I'm literally shaking right now. I hope Atlanta PD can solve his case quickly and bring the racists responsible to justice.
I'm literally shaking right now...
What crime is this?
Where can I buy one?
Who has the money to pull this off? A plaque like that has to be a few hundred dollaridoos.
How the fuck is this racist?
Some madlad with a CNC machine
It's hilarious. Seriously vice, hurry up and kill the word racist as quickly as you can
why are police investiagting this?
They are bored.
Please explain to me like I'm a redditor who needs it explained to them like they are 5: how is that racist?
Glowniggers in overdrive. Can we just fastforward past this gay shit and right to the hot war?
I have no idea
The greatest thing to come out of this shite city this year.
Proud of that madlad
>police have no leads
What has America become
Putting sticky hilarious stuff on buildings is barely even vandalism. Chinks are not a protected class by our jew overlords, so whoever did this will probably not even be prosecuted if caught.
It’s Jews spreading anti-China nonsense. They want to start another war and kill as many whites as possible.
because it is illegal to insult dear leader Xi
How can we make it racist????
This will get more attention than whites shot by "adult males with dark complexions"
IOTBW posters = racist hate crime
bear eating bat = racist hate crime
I hope the police catch these criminals and put them in jail.
This is why we must always support the police, who keep our society safe.
Vice must be bankrolled by some Chinese corporation or something I would assume.
>This is why we must always support the police, who keep our society safe.
Until they smoke a niglet right?
That’s good solid trolling right there. I respect that.
Do you think the police have a good laugh at these kinds of "crimes"?
That's one comfy cat
Why. Why did it have to be Winnie?!!