Lysol Cured My Rona

You guys have started your disinfectant treatments, right? I feel like I could lick a gas station doorknob and have no ill effects. Trumps a god damn genius.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I shot a Tide pod into my arteries and am now super human

I’m scared of needles so I boofed it and I’ve been shitting my brains out for two straight hours
I feel like a ducking idiot for falling for this, I don’t have any symptoms yet but some dude at home depo was standing nearly 5 feet from me and I got scared.

Inject lysol in my viens
I've reached my last antibody
Suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck if I turn this ventilator off

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haha you let some guy stick stuff inside of you
that makes u gey

I shot some Drano into my dick and then I licked this toilet for like twenty minutes til it was clean and I felt like a million bucks afterward.

AOC for president 2024

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We don't want coronavirus to be cured. It's killing niggers at more than twice the rate of whites. Let it continue until there are no more niggers.

Bio terrorist lefties telling shitheads to lick doorknobs and coof in the produce section, and now this? You jackass minions are beyond hope.

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I see that your bosses got you working overtime... just remember to look out for your unemployed neighbors.

i ate a whole pack of hydroxychloroquine and ate a bunch of pennies and now i'm about to chug some dawn dish soap. gonna beat the rona

You realize Trump just told you media fags to go drink bleach, right?

I snorted a line of Ajax cut with Comet and just accidentally broke my table out of excitement when an Ebola zombie broke in and tried to attack me. I teleported behind it and sliced it up with my katana and then got my dick sucked

This is going to get stale quick

Not even close, nigger. Papa Roach was never cool anyways, faggot

you know no ones gonna fall for that

go larp as an edgelord somewhere else while you fondle the balls of niggers and faggots, leftoid

I'm a combat medic, does that make me a power top?

sure it does.
you're the overlord of grindr

The only thing digits confirm is that you're a gigantic LARPing faggot, that was never said and can't be interpreted that way by anyone other than retards and literal and figurative niggers. I'm not even a MIGA faggot, though I'll be voting for him again this year, but Trump Derangement Syndrome is fucking real

I inject a bleach solution into my patients wounds. It's called a dakins solutions. Sodium hypochlorite. It's basically bleach. Kills bacteria.

>being this buttblasted over hilldawg losing
stay mad, kiddo

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Wounds are not veins, you actual fucking idiot. You ever tried to cure coronavirus with bandages? No? Because one's a virus and one's a WOUND. Stop posting

Gross, I was joking and now I want to hang a faggot from a phone pole. I won't obviously, but only because I love my children and don't want to have to shank niggers in prison instead of watch them grow up

You know only crackheads have needles... typical lefty oblivious meme

you're ok, KUBA.

Jokes on you OP, schizophrenics are immune to rona

my guy are you fr

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I shoot the

Lol I saw that on my ID, fuck me but hey Brazil you're not too shabby yourself. Btw I worked with some people from a Brazilian NGO back in 2016 when I was in Iraq, fucking top notch dudes. They were making fun of the Arabs for being such pussy faggots because they put up with similar shit in favelas across South America lol

Nice false dichotomy bonggot.

Shut up, being scared of needles is extremely common. It’s not like I run and scream or black out, I just have to kind of zone out and not watch.
It makes injecting yourself with anything really fucking impossible.

you guys joke but trump seriously fucked up here, watch this clip of doctors on msnbc saying they couldn't believe that drumpf was telling people to inject disinfectants

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Okay, go "clean out your lungs" with DISINFECTANT like Trump suggested and show me exactly how false that dichotomy is.

>You know only crackheads have needles.
crackheads have pipes, heroin addicts use needles but your bold confidence while stating obvious bullshit makes me think you're a retard and probably an astroturfing shill.

There was a female lawyer who was working for the NGO as a medical volunteer and she telling me about how she killed the guy who raped her back in Brazil lol

for whom the gallows swing


I've given myself IV antibiotics in a dirty Iraqi hotel room after being stabbed. Shut up faggot


The past couple of days I have been sticking my finger up my butt and I kind of like it I think I’m ready to upgrade to BBC now

I meant did you really boof disinfectant because you love daddy trump, not are you really afraid of needles, the fuck

God damn that was a shity post

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>Trump suggest injecting literal poison into your body
>I sleep

>medical experts suggest vaccine to prevent virus infection
>real shit

Trumpoids are chimp tier retarded

Let me guess your girlfriends pozzed bull shoved his dick in your ass and now you feel invincible.

Yeah but you probably aren’t scared of needles.
It’s not like I secretly want to fuck needles, I just have an irrational fear.

> this
After giving myself an ooze-booze enema, I now have enough disinfecting power to wipe out ALL the AIDS in Africa.
I mean, I won't, but I could......

I just inserted a blacklight in my ass, mom is gagging on a compact fluorescent
Thanks stable genius Trump

The native Americans have been doing this for decades.

Don’t patronize me like that, I have my self respect.
Go fuck yourself.