the whole world hates america

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>the whole world hates america

Like we fuckin' care about some commie poll.

When the shit hits the fan where they live, every one of those people will be weeping and wailing, "When are the Americans going to get here to help us?"

> thinks people give a shit about the opinions of leaves

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If you make a poll in prison about who is a biggest threat to the justice, answer would be the police.

Thanks Israel

International liberals hate the US

Das rite mane

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>everyone envies and hates number one.

white people hate themselves

Hate != fear

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Get fucked, PRC shill. The US and Canada stand together on one very important topic.

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How the fuck is Pakistan second? Lmao what a joke.

No one trusts cave dwelling inbred Islamists with nukes

Lol - all this anti-US bullshit is making us abandon the global system.
Have fun defending your own trade lands and own countries you fucking weak pussies!

it's not easy being the top dog

The poos really hate pakis and there are a lot of them

based finn wtf

>Israel at 5%
Fake news

They should be scared of us.

What good is being a superpower if other countries don't fear you?

Success breeds jealousy.

I really wish we'd just pull all our troops and deployments back to the US for 90 days and let them see what happens.

reminder that between spring 2016 and spring 2017, at least 8% of respondents flipped from not liking china to liking china.


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The South China sea would be screwed over hard if China had free reign like that. Europe would be fine, probably. The Middle East is already a mess so no difference. Don't know about other parts of the world really.

1. You’re a leaf
2. All those counties beg for us to save their asses if they get into any trouble at all, and I bet 90% of them rely on us in some way or another.

Commonwealth is like a family. Literally brothers.

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Lol theres hundreds of threads on pol. You care so much and are butthurt you bothered to come to the only thread you dont care about.

Educacion Americana.

Good, please nuke us.

They hate us 'cause they ain't us

you're forgetting nonwhites, most of those votes come from the nation the US is a threat to, like iran

Though the US isn't a Commonwealth nation. That said, I do also support most Commonwealth nations, particularly the ones that didn't hand over government control to their indigenous populations.

America = Jews and the world doesn't know what they truly hate

>world hates america
Well the poll says we're regarded as the biggest threat, anyways. You lesser nations probably shouldn't fuck with us.

Death to America

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My fellow Americans, tink tink tink tink

Uncle Sam has spoken.

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Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Finn bro for the win

The US government is the greatest threat to world peace. Did you faggot Trumpers forget that he tried to start a war with Iran for shits and giggles?

>had to google leaves to make sure
I only see one nigger here

Yeah the problem is we don’t care what the Old World thinks. You’re largely obsolete desu.

>the whole world hates america
Do something about it our technology is so advanced we don’t even have to leave our chairs to bomb you I’m tired of you irrelevant countries talking shit about us if you’re not Russia or China do not post

I'm an american and I smell like shit.

I brought zee proofs and this is the response I get.
You're the ultimate nigger retard.

based retard
america is a vassal state for the old world

You mean like bombing one goat fucker who was funding terrorist and antagonizing us?

Fucking leafs are retarded.


Only a leaf would confuse these things.

>Isreal not topping the list...

I hate China, though.

>Israel not on top
fake news

Fpbp, founding fathers are smiling down on us based patriotbro

And pulling out of the Iran deal, bombing their airfield, murdering their highest ranking general and goading them into a war. Don't act so weasely, we all know that Trump and Bolton wanted a war for the sake of Israel.

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Imagine this number now

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