Why the fuck should my tax dollars bail out faggots to keep their jobs because their jobs are meaningless...

Why the fuck should my tax dollars bail out faggots to keep their jobs because their jobs are meaningless, and why should I and my children have to pay this debt off. What a fucking joke

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These cunts decided to choose a meaningless career, fuck them. They should get what they deserve and be on shit welfare. The goalkeeper Scheme is bullshit

t.phoneposting fag


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ask not what you can do for the jews
ask what can do the jews do for you

When will the world realise what the jew is doing to the world? How can ((they)) keep getting away with this

Last bump

jews amirte??

jealous wh*te boy?

hahahahah bump

based af, fuck the jews

nice samefagging faggot, i hope your mom rapes you in your sleep you incompetent piece of shit

The only reason this bothers anybody is because of nonwhites.

Jealous of what you stupid ape? fuck off you pepper soup eating faggot

don't listen to niggers, around blacks never relax

>be essential worker
>unable to claim super
>salary reduction through inflation because of money printing given to the unemployed
>super hero credit taken by nurses
Fuck u all.

seethe more whiteoids, we stealin your wyte womens

please lad. take ur meds

Have sex losercel

you must be high on crack you degenerate fucking loser


>t.a fuckin leaf


unironically need communism in Australia

>crying over gibs

you a pathetic example of a human being

Please explain burger user? It bothers me because why should I have to pay for these faggots who decided to choose meaningless careers?
An example, some stupid cunt who is an "event planner", why should I have to pay for these people to keep their jobs. Get a real job fuckers. I work hard as hell in a back breaking trade which is NEEDED. These cunts have had comfy jobs and I have to pay for them to keep their jobs now and probably for the rest of my life. I probably wont be allow to retire till I'm 75 because of this bullshit

show flag, then we can discuss communism

Because turning large parts of your population in to roaming maroders is counter-productive to your maintained anal virginity.

It's a fucking joke user, fuck this welfare state

>Pay taxes
>"Why should I have to pay taxes so others can do nothing?"
>Continue to pay taxes next month
They will milk you for all you're worth and sell your meat when you have no more to give.
Why? Because they can and you are too pathetic to do anything about it.
Get to work wagie, the economy needs you!

tyrone fuck your girl again??