Will trannies be allowed in the ethnostate?

Will trannies be allowed in the ethnostate?

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I hope so for the sake of my ballsack fluids emptying

Sure after we win though

Hell yea

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as pig food? sure, can't raise hogs on nigger alone faggot.

Isn't that the butterfly tripfag spastic from /lit/.

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>Will trannies be allowed in the ethnostate?

Only to serve in the frontlines as human minesweepers.

Only the qt ones

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heh he

only for execution

Considering most neet incel weeb disgusting degenerate anti-social unwanted dissidents here assumes they will despite the fact that a NatSoc society built on Darwinism and personal responsibility would likely have considered 90% of the people on this board as a "problem".

Then yeah sure why not trannies. But only the hot ones.

The only thing coming our way is the multiculturalism NWO

Maybe, but definitely not the fat boring lesbo in OP

yes, and then you get the rope

Yes, this is an old ass pic too. It's not a tranny, just a retarded girl

I cured myself from being a degenerate trans by using pimozide and now live as a normal white male. Can I come into the ethnostate now that im reformed?

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We need eugenics.

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c-can I hide in your attic user?

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That’s not butterfly is it? Looks like a guy here

They will be granted privilege of guarding the streets from lamp posts held up by a fixture of hope that is neatly secured around their necks.
Just so that these brave "men" and "women" can vigilantly keep micro-aggressions down and blow their rape whistle at them.

Law Enforcement will come shortly after.

hirnu penisu

I am a blonde haired, blue eyed, pale white, relatively muscular, highly productive “Hispanic” with a Spanish last name.
>mom was German/English
>dad was a vietnam vet 2nd gen Mexican American
>married to an Anglo-Swede
>kids are pale white, blue eyes, blonde
>DNA test shows my Y chromosome comes from Spain, X chromosome from England
>14% Native American
>86% West European

Am I, or my kids, allowed in the ethnostate?

I didn’t read all that shit but Castizos will be the future brother


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Only as kindling, OP.

Cure AIDS and The hiv then the attractive ones might find a spot.

Yea, kill millions more Whites Shitler.

Allowed to pass through the ethnostate on their way to the gas chamber


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There was no holohoax Schlomo

This kike is not having a good time

Yes they will have a place called the cemetery or maybe a comfort place called a killing field but yes they have a place 6 feet under

Purge them with fire

Only if they get therapy for their disorder but gays should be allowed though and the only way for them to take care of children is to pass a strict exam

But at the end of the day there will never be an Ethno state even if there is some retard will be in control of it and we will purity spiral out of control and have like six people in it

Transgenderism is the purest form of faggotry.

No support for mentally sick men, sorry brother

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