koa Piercing und koa Juche
Bin koa Softie, bin a Tiger
Girls, so an Typ wie mi (ah yeah)
Den gab's noch nie
I bin so schön, i bin so toll
I bin der Anton aus Tirol
Meine gigaschlanken Wadln
San a Wahnsinn für die Madln
Mei Figur a Wunder dar Natur
I bin so stoak und auch so wild
Ich treib es heiß und eisgekühlt
Wippe ich mit dem Gesäß, schreien die Hasen „SOS“
Und wollen den Anton aus Tirol
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Abends dann im Discostadl
Zoag i mi mit fünfzehn Madl
Denn gewinnen kann nur i
Ui, so schön woa i no nie
Lass alle Buam im Regen stehen
Koana is so urig schön
Ah, bin i schön
(Ah, is der schön)
Stoaka Bua, von dir kriag i net gnua
Komm her und mochs mit mia, mein Tiroler Stier
I bin so schön, i bin so toll
I bin der Anton aus Tirol
Meine gigaschlanken Wadln
San a Wahnsinn für die Madln
Mei Figur a Wunder dar Natur
I bin so stoak und auch so wild
Ich treib es heiß und eisgekühlt
Wippe ich mit dem Gesäß, schreien die Hasen „SOS“
Und wollen den Anton aus Tirol
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton!
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la
La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la
La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Real shit here nigga, call her a Czechoslovakian. Austria used to own the entire region, and lost it all because they chose Germany as an ally.

Germans that didn't succeed

If you had to choose between that or Fritz which is better?

I tried that one they just mention Hitler and then I get laughed off

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Me too. They try to confuse us with their flag.
It's like if the leafs put candy cane stripes on their flag.

Attached: Parliamenthaus.jpg (360x360, 24.58K)


Thanks Tom, but I’m not trying to write a research paper here. I just need an insult

There was some German insult for Austrians that translates to canyon shitter. Ask some Germanon about it.

Fritz or Franz will do japbro

Yes, this word:

Translates to “Canyon Shitter” which is what Germans use to insult Austrians

Thanks Jim, but I would prefer like an authentic name that’s not German

Thanks Tom, but if you had to pick one of those?

Franz would be more historically accurate for an Austrian.

based retard

Nice ok so Franz it is!

Ok nobody reply to the thread anymore we got the answer.

Tell her she looks Hungarian.

>last sentence
what fine people single mothers are

>Hitler is the only Austrian
There's this one too.

Attached: josef_fritzl.jpg (1300x1854, 170.59K)


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Call them Wenzl's or Wetzl's


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