This shit gave me a hard-on Yas Forums
How right was it?
This shit gave me a hard-on Yas Forums
How right was it?
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After watching this I was real pissed at the feds
But then I realized that netflix most likely portrayed a completely anti-police bias. Not once in the show were the feds not portrayed as evil demons and the christians made to look like absolute saints just living peaceful lives
i was blown away by this -
i wonder if we can expect a pro-timothy mcviegh movie next!
They had nothing to do with the show. Paramount Network produced it. I have no idea why people think just because something is on Netflix that they made it.
Zoomers "blown away" by the story of Waco. Fucking punks. Any oldfags in here that actually remember living through it?
>Zoomers "blown away" by the story of Waco.
Isn't this a good thing though? Would you rather them not know about it, or worse, believe the ATF's side of what happened during the siege?
>Would you rather them not know about it
That's a fair point. I suppose it's better for them to be informed. If they're American and didn't know about Waco before watching it on Netflix though, it makes me wonder just what the fuck they are doing on Yas Forums in the first place.
s.s.s-orry senpai
i just wanted to talk about it with you guys because I just finished the last episode. I swear I'm 30 years old and have been here for the past 16 years.
I'm also really lazy
Should of been on here the past couple of days. There were a few threads about it up on here, and Yas Forums, that reached bump limit.
so it was completely truthful then...guess ill have to watch
I'd heard about Waco before, never on Yas Forums though. The only knowledge I had of it before watching the show was that it was a mass suicide of a cult group.
And these niggas are still there then huh?
31.595746, -96.988011
Old fag here.
The government absolutely killed those people.
The feds had no plans of saving anyone. The g-men wanted those kids dead.
>The US government wants you and your kids dead, too.
Anyone one there is an accomplice to murder.
I remember it well. At first I bought the media narrative and thought, "good - fuck that cult."
Then, then I learned about the weavers and the Davidians and how shitty the Feds treated them. Made me kind of angry. I remember bumper stickers that came out "Is your church ATF approved?"
Fuck Janet Dyke Reno and the whole Clinton Administration for that. It was the beginning of a serious patriot movement. From what I understand from a few friends, it caused the feds to back down for a while. Now the FBI just tries to sabotage Presidential campaigns.
and upon closer inspection
they still very much hate the clintons
My told my parents to watch it at their house. They expected the show to be about their mass suicide cult ordeal but did not expect what they saw. Changed their mind pretty good
>accomplice to murder
>it caused the feds to back down for a while
Maybe. I think Waco was a turning point in American civilian militarism for a lot of people. It's too bad things were so comfy back then. If the government tried that shit today, you'd probably have 50 Mcveighs and a legitimate civil war on your hands.
It’s a half-pill at best
>good acting
>good scenery
>shows the branch Davidians as okay people, just a bit odd with their polygamy and rules about sex
>Shows the ATF firing first
>shows David willing to work with the feds up until they came in guns blazing
>Davidians did not have illegal guns
>Showed that Davidian children were raised well and were not abused
>Fuck the ATF
>shows the feds and the government as aggressive faggots
>shows that all this shit started as a gay little ATF publicity stunt
>shows the FBI tanks knocking over lamps, causing the fire
>shows the FBI deliberately targeting the kids with the gas
But where it fails:
>never mentions “Clinton” or “Reno” only ever says President or Madam Attorney General
>shows Who is clearly Janet Reno being tricked by 2 Gung-ho FBI hotheads wanting to assault the compound into okaying the assault, as if she didn’t know what was happening
>starts at ruby ridge but shows the woman’s death as a crossfire accident, not an intentional sniping
>shows the FBI as remorseful for what they did and in tears, when in reality they posed for trophy photos over the rubble
>never mentions anything about he investigations that happened after
>never shows FBI firing on the Davidians during the fire
It’s pretty good and helps open your eyes about the whole situation but doesn’t give you the full story
How many people live there now?
You're a fucking retard.
Old fag here, lived north of Temple at the time. My family were Mennonites, my father knew Karesh pretty well, they would often be at our Saturday markets. It was bullshit 100%. My father decided to leave our family cottage and we moved to the city because he thought we were next. He ended up dying a year later and my mom bables on still that (((they))) killed my dad with a heart attack gun.
I'm convinced that if they had gone a lot more in- depth with the show, (((certain people))) would make sure that it never saw the light of day.
That's rough as fuck. Godspeed, man.
this and also the scene where the girl says they follow "Talmudic law."
Why the Hell would Christians be following Talmudic law? I hate netflix.
>I hate netflix
i don't know
i did find this nearby, but i believe this is the church the branch davidians splintered from
The Davidians were basically Seventh-day Adventists. I don't know a lot about it, but I know that there is all types of crazy Jewish shit mixed in with it.
Did he really have multiple wives? If so, they were ripoff Mormons, and Mormons are basically white kikes that worship Satan.
They must have missed that part of the Talmud where it says that Jesus Christ is disgraced and drowning in excriment for all of eternity.
>multiple wives
man just having one is a fucking headache
that scene where koresh is fucking his main bitch and he stops himself because he begins enjoying it. I lold pretty gud
I wonder if the old compound site is open to anyone. You think if it was, people would be all over it like a tourist attraction.
Sadly the weird Christian shit will be the antidote to the red-pill for a lot of people who watch. Same problem with “Out of the Shadows” desu. Otherwise great show and truly based that they tie it together with Ruby Ridge even if they didn’t include the pic related kino
From some jewtube video I saw awhile ago, no one lives there like they used to. A live in maintenance guy and the church services seemed to be it.
That’s the funny part to me. I watched this show last year and I remember being all excited about it. But bam put it on Netflix and automatically it became popular
They hung out with the Mennonite community in the area. It’s why he came to Waco. They are a slightly less technology adverse group of Amish Christians. But yes he did consider himself to have blessed seed and pumped his sperm into every woman that would let him. He was a good looking guy, I cannot understand why the netflix series went with such a faggy beta male to play him.
I think what said is true.
These weren't typical Christian zealots. They were extremely pro-Judaism and wanted to fight along with Jews in the apocalypse. Extremely weird group.
Wanna know something really scary? That show was the pro-government version of the events. The truth is so much worse.
They aren't Christian at all.
I hear ya. It seems like I was the only person on Earth who watched it. There were basically no threads about the show while it was airing, but put it on Netflix and not everyone is talking about it. Shit's stupid.
Hol up. So you be saying da ATF was BASED for gassing the Judie-Christians?
This dude is a giant fag but he let on the property by the caretaker of the compound. Video's 7 years old I think.
Waco, the Ruby Ridge fiasco; the feds were faggots in the 90's. They got their shit pushed in in Oklahoma City though. I always though Mcveigh was a faggot until I learned what he was all about - he might have been the last patriot. I promise I'm not a glownigger.
I agree completely. No one I knew was anything other than red, white, and blue. A little while after this happened, I was at a military school. One of the guys from my fist unit was an instructor for an SF MOS. His school was right down the street from where I was attending. I would stroll down and see hi sometimes at lunch. Anyway, he told me about how SF was really pissed off over Weaver and Waco, and there was a witch hunt going on for some sympathizers in the SF community. He handed me some video tapes these guys had been watching. Now, this was among guys who took their vocation seriously enough to put up with selection and follow on training. The civilians I knew were dialed in as well, at least some of them.
It was interesting times.
Thanks, I'll watch this later
We can't have a world with cults, or cult-like behaviour
except he did kill children