Please convince me that comet atlas is not going to hit Earth soon...too much evidence

Greenland 2020
Obvious Corona hoax used to lock people down

Elite fleeing to bunkers in New Zealand + Deep Underground Military Bases that we always knew about

Government officials and staff sent to Cheyenne Mountain

Trump keeps saying "Hidden Enemy" "Invisible Enemy"

Jets around cities under the disguise of airshows

Incoming meteor event could make use of all the other conspiracy shit ID 2020 etc etc

Attached: download (28).jpg (640x472, 59.91K)

Other urls found in this thread: ecuador&src=typed_query&f=live

Its a space ship meant to destroy all humans. Hiding is futile


Atlas disintegrated weeks ago you stupid idiot fuck, it is not even visible anymore because the fragments are so fucking small

Better luck next time kid, while waiting for "muh real habbening"

Fucking idiot hahahah kys. Best part yet: it was less than 1km in diameter.

Stay idiot, stay ignorant hahahah

fucking christ...take your meds

Its hitting us, dude. Just enjoy the time you got left.

Leafs, really no smarter than an actual leaf.

Amateur astronomers have confirmed it breaking up. It's really more like a ball of sand spreading out as it gets closer to the sun though
>t. Amateur Astronomer 2 years


Report in using a new tab, bump inb4 shills

took 2 seconds

Fuck you and your schizo slide thread fucking faggot leaf every single time kys, sage.

It's not going to happen because it never happens. Coronavirus was a fart when we were expecting a giant log.

Go on with your life leaf because you will never see a real happening in your lifetime.

both your IDs say "die"

Because you idiots said it was gonna happen today, but changed the date by a month when the fucking thing failed to appear in the sky.


take meds schizo

have sex incel

With a debris field five times the size of Jupiter, the comet will affect Earth in some way even if it doesn't hit us directly (unless space is fake and gay of course). Also, given that this comet visits us every 6,000 years, I wouldn't be surprised if a fragment from this comet was responsible for the Younger Dryas impact (which probably wiped out advanced civilizations in North America).

Well, space is a meme, so there's that.

You dont have to worry about NEO's. What you should be worrying about is the magnetic pole shift which is entering its final phase of a complete 'flip'

so we're gonna get blasted with birdshot instead

fun times

i hope the comet lands on me and i die

My brother told me they spotted one that’s supposed to as he put it reallt make people scramble years in advance it’s so close on its path. He works for the NSA or did cus that was in 2017. He has been missing since the day after he told me this. ecuador&src=typed_query&f=live

Attached: meanwhile_in_ecuador.jpg (598x626, 48.01K)

this is kinda what i mean...doesnt have to be the comet could be some other kind of natural disaster

hell it could even be nuclear war with china, some kind of extinction event

An elite just flew over my house!

Something is happening alright. Enjoy these days anons, live one day at a time and have no regrets.

Can someone explain why the movie trailer for Greenland got purged from youtube?
>Because, retard, movie theaters are non-essential businesses and therefore..
Stop right there, that makes no fucking sense. Keep the trailer up, push the release date back.

Honestly, all this physical realm is, is just suffering.
let them live, let them suffer.
in death I am free

Attached: E6D145F7-86E0-4B59-B8B9-B4F70F0B8748.png (680x515, 25.94K)

It’ll burn up in the atmosphere

Well, I’m convinced now.

These kikes wont fuck off amd keep trying to promote their movie about a comet.

not a kike just trying to make sense of everything

nothing makes sense right now at all...all the bullshit going on, all over this pathetic virus. It has to be something else

The whole Q thing just sounds too good to be true. And yes I know there are a ton of other reasons they could be hoaxing this however im surprised no one wants to talk about a natural disaster.

Also a quarantine like lock down would be what you would want to do with an event like this. Keep people at their addresses to minimize panic, allow elites and important military to sneak away. Sure you could drop a nuke and create essentially the same thing but that would require a lot more effort.

And honestly fuck off with the schizo shit fuckin zoomers