
>A preliminary study of 3,000 New Yorkers found that 13.9% tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday.

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>everything still shut down

How can we get the fuck out of the lockdown even when countless information like the ones in OP keep coming out, and we still get tickets for going outside? How can we come out?


The happening is the very fact that they are closing the world for a nothing virus, you dumb nigger.

So you're telling me that even though most people dont die from it the virus will still kill hundreds of thousands of people if left unchecked?
Very cool!

Oldfags phonepost because of the untold power of the pocket battlestation.
You can shit and piss while posting without the messy accessories

Even with this it's still .5% death rate. That's a 1 in 200 chance, correct?

No, most people die if they have the virus and are put on ventilators. Which then kills them because that's not the right treatment.

But could still develop the full disease in the future.

>death rate a fraction
>viral load still kills hundreds of doctors worldwide, more if they dont have PPE

Get a vaccine and tracking chip, goy, it’s the only way

everyone who has the virus eventually dies, nothingburgers btfo eternally


what has been reported is 30% in the states you dumb fucking leaf

learn English and re-post

Let's just get the meat supply chain rolling again and I'm good

>What do you mean I get sick when working with sick people for an occupation??
>Wow how was I supposed to know
This is you.
A grade A certified retard

its way less. millions of people have the virus, while mis-diagnosing deaths is a very real thing. and if you are a schizo who honestly believes thousands of people are magically dying in their house without going to a hospital and aren't being tested, please ignore this post

Until they put out a set date for the lockdown to end, just assume that it'll keep on going forever.

And if it keeps on going and going, we WILL collapse, 100% assured. They want the cure to be worse than this flu, and everyone will figure that out when it's far too late.

Prepare accordingly no matter what.

I'm pretty sure I (20+) had this fucking thing way back in december when, for the first time in over 15 vaccine-free years, I got the sniffles.

This thing gave me a 38ºC fever for about a day and a half and a bit of a headache, no muscle pain even tough earlier in the day I came down with it I had lifted weights, little to no cough, no sore throat, nothing, it disappeared as fast as it came.

My dad caught it before me (And I likely got it from him), he's an older man (60+), he ran a fever for a couple of days and had a headache too, he then got a very mild but persistent cough that lasted for about two or three weeks.

Both of us are allergic to lots of things so that's probably why it affected us at all.

My mom (50+) seems to have then gotten it from me around New Years, no fever but a bit of a cough and sneezing, it lasted about a week.

My sister (30+) probably caught it too since everyone in the house had it but developed no symptoms whatsoever.

The idea that this thing was confined to China until February is asinine, this has been making the rounds since at least September and was probably going around in earlier years too.

>Coronavirus antibodies
>Antibody tests prove unreliable because they can include other coronaviruses and not just specifically covid-19
Kys nothingburger retard

That's weird. Posts from Japan are supposed to be good. Why do you bring shame to your country, user?

>Antibody tests prove unreliable because they can include other coronaviruses and not just specifically covid-19

So just like your beloved test kits which are throwing gigantic numbers of false positives because they're similarly confusing other coronas for covid?

>everyone who has the virus eventually dies, nothingburgers btfo eternally

Everyone eventually dies period.

> t. English teacher

if there are antibodies you'll die from ADE
if there are no antibodies you'll get re-infected

absolutely do not get the disease

~6% death rate in my state.

Boogaloo cancelled, put away your plate carriers, put the bugout bag in the closet, feed the dog, turn Fox News back on TV.

the happening isn't the virus, it's what the virus will do to the economy

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-24 at 05.08.37.png (1612x460, 132.83K)

the virus isn't even the problem anymore it's what the actual fuck happens when you pause the economy for months and unemployment hits like 30%, the preppers might end up being right if this shit can't be jump-started back online in a timely manner

I'm pretty sure I got it in February. Didn't feel like the flu, it was just a fever that lasted for 3 weeks and yo-yo'ed. Finally was having breathing issues, went to ER, told me it was influenza, had later test it was negative for flu.
Don't have blood type A so I guess I lucked out.

I prepped and hoarded because of the artificially induced economic impacts. It's not over. No regrets.

AIDS Dying Enhancer?
African Dick Energy?
American Dysentery Expedition?

The fuck you on about ho?

Hoarders btfo? Sure. Preppers? The big one could happen tomorrow, in 20 years, or never- but that's the point of being prepared.

I had it in late January confirmed

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Oh no I have all this food though. I guess I'll still eat it over the next year like I originally planned. Guess I just hang on to all that ammo and shoot it whenever I want. How will I ever recover?

except doctors don't typicaly die at this rate. nor do a fraction pof people. Retard

>study of 3,000 New Yorkers found that 13.9% tested positive for coronavirus antibodies
all that means is there were people spreading it around months before anyone even knew about it or at least long enough for them to create so called "antibodies" before the waves of sick people were produced.

Attached: disease x.jpg (662x538, 90.95K)

how the fuck have you not heard about this yet
people are just too retarded and that's why we'll see a huge number of you pass away in the next two years

uh huh
shut the fuck up nigger

Lol. The worse is yet to come. The global supply chain has already been dealt a death blow. Anyone of means is hiding in the ground. Inventories are just starting to use up their reserves. Tick tick bish.

are you fucking autistic or are you a shill pretending to be retarded?

Attached: ronnyOP.jpg (850x400, 44.5K)

Fucking leaf 1 poster faggot

The average age of the dead is LITERALLY 80 (eighty) years old.