Jewish Cop Terrorizes Christians, Issues THOUSAND DOLLAR FINES for Walking Dogs

Trump supporters have been getting stalked and harassed in their neighborhoods and on their doorsteps recently by a group of policemen headed up by corrupt officer named "Goldstein" who writes thousand dollar tickets for dog-walkers. An elderly Christian vet tried to let his 2-pound dog pee off to the side of his own private driveway and was immidiately seized upon by a group of crooked police offers who then issued the retiree thousands of dollars worth of tickets for "violating quarantine." An end must be put to this madness and outright persecution of Christians and the conservative elderly by subversive and ruthless police looking to level a grudge.

Elderly Trump supporter on getting $1000 fine for walking in his own parking lot: "Listen up Mr. Goldstein: I will go to jail before I pay a single dime to these people!"


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this is pure insanity.

How exactly is this allowed in America??

Lol. Jewish (((rebel media))) does story about corrupt Jewish cop. What a world we live in.

Despite what autists on here will tell you, Jews hate Christians more than anybody on earth.

even palestinians?

lol ru dumb


i think rebel news is canadian


Dont give this filthy jew any money

what is this recently crap?

oh its happening all over. everywhere. police are arresting residents for opening their windows, taking dogs out to pee; its crazy! watch:

>meme flag
>tries to appeal to 'trump supporters' on Yas Forums
OP is clearly trying to spread blackpills. His tells are obvious as fuck, too.

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Jews hate Christianity merely as an extension of their hatred of Europeans.

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I had a jewish father and a christian mother, I grew up christian.

Still have Jewish genes, faggot.

are you anti simetick or something man? why are u attacking jews they are not our


Stop it.

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How much do you know about America?

really makes you think

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>old conservative white dog walkers

Is this what we've become? We are dog walkers, pathetic skin bags biding our time until death?

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Holy fucking shit

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Judaism (the religion) is disgusting to say the least.

They are bragging about it. Whites are the new better feel scared when you hear the siren wytboi.

I am a lifelong Republican. Always have been, always will be. why

You will never be American.

So are you guys alt right

>Rabbi media

What's your deal jack?? Are u guys conservatives

The cop isn't the Jew, they're talking about hiring a shyster named Sam Goldstein for this guy to get him off the hook for the ticket.

Half of us are, and half of us aren't.


front page

No nigger. Guess again dog fucker

Jews don't accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They hate Christ, and hate the ones who love and accept Christ.

should be pinned tbqhfam

Sup, fellow Kike...FUck you, I actually drop red pills to the goyim. Fuckin elitists...

Welfare/perma-unemployment leads to UBI leads to crypto-digital currency completely traceable where the elites can turn off a person's account at will. Then the social credit system is the regulatory shaming device that keeps the borrowers and freeloaders in line digitally.

It's fake. His lawyers name is Goldstein you fucking tard.

Its Ontario dumb faggot. 0/10 bait

watch the video he says in the first 10 seconds hes coming after Goldstein (the cop) learn to listen

memeflags are all jews

big agree

What is sage? My friends talk about it a lot but idk what it is

Yeah he says with or without his lawyer he will go to jail before paying the fine you stupid leaf

That's not what he says. He says with or without Goldstein he's not paying the ticket. At the end of the video you can hear the Rebel guy say that Sam Goldstein is a brilliant defense attorney.