Why do so few americans trust drumpf?

why do so few americans trust drumpf?

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Fucktard. This troll tactic is age old, worn out and useless. Your liberal bullshit is being exposed and your ideology will fail.

Fuck you kike I see you

Digits of truth

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>people don't trust the presidents medical advice
no shit, i wouldn't trust Robert Mugabe to do my taxes either.

t. disinfectant shooters

It's interesting how there's such an effort to blame Trump and so little effort to blame the CCP.

>trust drumpf?
He's a sniveling little worm-boy who lies to refuse personal responsibility for his actions.

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The new American United poll
shows that Trump is right
And is a good source of life saving information
That'swhy most Americans regularly look to him for advice

Of course you're Canadian. That's actually not true. It just gives the illusion that most people don't because the few bitch and complain the loudest. It's been like that for years now.

Do you not remember the option?

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>Hillary is free
>Bill is free
>Assange is locked up
>Snowden is still technically wanted for treason
>James Comey is free
>Rosenstein is free
>Loretta Lynch is free
>No wall
>No improved relations with Russia
>4.3 Million per day given to Israel, even during this pandemic

Geee.. why don’t people trust him

Go drink Bleach

How does anyone trust Trump? The point of Trump is not to be a trust source of information but to cause chaos. How many goddamn years must this be repeated before you goddamn niggers get the message?

Leafs of Faggotry.

Because they're not American. Why do leafs keep making shitty threads?

Because he's a retarded game show host.

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why are all leftists destined to be killed in their homes by angry mobs?

he is an old fat man who is addicted to uppers and lies about everything

Based. Fuck brainwashed disinfo niggers.

This nigga is ultra woke after injecting Lysol directly into his eye balls

Who else do we have? Fuckin' Creepy Joe? Shillary? How about Pelosi?
I will take Trump over the other options available.

AP sure went to shit the moment is started with OPED articles.

>Drumpf exists
Kill yourself, you useless nigger.

At least we’re not speaking German

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Shills shilling overtime today

>Always a fucking leaf
How sad is your life that you follow another countrys politics. You fucking fags

That flag is breaking US flag code, shame, you need to respectfully retire it.

Leaf stay in your own country!
If you don't live in the U.S. you address our president as
President Trump.
And always remember the trade agreement
focus on your own faggot leader!!!
How does it feel to BTFO

Jesus, you guys are brainwashed. Who the fuck cares what you call saggy don, he isn't a monarch, he is a objectively shit politician who can be criticized, like, ya know, a person.

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Trump was never cut out for leadership, only white collar crime. Without his daddy's money, Trump wouldn't exist.

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Lets cut to the facts. The guy is a moron and a colossal loser.

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