Masks in public

I cant be the only Yas Forums member sick of seeing these people wearing masks in public. Sometimes I even sawed people wearing them inside their cars when it is only them. Why cant trump just admit the virus isn't dog shit and let us go back to normal.

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>he didn't buy masks in january

lol summer came early

I call ever fuck with a mask a cuck while waiting in these breadlines. My anger gets greater and greater as I get nearer to the door. Fuck bootlicking mask wearers

you're forced to wear them in all businesses in CT as of monday. even though there is clearly not a pandemic. it is total bullshit.

This is the death of the handshake, millennials using this as an excuse to not shake hands for germ protection but we all know it's because 20 and 30 year olds have clammy, soft hands like a limp fish

>I call ever fuck with a mask a cuck
No you don't.


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This is the one thing I can understand, I've never liked shaking hands with strangers, you never can tell when someone's been rooting around in their nose, or scratching their balls, it has just taken a big wet explosive shit and didn't wash their hands afterwards.

Then stay at home if you afraid to get your hands dirty sissy boy

Obvious retard

Big gov daddy told you you don't need them, now they have pivoted and you can find them because smarter people bought them all. Hahahaha
Have fun suffocating to death faggot hahahahaha SEETHE

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I like seeing people wearing them wrong. Like only covering their mouth -- or dangling it around their necks.

A book was made about you and your bbc boyfriend

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This guy likes fresh jism and feces in his hands. Manly.

Houston its a $1000 fine for not wearing one in public for next 30 days. At least now people will see how much of a police state Texas is!

>death of the handshake
I will not miss it, nasty ass people with nasty hands but im the autistic one for not wanting to rub your shit cum covered filth paws

>Sometimes I even sawed people wearing them inside their cars when it is only them.
>Sometimes I even sawed people
Are you fucking retarded, kid?

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>rim them to say hello
Got it fag

That dumb ass judge can’t enforce that shit. I was listening to the police scanner here earlier and they were busy chasing down loose wildstock and going to Denny’s.

People started boycotting my business because the employees weren’t wearing masks, I hope suicides go up

Autistic maybe but wimp definitely.

But I'm too fucking gorgeous to cover my face with a mask. The public needs to witness my beauty.

He has to play ball until things pan out and then can say he saved 2 million lives because that was the original prediction by the experts that are never wrong and should always trust and also global warming is real the solution is higher taxes and nothing else


Fuck you and your entire shitty lineage of dullards and heathens. Go rot in your shitty flyover, you fucking hick.

>hurr I’m a real man yeah I do handshakes, yeah I have a le heckin epic bearderino, yeah I luv bacon xD, yeah I love watching my wife get rammed by black bulls it’s called being mature incel
I wonder what “person” is behind this post

>I cant be the only Yas Forums member sick of seeing these people wearing masks in public

ya masks are really fucking stupid. this virus is very transmittable but not very dangerous. if it was that bad they woudlnt have to count at hospitals and everyone at grocery stores would already be dead

>acting tough on Yas Forums
>acting tough on the internet
>acting tough
Imagine being this much of a faggot and not offing yourself.

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makes me happy to know that they are more likely to contaminate themselves by wearing a mask
I hope they all sue

maskers are cringe

Lol. I coofed for 15 fuggn days with what I thought was a bad cold in Jan. I’ll always wonder if I had the Slope Shivers

I have been sick of the stupid faggot masks from the outse. Why do incels do this? By wearing these goofy masks to the grocery store, they are now going out of their way to actually make themselves look even more repulsive to women than they already are. Is it just so they can whine about “muh roasties” online and play the victim card? Or do these betas not even have an immune system? Genuinely confused. It’s like they expend more time and energy on being little bitches than it would take to just sack up and be a cool guy. Maybe try throwing a bottle of Vitamin C in your grocery cart instead of just cases of spam and 20 pound bags of beans ffs (lol!). I see these pathetic little worms meekly pushing their cuck carts around the supermarket with their fear filled eyes darting back and forth while they try to stay as far away from the other customers as humanly possible. Meanwhile, grocery stores are THE premier location for practicing day game imho and talking about this Coronavirus hoax bullshit is the perfect icebreaker. I find the cuties are getting really put off by all the inceldom they are witnessing right now and really welcome the opportunity to chat with an outgoing guy who maintains his composure and can still be fun & laid back during these ridiculous times.

Some of the masks are based.

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What do you think?

I wear it in my car when it’s only me so I don’t have to fuck with putting it on before I get out of the car.